"Zhao Dahai!"

"Are you going to let others live?"

Shi Zhong shook his head as he looked at the big owl swinging its tail on the deck.

This is a fishing spot for grouper fishing. Others were knocking on the bottom to catch some fish but not catching them. Zhao Dahai hung on the bottom and caught a big owl weighing more than fifty kilograms in the blink of an eye.


"Didn't you see that just now? I just put the fishing rig into the sea, just thinking about using it when I hit the bottom next time!"

"Who could have imagined that there would be a bite at this moment?"

"Didn't I just say that? Why can't I stop this fish from biting the hook?"

"If one can't block the other one, what's the point of blocking this thing?"

Zhao Dahai made a joke.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? Who would stand in the way of something like this? I wish all these big owl fish would bite the hook one after another!"

Shi Zhongwei glared. Anchovies weighing more than ten kilograms can already be sold at very good prices, and large equids weighing fifty kilograms are very popular. Not only is the fish delicious, but the most important thing is the fish belly inside, which is a real valuable commodity.

"You have never caught such a big owl, right? This is a good thing that can be sold at a very good price!"

Shi Zhongwei patted the giant owl's head hard.

Zhao Dahai shook his head. He had caught a bigger one, weighing over a hundred pounds.

Shi Zhong was stunned.

Everyone on the fishing boat saw the big owl caught by Zhao Dahai, and they were all very envious. Everyone who was not fishing gathered around it.

"Why do you always give us such difficult problems?"

Wang Degao patted his thigh with great distress. While he and the others were chatting, Zhao Dahai kept fishing for Shi Jiugong. While waiting for others like him to start fishing for Shi Jiugong, Zhao Dahai caught Red Spot. When they started fishing for grouper, Zhao Dahai caught Shi Jiugong again.

It's fine now. While everyone on the boat was fishing for grouper, Zhao Dahai was fishing for catfish, and he caught a big catfish weighing about fifty kilograms. Blue groupers or other groupers of the same size cannot compare to a large owl of this size.


"You don't want to catch squid, do you? Don't forget one thing. Being able to catch Zhao Dahai doesn't mean we can catch other things. If nothing else, we can't just catch squid in the water layer. Ask Zhao Dahai? You have to explore it yourself, right?"

"Don't catch squid for a while, and miss the grouper."

"If you draw water from both ends of the bamboo basket, you will be in real trouble!"

Chen Zhiyong shook his head. No matter what others thought, it was definitely impossible for him not to catch grouper.

Wang Degao originally wanted to catch squid, but when he heard what Chen Zhiyong said, he wanted to give up the idea.

Zhao Dahai caught the catfish, and he caught the second one. Especially the second one was very big, which proved that there must be catfish in the sea area in front of him, especially tonight. But no matter what, the current fishing spot is the fishing spot for grouper.

Chen Zhiyong is right. Nowadays, if you are fishing for squid, you have to spend time looking for the water layer, and you may not be able to catch it. However, if you are fishing for grouper, the probability will be very high.

When fishing, you must have the highest success rate. Especially when you and Chen Zhiyong are not as capable as Zhao Dahai, you must know what to do and not take risks.

Wang Degao looked at Zhao Dahai and put the bait into the sea again. He thought about what he would do if Zhao Dahai caught another owl a while later, and it was a big owl.

Wang Degao thought for a while, he really didn't know what he would do if such a thing really happened, and jokingly told Chen Zhiyong about it.

Chen Zhiyong was a little dumbfounded. It would be okay if Zhao Dahai caught a big owl, but if he caught another one, especially several in succession, it would be impossible for him and Wang Degao, including the other people on the fishing boat, to calmly decide the bottom. Fishing for grouper.


"Forget it? Let's see what's going on first!"

"When Zhao Dahai really catches big owls one after another, we will consider this issue again!"

Chen Zhiyong thought about it for a long time, and he would definitely not be able to bear it if Zhao Dahai caught big owl one after another.


Shi Jiehua drove the fishing boat, and after Zhao Dahai pulled the big owl caught on the deck, the fishing boat drove to the second point. Looking at the fish finder and navigation next to it, it immediately approached the second point.

"Reef structure!"

"The water is two hundred and ten meters deep!"

"Lay out the line two hundred and seven meters!"


"Two hundred meters."

"One hundred and fifty meters!"

"One hundred meters!"

"Fifty meters!"

"Knock the bottom!"

Shi Jiehua stopped the fishing boat, took Michael Feng and shouted loudly to remind the people on the fishing boat to start tapping the bottom. He ignored the other people and kept staring at Zhao Dahai. He was surprised to find that Zhao Dahai did not tap the bottom.

"What's going on? Zhao Dahai doesn't fish for groupers at all? Could it be that the owl just caught was not caught by knocking on the bottom?"

Shi Jiehua didn't pay attention to how Zhao Dahai caught the big owl just now. Now it seems that he really didn't catch it by knocking the bottom.

Shi Jiehua immediately thought of the ten-to-twenty-pound catfish that Zhao Dahai had caught not long ago. He had been doubting this just now, and felt that he had found the water layer at that time.

Will we be able to catch the owl this time?

Shi Jiehua was very curious.


"Dead again!"


"Can't you catch any grouper tonight? Why are these two spots caught?"


"Why don't you have a bite?"

“What’s the use of not being able to bite the bullet and not showing off your bottom line?”

Chen Zhiyong's eyes widened and he didn't dare to breathe. He stared at the fishing rod in front of him. When he just tapped the bottom and pulled it up, there seemed to be signs of fish bites, but it was not obvious.

"come on!"

"Take a big bite!"

"Why do you think so much?"

"This is a sweet and delicious prawn!"

Chen Zhiyong kept muttering in a low voice, very nervous, and his right hand on the switch was shaking a little.


This time it’s really here!

Chen Zhiyong paused when he saw the fishing rod, and he couldn't wait to push it forward with his right hand.


"It's hit, it's hit!"

“Finally caught a grouper!”

Chen Zhiyong roared loudly with joy, raised his hands, as if he had won a big victory, kept waving, and spun around in circles.


"Chen Zhiyong!"

"You don't know how many groupers you have caught. Do you need to be so excited?"

Wang Degao found it a bit funny. Both Chen Zhiyong and himself had been going to sea for more than ten years and had caught countless kinds of fish. There was no need to be so excited.


"Honestly, I don't know why I am so excited, but I am really so excited!"

Chen Zhiyong was stunned for a moment and shook his head. It was just a grouper, and it looked like it was not big. There was really nothing to be excited about.

Wang Degao sighed inwardly. Chen Zhiyong's excitement was actually caused by the huge pressure brought by Zhao Dahai.


"Finally someone caught a fish."

"Grouper! One hundred percent grouper."

"If there is a first rule, then there is a second rule. We have to work harder and be more serious!"

People around him were very happy when they saw that Chen Zhiyong had caught a grouper. This proved that the grouper on the bottom of the sea had opened its mouth. Let's see if we have such luck next.

Chen Zhiyong put his hands on the side of the fishing boat and looked down at the water. A blue spot weighing five to six pounds was pulled up from the sea and floated on the water.

Wang Degao had already picked up the net and was waiting to start copying immediately.

"Not too big, not too big."

"This one is really not big, but it is indeed a grouper."

Wang Degao smiled.

Chen Zhiyong took off the hook and checked that the fish was not flatulent. He took his own blue cable tie, tied the fish, and placed it in a large bucket with oxygen and sea water next to it.

The caught groupers are first raised here. If they do not die after two or three hours, they will be sent to the living cabin of the fishing boat. If they die, they will be placed directly in the cold storage.

Chen Zhiyong wiped his hands with a towel and finally caught a grouper.


“It seems like you can still catch some grouper at this fishing spot!”

"Hurry up and take some time to raise the bottom here a few times and see if you can catch fish!"

Chen Zhiyong smiled.


"Wang Degao!"

"Why are you so stunned? Didn't you hear what I said? Take a moment and tap the bottom quickly to see if there are any groupers!"

Chen Zhiyong was very strange when he saw Wang Degao not saying a word and looking dazed, so he immediately shouted to remind him to fish quickly.

Wang Degao didn't speak, his expression was very strange, and he pointed forward.

Did Zhao Dahai catch another fish? And is it from a big fish?

Wang Degao's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately turned around and saw that Zhao Dahai's electric winch was rotating continuously, and the fishing rod mounted on the gun mount was bending very much.

What about the big owl or the big grouper?

Wang Degao originally wanted to continue fishing with high bottom immediately, but when he saw this situation, he lost his mind and couldn't help but walked to the side of the fishing boat, lowered his head, and looked sideways at the sea in front of Zhao Dahai's fishing position.



"Zhao Dahai!"

"Another big owl!"

Wang Degao's face suddenly became very ugly when he heard Shi Zhongwei's excited shouts.

If Zhao Dahai had caught a grouper, he wouldn't have been so depressed, but what he caught was another catfish, and another big catfish weighing forty or fifty pounds.

This is not just as simple as catching anchovies. The key is that it proves that there are schools of owl fish in the sea, and they are all large anchovies weighing forty or fifty pounds.

Wang Degao looked at the bubbling bucket next to him that was pumping with oxygen. In it was the five to six kilogram blue spot he had just caught. This fish was worth as much as Zhang Dahai's fifty kilogram. The big owl shoes on the left and right are not suitable.

what to do?

Should I continue fishing for grouper, or switch to fishing for bream?

Wang Degao was very hesitant and didn't know what to do.


"Wang Degao!"

"The most terrible thing has happened!"

“Am I going to continue fishing for grouper now, or am I going to switch to fishing for bream?”

Chen Zhiyong had a terrible headache.

Zhao Dahai even caught two giant anchovies, each weighing fifty kilograms.

Anyone with fishing experience knows that at this time there are schools of squid in the sea, and large squid are very valuable as long as you catch one.

However, fishing for dolphins cannot be done by hitting the bottom. You must know the water layer, especially when fishing for such huge dolphins.

If no one can catch grouper, perhaps everyone will switch to fishing for catfish without hesitation. But except for Wang Degao who caught grouper, the other two people in the fishing position also caught it.

They were not very big. Wang Degao caught a fish weighing five to six kilograms, and the other two people caught one weighing ten kilograms and one weighing seven or eight kilograms.

Chen Zhiyong looked around, everyone was talking. Some people think we should fish for grouper, some people think we should fish for bream, but no one can make up their mind.

Shi Zhongwei kept shaking his head as he watched Zhao Dahai squat down and use pliers to pick out the hook in the mouth of the fifty-pound catfish he had caught.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"You are really bad. I have never seen a fisherman worse than you."

“Do you think it’s better for these people around here to fish for squid? Or fish for grouper?”

Shi Zhongwei couldn't help but laugh.

Some people on fishing boats did catch groupers, but the groupers that could be caught were relatively small, and not many people caught groupers.

Zhao Dahai caught another 50-pound giant owl. The value of this fish was very good, far more than the grouper caught by the other three people on the fishing boat.

The people around me must be very confused.

"Shi Zhongwei!"

"How can you think like this? Your thinking is really wrong!"

"You can catch groupers here as well as squid. Isn't it a good thing that we on the fishing boat have one more choice?"

It took Zhao Dahai a long time to take off the hook. The owl was relatively large, and the hook penetrated the bone where the fish's mouth was embedded.

Shi Zhongwei had no way to refute, being able to catch both the eel and the grouper really gave him one more choice.

“Which fisher is next, the owl or the grouper?”

Shi Zhongwei was very curious and pointed to the cockpit of the fishing boat. Now that a grouper has been caught at this spot, he will not leave immediately. He will stay here for the next half hour until everyone has knocked two or three times. At the bottom, if you can't catch grouper or other fish, you will continue to move forward and continue to find another point.

"Does this need to be said? It must be fishing for grouper."

Zhao Dahai didn't need to think about it, and immediately decided to catch grouper. He didn't just say it, he checked that there was nothing wrong with the hook, and immediately grabbed a big octopus from the small bucket that had been prepared nearby and hung it on the hook. , and put it into the sea.

Shi Zhongwei grabbed his hair hard and didn't understand Zhao Dahai's operation. Not long ago, he caught an owl and just caught another one. Normally, he should continue fishing for the owl. However, hanging an octopus and actually fishing for a grouper gave him a little reaction. Don't come.

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