Shi Zhongwei strode into the cab. Without saying a word, he picked up the kettle and filled the water in big gulps. After drinking, he wiped the corners of his mouth. He stood in front of the windshield of the cab and looked at Shi Jiugong, whom Zhao Dahai had caught, and Shi Jiugong, who had just been caught. The fish he caught was being weighed, and he shook his head slightly.

"Six to seven thousand dollars!"

"While everyone else was chatting, Zhao Dahai made six to seven thousand yuan fishing for Shi Jiugong!"


"How come no one has ever done anything like this before?"

"Isn't it a good use of this little time?"

"Don't say that the current Haijiang River only catches Shi Jiugong for five to six thousand yuan, even if it is one to two thousand yuan."

"It's all good!"


"When we go out to sea next time, especially when the people who follow our fishing boat come here this time, they won't be able to waste time smoking and chatting. They will definitely fish for Shi Jiugong!"

"Zhao Dahai is teaching these people how to make money!"

In Shi Zhongwei's memory, when the fishing boats came here to wait for the tide, no one had ever fished for Shi Jiugong. Zhao Dahai was the first person to do this. The people on his own fishing boat saw that Zhao Dahai could not make any money doing this. Few, if you learn from others, now it’s too late for the next trip, these people will definitely seize the time.

Shi Jiehua shook his head, he couldn't tell.


"Is this impossible? These people have all seen that Zhao Dahai has made so much money. The key is that it is really not difficult!"

"How difficult is it to fish for Shijiu Gong?"

Shi Zhongwei felt that people like Wang Degao would definitely seize the time to make money fishing.

"Don't Wang Degao, Chen Zhiyong and the other people on the fishing boat know that Shi Jiugong can be caught in a place like this? Why didn't they do it? Why didn't they do it?"

"too tired!"

"These people can't bear this kind of suffering!"

"Zhao Dahai is on our fishing boat. These people can't stand seeing someone making a lot of money. They can catch some fish, but when Zhao Dahai is not on the fishing boat, these people will definitely not do this!"

Shi Jiehua knows very well how hard it is to go fishing at sea. People like Wang Degao and Chen Zhiyong couldn't bear the hardships Zhao Dahai suffered.

Shi Zhongwei smiled bitterly and didn't say anything. Thinking about it carefully, he couldn't keep fishing like Zhao Dahai.

Only by enduring hardship can one become a superior person.

Who doesn’t know the truth of this? But how many people can do it?

Zhao Dahai put his hands on the boat and looked down at the sea. The sea water was flowing more and more obviously and faster, and he could even hear the faint sound of rushing.

Zhao Dahai looked up at the surrounding sea and found that wherever he could see, under the light, almost the entire sea was flowing continuously.

No wonder in this place, large fishing boats can cover the current.

Zhao Dahai saw the speed of the sea water flowing in front of him. Shi Jiehua's fishing boat was indeed big, including the other fishing boats around it, which were not small, but it could indeed cover the current.

I wonder if the groupers here are open tonight?

Or what about those who fish for minnows?

Zhao Dahai thought of what he was struggling with just now, and felt a little hesitant and undecided. When I was fishing for Shi Jiugong, I caught a red spot, but I also caught a big bream. If you are fishing for bream, the water layer is above the ground, but if you are fishing for grouper, you have to tap the bottom.

"Attention everyone!"

"Attention everyone!"

"Hurry up and get ready! The flood will start in twenty minutes!"

The horn hanging on the bow sounded.

Zhao Dahai gritted his teeth and decided to fish off the bottom first to see if there was any big owl. The red spot was caught earlier. The most recent thing I caught was the squid. The key is that the size of the squid is really good.

A twenty kilogram giant owl can already be sold for a lot of money, and it is really no worse than an ordinary grouper.

The other is that when fishing for catfish, you need to fish off the bottom, so it is not easy to catch on the bottom. When fishing for grouper, you have to keep tapping the bottom. The structure of the seabed is complex. I don’t know much about the seabed in front of me, so the probability of catching it is very high.

Zhao Dahai quickly made up his mind and began to make preparations.

The fishing rig is no different from fishing for grouper. The paper is hung and the shrimps are placed in a small bucket filled with sea water next to them.

"The seabed here is one hundred and twenty-one meters."

"Put out the line."

"One hundred and ninety-eight meters!"

Zhao Dahai listened to the loudspeaker shouting that the depth of the sea water here is now 121 meters, and he put the hung live shrimp into the sea and kept putting the line out. He did not put it down to 198 meters as Shi Jiehua said. meters, but placed it at 195 meters.

The water is getting faster and faster.

The noise grew louder and louder.



"Start the flow now!"

Zhao Dahai listened to the sound from the speaker. Driven by the current, the fishing boat began to move slowly. He looked around and saw that other fishing boats were generally moving in the same direction. He looked down and saw that it was the direction of the seawater flow. .

How did this big ship cover the current?

Could it be that it just kept drifting down the current?

Zhao Dahai was a little curious.

Cover current is a very important way to catch big fish such as grouper. A speed boat is small in size, very flexible and easy to control, but a sea fishing boat is large and the control is very different.

"One hundred meters!"

"Fifty meters!"

"Thirty meters!"

"Knock the bottom!"

Zhao Dahai now understood the fishing boat cover current in the sea. To be precise, the fishing boat drove from one point to another, stopped and then hit the bottom. This was somewhat similar to the speedboat cover current, but it cannot be said to be exactly the same. Obviously The difference is that when the speedboat hits the bottom, it will "go down the river", while the sea fishing boat will stop.

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while. This is because the fishing boats are very big and difficult to control. The other reason is that there are many fishermen on the fishing boats, usually more than twenty, and there are even some fishermen on the fishing boats. There are thirty fishing positions. With so many people fishing at the same time, if the sea fishing boat keeps moving forward and downstream, the fishing lines and fishing groups of each person will easily get tangled together, and the fishing lines will also be worn. A broken line at the bottom of the boat.

"Isn't this Gai Liu only a half set?"

Zhao Dahai smiled. Large sea fishing boats can do this. There is no other choice. To be more precise, it cannot be called a cover flow, it can only be fishing at points. The time spent at each point is not long. After fishing one point, move to another point.

"What the hell!"


"No movement!"

“There are no fish at this point!”


"I wonder if this is a bite?"


"Mine is dead!"

Zhao Dahai looked around and saw that more than twenty people were all on the high bottom. No one caught a fish. There were many fish caught on the bottom, and there were angry voices one after another.

Zhao Dahai smiled.

It is common to hit the bottom to catch big fish and hang on the bottom.

This happens regardless of whether it is a fishing boat or your own speedboat.

Zhao Da looked at his fishing rod. It was swaying continuously with the ups and downs of the waves. It was not hanging on the bottom but no fish was taking the bait.

No fish? There’s no owl, right? Is it really necessary to hit the bottom and try to see if you can catch big groupers?

Zhao Dahai thought for a while and immediately put out the line to hit the bottom. Just as he hit the bottom, he pulled and got stuck.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"Look at it like this. You, a fishing master, are just like everyone else. They all know how to catch the bottom!"

Shi Zhongwei walked over quickly and laughed loudly when he saw Zhao Dahai's hook hanging on the bottom of the sea.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. He really had no choice. He was not particularly familiar with this sea area. He didn't know what the structure of the seabed was. Without a fish detector, he couldn't see the structure of the seabed and couldn't study it.

Zhao Dahai used the undulating pulling force of the fishing boat to pull off the sheep's horn next to the fishing position where the fishing line was wrapped. He quickly put it away and changed the fishing gear again.

"Ready! Ready!"

"Now to the next point!"

"Lay out the line one hundred and ninety meters!"

Zhao Dahai hung up the live shrimp and lowered it beside the fishing boat. He watched the lead pendant pull down the line that was pulling down quickly. He remembered that the owl he caught not long ago was reeling in the line and pulling it up 20 to 30 meters from the bottom of the sea. Mi Cai is in the middle. When fishing for Shi Jiugong, the depth of the sea water is about 190 meters. Based on this calculation, the squid should be in the water layer between 160 meters and 170 meters.

Zhao Dahai immediately looked at the electric winch and saw that the line had reached 150 meters. He stared at the number displayed and stopped when it reached 165 meters.

“None of the other boats seem to be catching any fish!”

Shi Zhongwei held a telescope in his hand and looked at other fishing boats around him. There were people fishing on the deck and there was no movement.

"Isn't it because Shiban here is silent tonight?"

Shi Zhong frowned as he put down the telescope in his hand.

The fishing seats on sea fishing boats have already been paid. If you catch a fish, you will not be charged more. If you fail to catch a fish, you will not be refunded. But that doesn’t mean that not being able to catch fish has no impact on you. If you can't catch any fish on this trip, there will be fewer people booking a boat seat on the next trip. Some people think that the boss of the boat is not good enough, and some feel that there are not many fish in the sea recently.

The fishing spot for grouper fishing tonight is very important. In the previous twenty days, except for Platform No. 1, the other places were all for fishing to make some money. Whether to make money, especially whether to make more, What I'm watching is tonight.

If the grouper doesn't open its mouth, not many people in the entire fishing boat can catch it, which is really a headache.

Zhao Dahai was very calm.

No matter what kind of place you are, fishing or fishing depends on God’s face. If there are no fish, whether the fish will open or not will depend on luck.

"What are you worried about?"

"The long night has just begun!"

"It's not necessarily a good thing to be able to catch fish now. At one or two in the morning, or even four or five in the morning, the most important thing is when there are fish biting the hook, especially when there are fish opening their mouths."

Zhao Dahai stared at his fishing rod while talking to Shi Zhongwei.

People in other fishing positions are fishing for grouper on the bottom, and the water layer where the fishing rig is setting out the line is about 190 meters. But I am fishing for bream, and the current line is at 165 meters.

When fishing for grouper, you need to hit the bottom, but when fishing for squid, you don’t need to even pay attention to the cover current, but you have to keep an eye on it at all times and not be careless. If you miss the fish bite, you will regret it.

Shi Zhong nodded. This was just the first point. It was normal not to be able to catch fish. Tonight, the grouper fishing in Gailiu would last until dawn. The sun would rise, and it would be a very long time.

One or two in the morning, including five or six in the morning, is the real golden time.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"Do you think you can catch a large grouper weighing more than a hundred pounds tonight?"

Shi Zhongwei looked at the fishing boats of Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin not far ahead.

In the past twenty days or so, Zhao Dahai caught too many fish, especially the six large tuna weighing more than 150 kilograms, and a large bluefin weighing more than 80 kilograms. It was very astonishing. The entire fishing boat If anyone can catch a big fish, it must be Zhao Dahai.

Once Zhao Dahai catches a large grouper, especially a large grouper weighing more than 100 kilograms. Brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin will definitely be furious. Your own fishing boat will definitely become more famous and more people will want to get on the boat and go out to sea.

Just as Zhao Dahai was about to speak, the tip of the fishing rod shook lightly a few times, and he immediately concentrated. After two seconds, there was a very obvious pause.

Zhao Dahai kept his right hand on the switch and pushed it hard without hesitation.



Zhao Dahai waved his right hand vigorously. Fortunately, he had been staring at Shi Zhongwei while talking to him, otherwise he would definitely have missed this bite.

Medium fish? !


Why is there a fish taking the bait at this time?

The fishing boat had not reached another point and was just about to start, drifting down along the current.

There should be no fish at this time!

Shi Zhongweimeng reacted and immediately turned around and waved his hands several times at the glass window of the cab. A fish takes the bait, and a big fish takes the bait. The fishing boat cannot move at this time. Once the fishing boat moves forward, the line will deflect and come into contact with the bottom of the boat, and the line will break if it rubs against it.

Shi Jiehua held a cigarette in his hand and was very focused, staring at various fishing positions on the fishing boat. I saw that no one had caught fish at this point, the pull-down hooks hanging from the bottom had been broken, and everything was ready.

Shi Jiehua was just about to drive the fishing boat along the current to the next point. He scanned all the fishing spots on the fishing boat for the last time and saw Zhao Dahai catching the fish. Then he saw Shi Zhongwei waving vigorously at him. , stop immediately.

How did you catch fish at this time? Isn't this too strange?

What kind of fish is this?

Shi Jiehua controlled the fishing boat and remained as still as possible.


Did you catch an owl? This one is really big, forty or fifty pounds?

Shi Jiehua looked down from a high position and saw a big fish pulled up in the sea water. The angle was a bit wrong and he couldn't see it clearly. After a while, Shi Zhong used a big hook to pick up the fish and put it on the deck.


"It's really an owl!"

Shi Jiehua could see clearly that what Zhao Dahai caught was indeed a catfish, and it was a quite huge catfish, no less than fifty kilograms.

"When Zhao Dahai was fishing for Shi Jiugong, he finally caught a twenty-pound catfish!"

"Is this a coincidence?"

"Or maybe there are huge schools of owl in the sea tonight?"

"Has Zhao Dahai found where the fish school is?"

Shi Jiehua was very experienced and was very keenly aware that Zhao Dahai had found the water layer where the fish shoaled.

"Zhao Dahai is going to make a lot of money again tonight!"

"Is it grouper?"

"A giant owl weighing fifty or sixty pounds is no worse than a grouper!"

Shi Jiehua shook his head. The price of grouper is indeed not low, but this kind of giant owl weighs fifty kilograms or even fifty or sixty kilograms, and its value is astonishing. The fish belly is so valuable. If you catch three or five fish, you will make a lot of money tonight.

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