Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 352 A morning exercise! Long shot is the way to go!

Four o'clock in the morning.

The waves on the sea became bigger and bigger, hitting the hull of the fishing boat, and the water splashed up and sprinkled on the deck, making it wet and very slippery.

"Seven hundred pounds?"

"How is this possible!?"

"How can anyone catch so many fish? Even if these are all black bream, let alone long-tailed birds!"

Chen Zhiyong was very excited, holding a lit cigarette in his hand. In the first half of the night, I caught a fifty-pound long-tailed bird. I was very satisfied, but when I saw the long-tailed birds caught by Zhao Dahai, I couldn't calm down. No matter the size, quantity or weight, they are all incomparable.

Wang Degao smiled bitterly. He had just passed the scale and caught a seventy-five kilogram long-tailed bird. It was three to five kilograms in size and cost one hundred yuan a kilogram. He made a profit of seven to eight thousand yuan, but what Zhao Dahai caught was ten of his own. times and weighing about 20 kilograms, and the price is higher. I made more than 100,000 yuan at once. Adding in the flying fish I caught yesterday and the cigarette fish I caught in the evening, I made at least 150,000 yuan in just two days after officially starting fishing. .

"calm down!"

"What can we say about this? We are fishing in the same place. The other people caught similar fish to us. Only Zhao Dahai caught so many fish."

"It's not that we can't do it! It's that Zhao Dahai is too powerful!"

Wang Degao pointed to the other people around him who were fishing.

Chen Zhiyong let out a long sigh and took a long puff of cigarette. He was very depressed, but there was nothing he could do. On the same fishing boat, the fishing distance between the front and rear would not exceed 20 meters. Zhao Dahai caught so many long-tailed birds, and All weighed twenty pounds. As a big man, I and the other people on the fishing boat caught less and smaller fish. I could only blame myself, not others.

Wang Degao sighed. Zhao Dahai was already sleeping in the cabin. The rest of them could only sit on the deck blowing the cold sea breeze. The bigger and bigger waves hit the fishing boat, and the splashing sea water hit their faces from time to time. My head was all wet and very uncomfortable.


"No more fishing! No more fishing!"

"A master like Zhao Dahai goes back to the cabin to sleep! The fish will definitely not speak again!"

Chen Zhiyong wiped the sea water from his face, put away the pole, and turned to go to sleep.

Wang Degao thought for a while, put away his pole and went to sleep.

Shi Zhongwei held a thermos cup in one hand, drinking bitter and strong tea, and a lit cigarette in the other hand. He took a puff and looked at the deck. It was empty. At three or four o'clock, someone insisted, and now At almost five o'clock, one by one, they all went back to the cabin to sleep.

Shi Zhong raised his head and looked forward, seeing nothing in the dark sea.

Why is this wave getting bigger and bigger?

You have to take a good look at it at dawn!

Shi Zhongwei frowned, the weather seemed to be getting worse.

Shi Zhong drank the remaining strong tea in the thermos cup, poured out the tea leaves, grabbed a new one, thought about it, grabbed another handful and threw it in, poured hot water, screwed on the lid, and took out a cigarette box, lit another cigarette, and took a long puff. If the weather is bad, be alert.

When Zhao Dahai woke up, the whole cabin was filled with the sound of snoring. The air was very damp and smelly, with a smell of rotten fish and shrimp.

Zhao Dahai didn't care at all. It was like this on a fishing boat. If you couldn't live such a life and couldn't bear such an environment, don't go out to sea.

Zhao Dahai got dressed, stood up, stretched, and remembered his dream last night that he had bought the largest fishing boat in the world.

Zhao Dahai found it a bit funny. He thought about it every day and dreamed about it at night.

Zhao Dahai went on the deck, looked at the sea, and frowned. The waves were not small and the entire sea was covered with a layer of fog. It was almost impossible to see clearly even a hundred meters away.

Weather like this may not allow us to stay here for another day. Driving on the sea in foggy weather is very dangerous.

Zhao Dahai turned around and went back to the fishing boat. Breakfast had already been cooked. There was no need to wait for everyone to eat on the fishing boat. He just had to eat on a first-come-first-served basis. He took the bowls and chopsticks and filled his stomach with big mouthfuls.

After Zhao Dahai finished his breakfast, there was nowhere to go on the fishing boat, so he returned to the deck. After walking around for a few times, he felt bored. He took the lure rod, tied it up and walked to the stern of the fishing boat. He looked down and saw a group of people gathered there. A group of small fish, there should be bigger fish nearby.

Zhao Dahai looked in the direction of the stern of the fishing boat with wide eyes. The fog was very heavy and he couldn't see clearly what was going on on the sea.

Zhao Dahai decided to give it a try. He held the lure rod with both hands and swung it forward hard. The wave flew out towards the sea in the direction of the stern of the fishing boat. He could not see it for a blink of an eye. After a while, he heard the sound of the lure hitting the sea. The sound that comes out.

Zhao Dahai gently twitched twice, stopped, waited for a while and then there was no movement, and then started to twitch vigorously.







Zhao Dahai twitched one after another, and the sound of rhythmic splashing of water echoed on the sea.

Shi Jiehua walked into the cab and saw Shi Zhongwei's eyes widening. He was a little curious. He immediately walked over and followed the line of sight. The entire deck was empty except for Zhao Dahai who was crawling.

"Did you catch any fish?"

Shi Jiehua took the thermos cup and drank a few sips of strong tea. He had just woken up and did not cheer up.

Shi Zhong yawned and shook his head. Zhao Dahai had just started. This was the first shot.

Shi Zhongwei reached for the cigarette case, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He found a lighter in his pocket. Just as he was about to light it, he suddenly saw Zhao Dahai standing at the stern of the boat and raised it fiercely to the left and rear. pole.



Shi Zhongwei saw the tip of the fishing rod in Zhao Dahai's hand bending in a huge arc, indicating that he had hit the fish.


"I'll go take a look!"

Shi Zhong couldn't care less about lighting up his cigarette, so he turned around and ran away, rushing out of the cab.


“This fish is quite big!”

Shi Jiehua looked at the curvature of the tip of the fishing rod in Zhao Dahai's hand. The fish he hooked must be at least thirty kilograms.

What kind of fish did it come from?

Shi Jiehua was very curious.

Shi Zhongwei rushed onto the deck, ran directly to Zhao Dahai, and couldn't wait to ask what kind of fish was hooked.

"Sea bass!"

"He's quite big! I estimate he weighs about thirty pounds!"

"There's a school of fish at the stern of the fishing boat!"

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod tightly with his right hand and quickly turned the spinning wheel with his left hand.

The stern of the sea fishing boat is very high, and there is a certain gap between the sea surface and the sea surface, which is several meters long. It is very easy for the hooked fish to wash its gills. The only way is to quickly reel in the line to pull the fish. You cannot walk the fish, and it is easy to slip the fish. Run fish.

Shi Zhongwei was a little stunned. Could a 30-pound sea bass be pulled back like this?


"The fish is coming to the stern of the boat! Help me copy it!"

Zhao shouted.

Shi Zhongwei immediately took the copy of the website to the stern of the fishing boat and saw a huge sea bass swimming around in the sea water.

Zhao Dahai was not polite at all and continued to close the line. He forcefully pulled the sea bass's head and half of its body out of the water.

In order to see the right moment, Shi Zhong caught a big sea bass with the big fishing net in his hand.

Zhaohai Songxian.

Shi Zhong pulled the big sea bass in the net onto the deck of the fishing boat with both hands, and just put down his desperate struggle to shake his head.

Zhao Dahai took a pair of pliers, stepped on the sea bass, and knocked the fish on the head hard, quieting it down.


"This sea bass is so big!"

Shi Zhong pours out the fish from the net. Sea bass weighing more than ten kilograms are relatively common, but sea bass weighing more than twenty kilograms is not so easy to catch, let alone one weighing more than thirty kilograms. The one caught by Zhao Dahai must have weighed more than thirty kilograms, and it was estimated that it must have weighed forty kilograms.


"There is a group of sea bass on the sea surface about 110 meters away. They are probably all of this size!"

"Are you playing with lures?"

"If you know how, hurry up!"

Zhao Dahai ignored the big sea bass caught on the deck, immediately changed the wire leader, stood at the stern of the fishing boat, swung the pole and threw it out.


"Another one!"

As soon as the wave that Zhao Dahai threw hit the sea surface, a fish bit the wave hard and dragged it away.

Falling water interface.

Zhao Dahai raised the pole to stab the fish. He felt that the hooked fish was bigger than the last one. He immediately twitched the pole twice and stabbed the fish twice to prevent the hook from penetrating the fish's mouth and running away.

Shi Zhongwei became excited. He turned around and was about to run to get the lure rod when he suddenly remembered what Zhao Dahai had just said about the location of the fish school at about 110 meters.

"What the hell!"

"Why are the fish hiding so far away? Can't they get closer?"

Shi Zhongwei was very helpless. I definitely can't throw it from a distance of 110 meters, the fish school is too far away.

Zhao Dahai exerted his strength with both hands and pulled another fish to the side of the fishing boat.

Shi Zhong picked up the fish with the net.

"Does this fish weigh fifty pounds?"

Shi Zhong looked at the big sea bass in the net which was a full circle bigger than the first one.

Zhao Dahai raised his pliers and knocked the sea bass unconscious, took off the hook, checked the wave crawler and the wire leader, and found that there was no problem. Without saying a word, he immediately threw it out again and landed in the same place.

Shi Zhong looked at Zhao Dahai and took two waves to catch another fish. Especially when he saw the curve of the rod tip, he was speechless. This time he hit another fish, another sea bass weighing thirty or forty pounds. .

How long has it been?

Ten minutes or fifteen minutes?

I caught three sea bass in one go, all weighing around 40 pounds.


"Is it such a big sea bass?"


"Hurry up and fish!"

Shi Zhongwei looked back and saw several people rushing out of the cabin. When he saw the two sea bass on the deck, he immediately realized what had happened and turned back to the cabin. After a while, more people rushed out, and everyone held their hands. Shangdu held the lure rod, crowded around Zhao Dahai, and immediately swung the rod.

"excuse me!"

"excuse me!"

When Zhao Dahai saw the crowd around him, he shook his head, shouted loudly to give up his position, pulled the fish away from the stern of the boat, and walked to the side of the fishing boat.

Shi Zhongwei was holding the copy of the website beside Zhao Dahai. After a while, he saw the big sea bass pulled to the side of the fishing boat. He spotted the position of the fish's head, reached down to copy the fish and carried it onto the deck.

Zhao Dahai looked at the stern of the boat and saw that there were more than a dozen people crowded together. Everyone was throwing a rod. So many people would definitely not be able to catch fish. The waves or iron plates thrown out would all be tangled together.

Zhao Dahai put away his pole and would talk later.

"What the hell!"

"Whose thread got tangled up in mine?"

"Get out of the way!"

"Why? Why didn't you get out of the way?"

Shi Zhong shook his head. These are all fishing veterans. They don’t know that so many people are crowded together and the line is easy to get tangled. As a result, no one can catch a fish. But when Zhao Dahai caught such a big sea bass, no one could stand it and wanted to take advantage of it. I want to catch fish in the best position.

Shi Zhong ignored them. It wouldn't take long for these people to calm down.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"This fish is really big. I have never caught such a big sea bass before!"

Shi Zhongwei was very envious.

"All these fish in the deep sea are stupid! You can catch them as long as you cast them in position!"

"It's not difficult!"

Zhao Dahai took a red cable tie and knocked the sea bass unconscious. The mouth was opened very wide, and two fists could fit in. He passed it through the fish's mouth, passed through the fish's ribs, and tied it up. He picked it up and weighed it. At once, each fish weighed more than forty kilograms, and the largest one weighed more than fifty kilograms. All three fish were thrown into the basket.

"No more fishing?"

Shi Zhong wrapped several rounds of lines for the people who were crowded together at the stern of the fishing boat. These people had already agreed to take turns throwing the poles, with only three people at a time.

Zhao Dahai smiled and shook his head.

Shi Zhong remembered what Zhao Dahai had just said. The fish school was at 110 meters. Don't watch these people coming and going. They were very happy to throw. Not many fish could reach 110 meters. Location, can't catch fish.

Zhao Dahai didn't need to fight with these people. He would wait until these people couldn't catch any fish after swinging a few rods and then get out of the way.

"what happened?"

"Why aren't there any fish?"

"What the hell."

"Why can Zhao Dahai catch fish but we can't?"

More than a dozen people spent half an hour, each casting two or three rods, but could not catch a single fish.

Shi Zhongwei laughed and said the location of the fish school at about 110 meters.


"Is it so far away? No wonder I can't catch it!"

"Forget it!"

"I don't have the energy to do this! There's really nothing I can do!"

The people crowded at the stern of the fishing boat were very disappointed. The fish school was too far away, so no wonder they couldn't catch it. A few people didn't give up and used longer fishing rods and replaced them with heavier wave crawlers or iron plates. After trying it, they still couldn't catch it. No fish caught.

Zhao Dahai took his fishing rod to the stern of the fishing boat and started fishing again.

The sun slowly rose, the fog on the sea dispersed, and the fish disappeared.

Zhao Dahai put away his pole and fished for almost an hour. He caught five more sea bass, all of which weighed more than thirty kilograms.

The people around looked at the eight sea bass lying upright on the deck, their faces and moods were very complicated. This was not the first time they saw Zhao Dahai helplessly unable to make money while fishing.

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