Zhao Dahai immediately stood in front of the electric winch, eyes wide open, staring at the tip of the fishing rod mounted on the gun stand.

Shi Zhongwei's heart suddenly picked up. He didn't know what happened and wanted to ask, but Zhao Dahai was concentrating now and it was not good to disturb him.

Shi Zhongwei waited for a long time and saw Zhao Dahai's hand push the switch to take up the line, the electric winch began to rotate and the fishing rod bent.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"What kind of fish is this?"

Shi Zhongwei breathed a sigh of relief. Now that the fish is hooked, it’s okay to say whatever you want.


"Didn't you hear what Zhao Dahai said?"

Shi Zhongwei was very surprised. The fish had already taken the bait, but Zhao Dahai ignored his words and followed Zhao Dahai's line of sight to look at the tip of the fishing rod. After looking at it for a long time, he could see that a fish had indeed taken the bait. Can't see anything more.

Zhao Dahai watched for a while, waited until the line was about 20 meters away, slowed down the speed of the electric winch, and then spoke.


"The one that took the bait was not Shi Jiugong but Grouper. It might be Red Spot. It's not just one, there might be two or three."

Zhao Dahai smiled. This was an unexpected gain. He really didn't expect to catch red spots here. He just wanted to catch Shi Jiugong. Now that he has caught red spots, it seems that there are more than one.

"Isn't this possible?"

"The water hasn't risen yet, how can there be groupers? Let alone red spots!"

"If there really is a grouper here, you have been fishing here for such a long time, how could you just catch it now? Even if there is really a red grouper, you only caught one, how could there be two or three? Woolen cloth?"

Shi Zhongwei shook his head as he spoke.

Zhao Dahai has been fishing for Shi Jiugong here for more than an hour. If there really were groupers, we should have fished them long ago. Even if there were indeed groupers, it would be impossible to catch only two or three.

Zhao Dahai spread his hands.

Why does this happen?

I really didn’t know anything. The only thing I knew was that the ones that took the bait were most likely red spots, and there were either two or three. Not everything in the sea can be explained clearly or developed logically. Maybe it was my unbeatable luck, or maybe these red spots were very unlucky. I happened to pass by here and saw Shi Jiugong's meat hanging on the hook. I was so hungry that I couldn't help but bite it.

Shi Zhongwei walked to the side of the fishing boat and looked down with wide eyes. Shi Jiugong's words were not interesting, but if it was grouper, especially red spots, and there were two or three red spots, it would be really rare. .

The electric winch kept turning, making a gentle squeaking sound that could be heard very clearly on the sea at night. The line was over 180 meters long and it took some time to pull it to the surface.

Shi Zhongwei put his hands on the side of the fishing boat, bent over involuntarily, and got as close to the sea as possible, hoping to see it more clearly.


Not small!

Three in a bunch!



It’s really just erythema!

"Zhao Dahai!"

"It's really just erythema! It's really just erythema!"

"What the hell!"

"Who can tell me what's going on? Aren't you fishing for Shi Jiugong here all the time? How is it possible to catch red spots?"

Shi Zhong yelled and waved his hands vigorously. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it. Zhao Dahai not only caught red spots, but also caught three red spots.


"Isn't it time to use the fishing net to catch fish?"

Zhao Dahai reminded Shi Zhongwei.


"How did I forget this?"

Shi Zhongwei immediately ran to get the net and returned to the side of the fishing boat. He stretched out into the sea, carefully picked up three red spots, and carried them onto the deck of the fishing boat.

"Are you fishing for red spots with string hooks? And each fish is quite big. It looks like it weighs five or six pounds, right?"

"It's weird!"

“I caught three red spots at once!”

"What the hell is going on!"

The people around saw Zhao Dahai fishing for red spots and caught three red spots, and they all gathered around him.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"You really are my brother!"

"If no one is convinced, I'll just convince you!"

Shi Zhongwei was very incredible. It was not surprising that the string hook caught red spots, but he caught three red spots with the string hook, which he had never seen before.

Zhao Dahai immediately unhooked the fish and pinched the fish's belly. There was no flatulence. However, to be on the safe side, he took a needle to deflate the fish, then put it into a net cage and placed it in the living water tank.


“Don’t we have to start fishing for groupers at this time?”


"Why did you forget this?"

"Stop looking! Stop looking!"

“Hurry up and start fishing to make money!”

I don’t know who shouted the first call, but everyone immediately turned around and ran to their fishing positions, immediately hung live shrimps and started fishing immediately.

Zhao Dahai washed his hands and walked back, took his own water glass, drank several gulps of water, arranged his string hooks, and put them into the sea.

Shi Zhong couldn't understand that Zhao Dahai had just caught three red spots. At this time, he should be pursuing the victory to fish for groupers, but instead he continued to fish for Shi Jiugong.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the sea illuminated by the brightly lit deck. Shi Zhongwei walked over and took a look, and somewhat understood that Zhao Dahai meant that the tide had not risen yet and he could not catch more groupers.


"So many people are fishing for grouper here now. I will just wait until they all catch grouper, and then I will continue fishing!"

Zhao Dahai pointed to other people in the fishing position. These red spots were probably passing fish. They ran out to go shopping from nowhere. They happened to catch them before they caught them. Even if they were not passing fish, even these red spots themselves It is here that I caught these few groupers. It is impossible to catch other groupers in the same place. The fishing boat must move to have a chance. Now that the tide is low and the fishing boat is not moving, there is no need to waste all the effort.

Shi Zhong looked left and right. The twenty or so people had just seen that Zhao Dahai had caught a lot of Shi Jiugong and could not start fishing for Shi Jiugong. Now they saw that Zhao Dahai had caught three red spots and changed their minds. , all fishing for grouper.

Zhao Dahai continued to fish for his own Shi Jiugong without doing anything, one string after another, and he kept pulling.


"Hot-headed! Hot-headed!"

"Why don't you calm down?"

"When the tide is low, where do so many groupers come from?"

Chen Zhiyong pushed the switch to close the line. Almost an hour ago, Zhao Dahai caught three red spots, and he caught them with string hooks. He and the people around him all changed the string hooks and directly used fishing rigs for groupers. I don’t know how many times I knocked the bottom, and I hung the bottom five times. There were no red spots, and not a single fish scale was caught.

Chen Zhiyong regretted a little, not being able to catch whatever fish Zhao Dahai catches by himself. If he wasted this time and continued to fish for Shi Jiugong, he could get it at least twenty kilograms and as much as forty kilograms. It would be a sure win and a sure profit. Money, there is nothing now.


"Aren't you a little bit dumbfounded and a little regretful at the same time?"

Wang Degao looked at Chen Zhiyong, who was fishing next to him, and smiled bitterly.


"Why are we all in the same mind? Didn't we already agree that we will do whatever Zhao Dahai does!?"

"Zhao Dahai did indeed catch the red spot. He didn't continue fishing for the red spot and continued fishing for Shi Jiugong. How come we didn't see it?"

Chen Zhiyong pointed at Zhao Dahai.


"Why can't you see it? Aren't you just blinded by the money you make from grouper fishing?"

Wang Degao knew exactly what was going on.

"Wang Degao."

"Did you notice something?"

Chen Zhiyong was silent for a while, looking at Zhao Dahai with a complicated expression.

Wang Degao was stunned for a moment and immediately asked what was going on.

Chen Zhiyong sighed and said that Zhao Dahai really has the brains and ability to fish. This is hard work, there is nothing to say, but his luck with fish is equally amazing.

"Shi Jiehua's fishing boat is parked at this location."

"There are so many people fishing on fishing boats."

"Why did he catch the red-spotted fish in that position?"

"I've been fishing for Shijiu Gong all the time. I caught a red spot all of a sudden, and I caught three of them at once!"

"It's easy to say how many taels there are, but they all weigh five or six pounds. Isn't it luck or something? How could this be technical?"

The more Chen Zhiyong talked, the more excited he became. Zhao Dahai has caught a lot of fish and made a lot of money in the past twenty days. He has been watching this and can't bear it. I just saw that Zhao Dahai had caught another string of red spots, and all three weighed five or six pounds. I had been busy for an hour and found nothing, and the accumulated emotions suddenly burst out.

Wang Degao patted Chen Zhiyong on the shoulder. He understood this feeling very well. His fishing skills were better and he caught more fish. This was understandable, but the luck of the fish was also very good. It was really a bit unbearable.


"Excited or something?"

"Whoever is playing tricks on a bird!"

"We don't have the ability to do this, so we can only do this. Besides, it's not that we didn't make any money on this trip, we just made less money!"

Wang Degao could only comfort Chen Zhiyong like this.


"You're absolutely right! Who is really playing tricks? Why don't you have such ability, such luck, and make so much money? I can only admit it!"

"But it's really uncomfortable to see other people making so much money."

Chen Zhiyong lit a cigarette and started smoking without saying anything.

Wang Degao sighed, not knowing what to say. Chen Zhiyong had such thoughts, and he also had such thoughts. Zhao Dahai really made too much.

Deeper and deeper.

The sea water accelerates and flows faster and faster.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"You don't want to kill all the Shi Jiugong here, do you?"

Shi Zhongwei felt that Zhao Dahai was really crazy about fishing.

I caught almost a hundred kilograms at the beginning, and then caught three red spots weighing five to six kilograms in the middle. After catching the red spots, I continued fishing for Shi Jiugong, and I caught almost half a plastic basket weighing four to fifty kilograms.

Shi Zhong felt a little regretful. He should have taken a pole earlier and found a random place to fish.

Fishing for Shi Jiugong is not difficult at all, as long as you have the skills, you can at least catch twenty or thirty kilograms, if not more. Earning one or two thousand yuan is better than bragging here with Zhao Dahai.

Zhao Dahai looked at the line on the pole and it was already tilting very sharply. This was because the sea water was flowing faster and faster, and the original lead was no longer heavy enough. Now the hook must have left the bottom of the sea.



"Today Shi Jiugong can only fish here!"

“I can’t catch any fish I want, the current is too strong!”

Zhao Dahai pushed the switch to close the line. The current is too strong, so it's not that I can't catch it. I can just change it to heavier lead, but I will soon have to catch grouper, which is the target fish here tonight.

"We caught a fish!"

"The pole is put away!"


"How is this going?"

"Are there any fish like this?"

Shi Zhongwei shouted, and then his lips trembled, not knowing what to say next. Zhao Dahai pushed the switch to reel in the line. He didn't plan to fish this time, but after reeling in more than ten or twenty meters of line, a fish bit the hook.

Zhao Dahai turned around and looked very speechless. This really had nothing to do with him. He could only say that this fish was really unlucky and was seeking death.

Zhao Dahai waited for the fish to be pulled out of the water and took a look. It was a large catfish weighing more than 20 kilograms.

Shi Zhong picked up the net and put it on the deck. She really didn't know what to say for a while.

Others fished for Shi Jiugong, so they fished for Shi Jiugong. Zhao Dahai caught red spots when fishing for Shi Jiugong, and now he has caught a big owl weighing more than 20 kilograms.

What a hell.

What can this say?

Zhao Dahai looked at the owl and sighed.


"Zhao Dahai, what do you mean?"

"Aren't you satisfied with catching such a big owl? Is there anything else you're dissatisfied with?"

Shi Zhong couldn't stand this anymore.

Zhao Dahai told Shi Zhongwei that if string hooks were placed in this place now, he might be able to catch large numbers of catfish.

Shi Zhongwei immediately understood that Zhao Dahai's words meant that there were now schools of fish in the sea.

Shi Zhongwei shook his head, this was impossible. The sea water here is very deep, which is not suitable for setting hooks. Besides, there are so many fishing boats around. If anyone really releases hooks, they will definitely be beaten by a group of people. Another person is that there is grouper fishing here, and the squid fishing is far inferior to grouper fishing. The price of anchovy is good but not as good as that of grouper. At this point, fishing for grouper is more cost-effective.

Shi Zhong checked to see that it was almost time. The water in the sea was flowing faster and faster. It would not take long to start fishing for grouper. He reminded Zhao Dahai to be prepared and not to waste any time.

Shi Zhongwei strode to the cab, drank some water and rested for a while. When someone caught a fish, he went on the deck to help catch the fish.

Zhao Dahai nodded, looking at the newly caught squid, a little confused.

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