Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 361 The longer the line, the bigger the fish!

"Is Zhao Dahai going out to fish?"

Chen Zhiyong watched Zhao Dahai walk out of the cabin.


"Does this need to be said? I must be out fishing for early catch. Isn't now the perfect time?"

Wang Degao was a little hesitant to go out with him.

What Zhao Dagouhai said makes sense. It is indeed possible to catch larger tuna in the early fishing. The tuna is very likely to surface. You don’t need to be as tired as pumping the iron plate. You can catch it by climbing the waves on the water surface.

But now my hands and feet are a little sore. I caught three yellow flag tuna weighing about 30 pounds a few hours ago. It took a lot of energy. I rested for almost an hour without any improvement.


"Go out and see what's going on!"

Chen Zhiyong stood up. He was very tired, but he would not give up until he took a look. If there were fish, he would decide whether to fish or not. If there were no fish, he would go back to the cabin to sleep.

When Wang Degao and others heard that it made sense, they immediately stood up and walked out.

Zhao Dahai stepped onto the deck and couldn't help but shudder. He had just come out of the warm cabin. The sea breeze blowing from the sea, mixed with the flying sea water mist, felt a little cold on his body.


"This early morning sea breeze is really deadly!"

Shi Zhongwei cursed, immediately took out the cigarette in his pocket, lit one and smoked it several times to warm himself up.

Zhao Dahai looked at the deck of the fishing boat. It was all covered with sea water, and then turned to look at the sea outside the fishing boat. The waves were not small. There are fishing boats one after another around, the lights are bright, and they are very conspicuous on the dark sea. A little further away, Platform No. 1 is even brighter.

"How about it?"

"Are there any fish? Can you catch them?"

Shi Zhongwei shrank his neck. The waves on the sea were a little big now, but they were a little smaller than more than an hour ago.

If you have to fish, you can definitely catch it, but whether the fish is worth the time and energy depends on Zhao Dahai.

Shi Zhongwei took a closer look and saw that the decks of the nearby sea boats were all empty. No one was fishing. They were all hiding in the cabins, either sleeping or eating, drinking and smoking.

Zhao Dahai looked at the sea surface for almost ten minutes, trying to find some clues to see if there were any big fish, but found nothing. He decided to give it a try and see if there were any fish.

Zhao Dahai took the fishing rod, took off the iron plate on the front guide of the steel wire and replaced it with a wave crawler. He walked to the front of his fishing position, about one meter away from the side of the fishing boat. There was a lot of seawater on the deck, which was very slippery, and there were The fishing boats are undulating in waves, so it is safer to keep a distance.

Zhao Dahai stood firm, holding the fishing rod with both hands, and swung the rod forward with all his strength. The waves flew out with a whoosh, and hit the sea for a while.

"This has to be more than 130 meters!"


"If I can hit 80 meters and survive at 90 meters, I have already performed beyond normal!"

“It’s strange that we can’t catch fish like this!”

Wang Degao, Chen Zhiyong and other people who followed him saw Zhao Dahai throw his pole and the waves hit the ground and landed on the sea, their eyes widened.

Zhao Dahai turned off the thread cup and started pumping.







Zhao Dahai's face was expressionless.

No fish!

No fish!

Still no fish!

Zhao Dahai hit more than a dozen rods in succession and changed several directions, but there was no movement at all.

what happened?

Why is this?

Zhao Dahai was a little confused. The period between five and six in the morning at dawn is a good time for fishing, especially for fish that appear on the water.

"No fish?"

Shi Zhongwei was a little disappointed. We encountered a shoal of fish in the early morning and everyone caught fish. However, the water was too deep and everyone could not catch a few fish. The only exception was Zhao Dahai. Later, the waves were too big and for the sake of safety, we did not continue fishing. There were fish early in the day. , fish more and make more money. Otherwise, you won’t make much money at this point.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. He didn't know whether there were fish or not, but he didn't catch any fish, and there was no movement at all.

Should I try changing the iron plate?

Maybe the school of tuna is still at the bottom of the fishing boat!

Zhao Dahai looked at the waves on the sea next to the fishing boat and gave up the idea. Safety came first.


"It's fair to go back to the ship and rest!"

"If there are no fish at this time, it is basically unlikely that there will be fish in the early mouth!"

"Anyway, catching three yellow flags and golden spears in the early morning can be regarded as making money!"

"What are you doing on the deck in such rough weather?"

"Go back to sleep! Go back to sleep!"

Chen Zhiyong and Wang Degao were a little hesitant to go back to sleep.

"Zhao Dahai can't catch fish, and it's even more impossible for us to catch fish!"

Chen Zhiyong took out the cigarette and took a look. He had smoked enough today and his tongue was numb. He stuffed it back into his pocket.

"Zhao Dahai can't catch it, and we definitely can't catch it. But do we want to wait a little longer?"

Wang Degao looked at it and saw that about ten people turned around and went back to the fishing boat to sleep.

Fishing for tuna, especially fishing with a 500-gram iron plate in a water depth of 150 meters, is very physically demanding and makes you very tired. People are very sleepy at this time of the morning. If there are fish, they can bear it, but if there is no fish, they really can't bear it.

Wang Degao yawned and patted the back of his head hard. He didn't know whether to wait and see if Zhao Dahai could catch the fish.

"What is Zhao Dachai doing?"

Chen Zhiyong pointed at Zhao Dahai.

Wang Degao immediately turned around and saw that Zhao Dahai had replaced the wave on the fishing rod and tied a new hook.

"What is this for? Could it be that you want to catch grouper on the bottom here? But this place is not a spot for grouper fishing!"

Wang Degao didn't know what Zhao Dahai wanted to do.

Chen Zhiyong didn't speak. He took a few steps forward, stood behind Zhao Dahai, and looked carefully.


Was he exiled at this time? Can you catch fish?

Chen Zhiyong watched for a while and found that what Zhao Dahai was tying was a fishing rig for release.

Wang Degao followed and saw what Zhao Dahai was doing, and immediately turned to look at the sea.


There is really running water!

Can you really say that you can catch fish like this?

Wang Degao originally wanted to go back to sleep, but immediately gave up the idea, vaguely feeling that it was really possible to catch fish.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Is this really possible? Can we really catch fish?"

When Shi Zhong saw the fishing rig tied up by Zhao Dahai, he took a small net and caught a three-finger-sized Balang fish in the live cabin.

"Idle time is idle, give it a try, what if you really catch a fish?"

Zhao Dahai reached into the net, caught the Balang fish, and hooked it on the fish's mouth. He held the fishing rod in one hand and the fish in the other. He walked to the edge of the fishing boat, put it down where he was looking, and opened the spinning With the thread cup of the wheel, the fish kept swimming forward in the sea water. In just twenty or thirty seconds, it had swam twenty meters and kept swimming forward. The swimming speed was getting faster and faster. .

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod in his right hand, with the tail of the rod propped on the top of his belly, ready for a fish to bite the hook.

Shi Zhongwei looked at the direction of the line the fish dragged out, and something was not right. After looking carefully for a while, he found that the fish Zhao Dahai had put into the sea swam towards the No. 1 platform in the distance.

How did Zhao Dahai do it?

Why does the fish hanging on the hook swim obediently towards Platform No. 1? If it swims like this, doesn't it have to swim to the edge of Platform No. 1?

Shi Zhongwei's eyes suddenly widened.

The underground structure near Platform No. 1, including Platform No. 1, is very complicated, and the lights and fires are on all night long. A large number of small fish and shrimps gathered together, and the food was very abundant and abundant, attracting a large number of big fish, especially tuna or other predatory fish.

For safety reasons, there are relevant regulations that fishing boats cannot get too close to Platform No. 1. Everyone knows that there are more fish near Platform No. 1, but they can only watch the fish and sigh.

The fishing boats of Zhao Dahai and others are far away from platform No. 1. Outside the prescribed range, they will definitely not be able to catch fish near the platform. However, if they are released, especially if the fish is released into the sea, it will drag the hook towards it. If you swim in the direction of Platform No. 1, you will most likely be able to catch it.


"Zhao Dahai."

"Can it really be placed near Platform No. 1?"

Shi Zhongwei was very excited and looked in the direction of Platform No. 1 with wide eyes.

"How do you know this?"

"The distance is still a bit far. Anyway, you can't catch tuna on the nearby sea surface now."

"Just give it a try. If you can catch something, you can't catch it. It's just a waste of time!"

Zhao Dahai continued to put out the line, keeping his left hand on the line cup. The fish kept running forward, but there might be a fish taking the bait at any time, so he had to be prepared to close the line cup at any time.

One hundred and fifty meters!

Two hundred meters!

Zhao Dahai concentrated on staring at the sea surface, adjusting the tip of the fishing rod from time to time, pulling the fish on the hook to adjust the direction, and ensuring that he swam directly towards the No. 1 platform.

Two hundred and ten meters!

Two hundred and twenty meters!

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and turned off the line cup. The distance was already close to the range of platform No. 1. He might have been in the middle of the fish school. He stopped and waited to see if any fish bit the hook. If not, he continued to move forward. .

When Shi Zhongwei, Wang Zude and Chen Zhiyong saw Zhao Daguan taking the thread cup, they suddenly became nervous. It would not take long to find out whether there was any fish.


"Why do you feel so nervous?"

Shi Zhongwei waited for two or three minutes, but there was no movement at all. After calming down for a while, he looked at Chen Zhiyong and Wang Degao standing next to him and let out a sigh of relief.


"Zhao Dahai, this is really a good idea!"

"How come we didn't think of that?"

Chen Zhiyong admired him very much. Zhao Dahai is really good at fishing, and his mind works very fast. When he woke up early in the morning, he couldn't catch any fish, so he immediately thought of releasing him. At this time, the sea water is flowing towards the No. 1 platform, which is very suitable.

Wang Degao didn't speak. He stared at the torch-like platform No. 1 in the distance with wide eyes. There were fish there and the fish were very dense. They were all big and there was no telling if they could really be caught.

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod in his right hand. After waiting for a while, there was no movement. He pulled the rod to his left rear with a little force. No fish bit the hook. He slowly lowered it forward. After a while, he repeated the same action. And three times in a row.

No fish!

Do you need to put it closer?

Maybe the Balang fish is still a little far away from Platform No. 1, but now the fish school is very close to Platform No. 1.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and put his left hand on the line cup. He was about to open it and continue to release the fish. At this moment, the tip of the rod, which had been gently swaying with the flowing water, suddenly bent forward. .

Zhao Dahai was very focused. He let go of the line cup with his left hand and held the fishing rod with his right hand and raised the rod fiercely to the left and rear.

one time!


Three times!

Look around!

Zhao Dahai pulled the fishing rod four times in succession to ensure that the hook penetrated the fish's mouth. When fishing for a big fish like tuna, one must be careful and must not be careless.

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod with both hands, the spinning wheel turned rapidly, and the hooked fish flew forward pulling the line.

Shi Zhongwei watched as the tip of Zhao Dahai's fishing rod bent into a huge arc that he had never seen before. He was stunned for a while before jumping up as if it was on fire.


"This one is huge!"

"Breaking a hundred pounds!"

"This one is 100% heavier than 100 pounds!"

Shi Zhong shouted loudly in excitement, waving his fist and spinning around several times.

"It's smoking! It's smoking!"

"It's going to smoke again this time!"

Shi Zhongwei took a bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the cap and poured it on Zhao Dahai's spinning wheel.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"This fish is really big, it's definitely over 100 pounds!"

"We must catch it!"

Shi Zhongwei was extremely excited.

Chen Zhiyong and Wude Gao stood nearby, looking at Zhao Dahai's fishing rod, and it took a while before they slowly came back to their senses.

"Should we try?"

Chen Zhiyong looked and looked at Platform No. 1 in the distance.

Zhao Dahai did not say how much money was released, but he knew from experience that it was definitely more than two hundred meters.

It is very laborious to pull a fish back from such a distance, especially if the fish is very big, you may not be able to pull it back.


"Let's see what we say!"

Wang Degao hesitated a little and quickly shook his head.

One is that if he and Chen Zhiyong are released, they may not be able to get to the place on the No. 1 platform. This requires a method, not just a flow of water.

Another most critical thing is whether the fish can be pulled back if it is too far away.

Zhao Dahai has such strength, he and Chen Zhiyong may not be able to do it. This is a tuna that may even weigh over a hundred pounds. If you are fishing for grouper, you will not be afraid if the fishing rod is mounted on a gun stand, no matter how big it is. However, if you are fishing for tuna by drifting, you can only use it by hand. It's really not something that everyone can do.

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod firmly with both hands. The size of the hooked fish was very large, far exceeding the pulling force of the eighty-pound tuna he had caught before.

Shi Zhong's judgment was correct, and it was very likely to break the 100-jin mark.

Zhao Dahai was not worried about the pulling force of the hooked big fish. It was indeed very strong, but it was not a big problem for him and would not pose a big challenge. However, he found a very troublesome thing.


How to do this?

Isn't it because you cut off the line and ran away to fish?

Zhao Dahai looked at Platform No. 1, which was burning through the sky like a torch in the distance, with a very serious expression.

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