Shi Zhongwei was very excited and yelled. He soon discovered that Zhao Dahai didn't say a word, poured a basin of cold water on him, calmed him down, and immediately asked what was wrong.

Zhao Dahai ignored Shi Zhongwei, and after thinking for less than two seconds, he made a decisive decision and immediately released his force.


"Is this the time to unload force again?"

Shi Zhongwei was startled and couldn't help shouting.

Wang Degao patted Shi Zhongwei on the shoulder and pointed to Platform No. 1 three hundred meters away.

Shi Zhongwei suddenly understood.

The big fish caught with a long line is very close to the No. 1 platform. Especially if the hooked tuna is a 100-pound tuna, it will run very fast. The fish is not stupid at all and will definitely try its best to break the line. The simplest thing is to go around the platform. No matter how thick the wire is, the structure under the platform will break immediately when it touches it.

The hooked fish is really big and runs very fast. If you don't tighten it and release the force, it will have reached the No. 1 platform in a short time. You can just find a place to drill it and escape.

Zhao Dahai had no choice but to tighten the unloading force and see if he could pull it back.


"The risk of releasing the fish is indeed too high, especially if it is released in this place. Even if the fish is caught, it is really hard to say whether it can be brought back."

Chen Zhiyong shook his head.

There are indeed many fish in the sea near Platform No. 1, and the fish are all very big. Zhao Dahai's method is indeed a method, and it is a good method. Facts have proved that the fish was indeed caught. The hooked fish rushed forward crazily and was not too far away from the No. 1 platform.

Chen Zhiyong was just thinking about whether to give it a try, but now that he has given up, he will definitely not be able to get this fish back.

Zhao Dahai lowered his head and looked at the spinning wheel that was spinning crazily. The hooked fish was constantly exerting force and running faster and faster. It was very risky to tighten and release the force at this time, but it had to be done.

Zhao Dahai held the fishing rod with both hands and pulled it back, but it couldn't move at all.

Zhao Dahai thought for a while, then changed his right hand to hold the fishing rod with one hand, and kept his left hand on the unloading force of the spinning wheel. Every few seconds, he tightened the unloading force a little, and after a few seconds, he tightened the unloading force a little more. Tighter and tighter, the spinning wheel began to make a sharp sound.

"What the hell!"

"Really powerful!"

"Stand so steady!"

"If it were me, the pole would have flown out long ago!"

"Can you not be convinced?"

There were more and more people around. People who ran back to the cabin to sleep or hid in the cabin to eat all came out. Looking at the curve of the fishing rod in Zhao Dahai's hand, he knew that the fish must weigh more than a hundred pounds. They all felt that Slightly numb scalp. Anyone with fishing experience knows very well how much pulling force a fish like this can exert.

It was not easy for Zhao Dahai to stand firm. Now there were many decks on the fishing boat and the water was very slippery, making it even more difficult.

Shi Zhongwei took another bottle of mineral water and poured it on Zhao Dahai's spinning wheel. The tighter it was, the greater the friction and the easier it was to generate heat.

Zhao Dahai saw that the hooked fish was getting closer and closer to the No. 1 platform, and he tightened the pressure more and more.

Zhao Dahai didn't know if the hooked fish would break the line if the force was released so tightly, but there was no way or choice.

The spinning wheel rotates slower and slower, and the sound it makes becomes shriller.

Shi Zhongwei, Wang Degao, Chen Zhiyong and others around them were all excited.

The arc of the fishing rod is getting wider and wider.

The thread is getting tighter and tighter.

It's very dangerous at this time.

It is very likely that the rod or line will break.

Everyone around him had nervous palms sweating and did not dare to say a word.


"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Zhao Dahai was very calm. He looked down and saw that the spinning wheel in front of him was spinning slower and slower. He raised his head and looked at the erected fishing rod. The arc of the bend was getting wider and wider, and the fishing line was getting tighter and tighter. The tighter.

Zhao Dahai was a little helpless.

The fishing rod and line have reached their limit. If you continue to unscrew the force, the pulling force of the big fish that is hooked will be borne by the fishing rod and line, and it will be very easy to break.

Zhao Dahai gritted his teeth, held the fishing rod with both hands, and pulled it back hard.


The size of the fish is really big, it is estimated to be more than 100 kilograms!


Catching big fish is really hard work!

It has to be sold for at least 50,000 yuan, otherwise it is really not cost-effective!

Zhao Dahai gritted his teeth, and the veins in his hands burst out when he exerted force. His face turned red from holding back, sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead, and the clothes on his body were soaked almost immediately.

Zhao Dahai's face was twisted and very ferocious. This is the most difficult fish I have ever caught.

The big fish that took the bait ran to the No. 1 platform immediately. Now there is no way but to use all its strength to see if it can be pulled back.

Success or failure depends on this.


Zhao Dahai yelled with all his strength, and the motionless fishing rod began to move slowly back, pulling it up inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter.

Zhao Dahai was overjoyed.

No matter how big the fish is, as long as it can be pulled back and its head is turned, half the success is achieved.

Once it cannot be pulled back, especially if the speed of the fish's forward swimming cannot be slowed down, the fish will be gone.

Zhao Dahai pulled back the fishing rod, but instead of rushing to reel in the line immediately, he bowed the fishing rod.

Zhao Dahai clearly felt that the hooked fish paused for a moment, then swam forward with force again, continued to hold the fishing rod, waited for two or three seconds, and then slowly released it forward, about half a meter away. , and then immediately tried again to pick it back.

Have the opportunity!

Zhao Dahai clearly felt that the pulling force of the fish was much smaller this time, less than half.

Pull it back and let it out!

Let it go and pull it back!

Zhao Dahai repeated it five times. It was difficult to pull back at the beginning, but when he pulled back the fifth time, his strength was still very strong. However, compared with the first time, the gap was very big, so there was no need to use all his strength.


The opportunity has come!

Zhao Dahai pulled back the fishing rod for the sixth time. The hooked fish suddenly changed its swimming direction. Instead of rushing forward in a straight line, it turned a corner to the right.

Zhao Dahai seized the opportunity and loosened the fishing rod suddenly. Holding the rod with his right hand, he quickly shook the spinning wheel with his left hand to reel in the line. Five or six meters of line were reeled in at once.

Zhao Dahai let go of the swing arm of the spinning wheel with his left hand, and with his right hand, he grasped the fishing rod and pulled it back. The big fish that was turning was pulled back forcefully.

The scary thing about tuna is that it swims very fast, and if it is very large, its pulling force is very fierce. However, once the swimming speed of the hooked fish slows down, the pulling force drops significantly. Without speed, the power of the tuna is reduced by at least 50%.

Zhao Dahai did not miss this rare opportunity. He used force to retrieve the line but did not use force all the time. Every time, he used force at the same moment when the tuna was exerting force, disrupting the acceleration of the tuna and preventing the tuna from rushing up.


"The fish is back!"

The stone bell is a great joy.

Wang Degao and Chen Zhiyong, including the other fishermen, had complicated expressions. Being able to pull back a hooked fish, especially a big fish weighing more than a hundred pounds, is a real skill, and you have to accept it. However, this fish belongs to Zhao Dahai, and it is Zhao Dahai who makes money. People like me have nothing to do with half a dime. They watch others make money. And it’s really hard to make a lot of money.

Zhao Dahai became more and more relaxed as he pulled away. Within about ten minutes, he could vaguely see a big fish appearing in the sea water twenty or thirty meters away.


"This fish weighs more than a hundred pounds!"

"It can't be 156 pounds!"

Shi Zhongwei's eyes widened. The tuna in the sea was very big, like a prehistoric monster. When he was ten years old, he went out to sea with his family's sea hook boat, and he had never seen anyone catch it before. Such a big tuna.


"This tuna is really big!"

"No one has caught such a big fish, right? Anyway, I have never seen anyone catch such a big fish!"

"It must have weighed 150 pounds!"

There was an uproar on the deck. They were all veterans who had been at sea for many years, but no one had ever seen such a big tuna.

Shi Zhong held a large hook with a long handle in his upper hand, and his eyes widened at the side of the fishing boat, very nervous.

Zhao Dahai pulled the fish back, but whether he could get on the boat depended on whether he could catch the hook and secure it.

"Don't use this hook!"

Shi Zhongwei looked back and saw his father, Shi Jiehua, walking over quickly with another big hook in his hand.


"Why do you want to change it to a bigger hook?"

Shi Zhongwei was very strange and didn't know what was going on.

"This fish is too big. It's easy to let go of your big hook. This big hook has a rope!"

Shi Jiehua had been controlling the fishing boat in the cab, trying to stay on the fishing spot as much as possible. When Zhao Dahai pulled the fish back to the fishing boat, he could clearly see the big fish weighing more than 150 kilograms from a distance. The big hook caught the fish. The struggle was very fierce and the strength was very strong. Most people could not grasp the big hook firmly.

Shi Jiehua immediately called another person to control the fishing boat. He went on the deck and took another big hook. One end of the wooden handle was made of three large iron hooks that could rotate, and the other end was tied with a long rope.

Three hooks can catch big fish more easily. After hooking a big fish, the rotatable hook head makes it easier to relieve the struggling force of the big fish. Once the fish struggles too hard and loses its grip, the rope will tie up the big hook, and there is still a chance to hook the big fish and pull it up.

Zhao Dahai shook his head when he saw that Shi Jiehua wanted to do it himself. Shi Zhong hooked up the eighty-pound tuna he caught last time and continued with this one.

Shi Jiehua thought for a while and nodded.

Not being polite, Shi Zhong immediately took the big hook and stood by the side of the fishing boat, staring at the sea with his head lowered.

Zhao Dahai carefully controlled the fishing rod and pulled the tuna towards the side of the fishing boat.

On the water surface of the sea under the light, the tail of the huge tuna is shaking crazily like a chicken blood. It is trying desperately to drill into the depths of the sea. It is of no use. Every time it goes down, it hangs on the water. The line in the fish's mouth pulls the tuna's head to change its direction.

Zhao Dahai kept changing his position and the direction of the fishing rod in his hand, pulling the tuna back to the fishing boat step by step.

The stone bell is a wooden handle holding a large hook with both hands. It is about half a meter away from the sea surface and is suspended in the air.

At the beginning, the tuna was very frightened when seeing the big hook, and every time it pulled the side of the approaching fishing boat, it wanted to drill out crazily. However, as soon as he swam out, he was pulled back by the line hanging on the hook. After going back and forth several times, the tuna gradually got used to the motionless hook and relaxed its vigilance.


"The tuna will sink under the bottom of the fishing boat."

Zhao Dahai loudly reminded Shi Zhongwei to pay attention to seize the opportunity.

Shi Zhongwei gritted his teeth and nodded.

Zhao Dahai used both hands to pull the tuna back to the edge of the fishing boat. He jerked the pole forward and loosened the tight fishing line slightly.

The tuna clearly felt that the tension on the line hanging from the corner of its mouth was not as tight as before. It had the instinct to escape, and its tail swung wildly, and it dug directly into the bottom of the fishing boat, trying to break the fishing line.

Shi Zhong was prepared in advance and saw the right opportunity. He thrust the big hook in his hand into the sea water and pressed it against the belly of the tuna. He roared and pulled hard with both hands.

Shi Zhongwei suddenly felt that the big hook in his hand plunged into the belly of the tuna. It was very sharp and powerful at first, but he immediately felt a resistance, and then the hooked tuna struggled wildly.


So powerful!

Shi Zhongwei held the wooden handle of the big hook.

Tuna struggled very hard, his hands vibrated crazily as if they were broken, and he almost flew up, unable to stand firmly.

Shi Jiehua was very experienced and had been standing nearby. When he saw Shi Zhongwei was unsteady, he immediately hugged Shi Zhongwei's waist with his hands.

Zhao Dahai opened the line cup and loosened the line. He handed the fishing rod to Chen Zhiyong who was standing next to him. He walked to Shi Zhongwei and reached out to take the big hook.

"I caught it!"

Zhao Dahai shouted.

Shi Zhong let go with a sigh of relief, took two steps back, and gave up his position.

Zhao Dahai stood firm and firmly grasped the wooden handle of the big hook with both hands.

"What the hell!"

"This fish is so strong!"

Shi Zhongwei shook his hand. His shoulder was in great pain, as if it was dislocated. If his father, Shi Jiehua, hadn't hugged his waist just now, he might have had to let go and he would have flown out. The moment the big fish gets on the boat is very dangerous.

Shi Jiehua ignored Shi Zhongwei, took two steps forward, stood beside the fishing boat, and looked down at the sea.

The tuna was struggling wildly with Sanben's big hook, and the fish's head and tail were swung back and forth desperately. There was a huge splash on the sea surface, and it was difficult to see where the fish was.

Shi Jiehua was very nervous. The fish was very big. Before the big fish was pulled on the deck, anything could happen. Two or three minutes seemed like a century. Slowly, the water splash disappeared. One fish he had never seen before big tuna floating on the water.

Shi Jiehua laughed and gave Zhao Dahai a thumbs up.

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