"Brother Dahai!"

"Yang Qin!"

Zhao Dahai was walking to the dock with Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin when he heard someone calling him. At first, he thought he had heard wrongly. When he looked back, he saw Liu Lei rushing towards him as fast as a small tank.


"Do you need to be in such a hurry? Is it possible that one day is like three autumns?"

Zhao Dahai waited for Liu Lei to rush in front of him and pointed to Yang Qin next to him.

"What did you do, you fat bastard? You just ran away like this?"

Yang Qin blushed.

There would be no problem if Liu Gang was not at Shi Jiehua's home, but Liu Gang was at Shi Jiehua's home now. As soon as Liu Lei ran out, Liu Gang could see clearly, and both Shi Jiehua and Shi Guangming could see clearly, which made him feel a little embarrassed to see others. .


"What's there?"

"My dad wishes I could stay with you every day!"

"If I hadn't run out just now, my dad would definitely scold me when I got back!"

Liu Lei's face is thicker than the city wall.

"What are you talking about?"

Yang Qin couldn't stand it anymore, so she reached out and pinched Liu Lei hard.



"This is really painful!"

Liu Lei's face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd.


"If it doesn't hurt, why would I pinch you? I wonder if you will talk like this again in the future!"


"Definitely not!"

Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang couldn't help laughing when they looked at Liu Lei and Yang Qin. Seeing Liu Lei running out, Yang Qin looked annoyed, but in fact he was very happy in his heart, but he was just being unforgiving and insisted on teaching Liu Lei a lesson.

Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, Liu Lei, and Yang Qin went to the pier and walked towards the fishing boat. From a distance, they saw Shi Zhongwei and Ding Ailian talking happily on the deck.

Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, Liu Lei and Yang Qin did not walk over immediately, but found a place to stop at the edge of the pier.

"Brother Dahai."

"I really want to go out into the deep sea with you."

Liu Lei looked at the sea in front of him. In a few days, Zhao Dahai and Shi Zhongwei would go out to the deep sea together. They stayed there for a month and spent the whole time fishing. Thinking about it, he felt very envious.


"As long as you walk away, I'm fine with it."

Zhao Dahai smiled. One month of going to sea is very long. To be honest, this kind of life is very boring. Not everyone can get used to it. Liu Lei thinks this is very new and wants to go to sea with him. Give it a try.

Liu Lei hesitated and shook his head.

Three to five days might be okay, but a month is really too long.

It's not that I can't live without myself in the restaurant, but I have grown up now, and I have started to officially work in the restaurant.

For Zhao Dahai and Shi Zhongwei, going out to sea for a month was just work and making money, and for them, it was just play.

You can't do such a thing yourself.

Zhao Dahai didn't say much. Liu Lei had to figure out the importance of this matter. Liu Lei decided not to go. This was the right thing to do. He was not a child anymore. He could not do whatever he wanted or go wherever he wanted.


"Brother Dahai."

"Do you know how many big fish you can catch on this trip to the sea? Just think about the big grouper weighing more than 100 kilograms or the big tuna weighing more than 200 kilograms."

“It’s really very desirable!”

While Liu Lei was talking, he couldn't help but start imagining the big fish Zhao Dahai caught during his trip to the sea. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.


"We should be able to catch a lot of big fish on this trip. The season is very good now."

"Uncle Shi Jiehua said that the fish in the sea are relatively big."

"In this case, we should be able to catch bigger fish than the last two trips to sea."

Zhao Dahai nodded. The last two times I went fishing with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat, I was able to catch so many fish even in a particularly good season. Now I will definitely be able to catch more fish every time I go out to sea.


"Zhao Dahai has to go to sea next. In a month, won't things in the house be very important to keep an eye on?"


"I will definitely have to run more next time. I basically have to come to the village every day to take a look."

"Did you start building the house after it was leveled?"

"That's the plan. It may take a long time to build a bigger house, so we might as well start earlier."


"Didn't you say once that Liu Lei's family planned to build a new house in the town?"

"How are things going?"

"I've looked for several pieces of land. It shouldn't be a big problem, right?"

"I'm sure there's no shortage of money or anything else. I just have to see what the location is like."

"It's like this building! The first floor can be used as a facade."

While Zhao Dahai and Liu Lei were chatting next to them, Yang Qin and Ding Xiaoxiang were chatting the same, but they were talking about different things.

Sea fishing boat.

Shi Zhongwei was talking to Ding Ailian.


"In two or three days, I will have to go to sea. It will take a month before and after this trip to sea."

Shi Zhongwei was a little helpless. He met Ding Ailian and felt that it suited him very well. He wanted to spend more time with her, but there was no other way. Fishing was a job where he could make money.

For fishing boats, you can push back the time slightly and make your own decision. Unlike sea fishing boats, as long as the time is set, unless there is a sudden change in the weather or something else happens, you can only follow the set time. Go to sea.


"Go ahead."

"Isn't this what your family does? How else can it be done?"


"Are you sure about this trip? Can you catch fish?"

Ding Ailian had known for a long time that the fishing fee paid by Shi Zhongwei for his cooperation with Zhao Dahai was very high, a full 200,000 yuan per person. Charging such a high price and making so much money, it was very stressful.

They are all natives of villages and towns, and it is impossible for them to act recklessly. With so much money, they have to do things properly and look good, otherwise it is easy for others to poke their backs.


"It can't be without risk at all, but the risk is not too great."

"Whether you can catch fish or not depends entirely on Brother Dahai's ability."

"Brother Dahai can do this. If he dares to charge so much money, he will definitely be able to do this!"

Shi Zhong looked at Zhao Dahai, Ding Xiaoxiang, Yang Qin, and Liu Lei who were not far away. They had arrived at the dock not long ago. If they didn't come over, he would give himself and Ding Ailian more time to talk.

The pressure of going out to sea this time is actually very high. If it is only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan per fishing position, it does not matter whether these people who go out to sea can catch fish or not.

Not everyone on every fishing boat can catch fish or make money when they go out to sea.

If you can't catch fish and you can't make money, people who book a fishing spot and go out to sea will definitely have to curse, but it's just a curse.

But this trip cost 200,000 yuan per person, and he couldn't catch any fish when he went out to sea. If the fish he caught could be sold for far less than 200,000 yuan, it would be more than just cursing.

What do you mean these are all voluntary? Useless!

In the beginning, it was all voluntary and all my own ideas. But when you lose money and lose all your money, it's a different story.

Whether he could catch fish or not, he and his father Shi Jiehua didn't play a big role. They all went to the same fishing spots and the same routes.

The key is Zhao Dahai.

At the same spot, some people can catch a lot of fish, while some people can't catch many fish, or they can't catch any fish at all.

Zhao Dahai is often the one who can catch a lot of fish.

This is the key to the fact that the people who boarded the ship were willing to pay 200,000 yuan and Zhao Dahai could account for 70% of the cooperation process this time.

Ding Ailian's face looked a little serious, but she didn't say anything more.



"Don't worry too much about this."

"My family has been running fishing boats for many years, and we know very well what deep-sea fishing is like. If you dare to do something like this, you have a lot of confidence."

"Brother Dahai's fishing skills have long been proven."

"How else would those people be willing to spend two hundred thousand to go fishing?"

“No one’s money in this world comes from strong winds, and no one is a fool.”

"Besides, this is your cousin Ding Xiaoxiang's sister-in-law's idea."

"Don't you still know what kind of person your cousin is? If you don't have such confidence, how can you do such a thing?"

Shi Zhongwei was a little worried, but not too worried. No matter from any aspect, this trip to the sea would not be too risky. There was no guarantee that the fish caught by everyone would be sold for more than 200,000 yuan. , but some people can catch a lot of fish and earn more than 200,000, including some people who can catch the big fish they dream of very easily.

Ding Ailian thought for a while and nodded. Shi Zhongwei was right. The whole thing seemed risky and stressful, but it was not as big as he thought.


"I will go to sea for a month. I can only wait to find you again when I come back."

Shi Zhongwei looked at Ding Ailian.

"Isn't that what you just said? Going to sea is not just for fun, this is work, what else can you do?"

"My cousin-in-law and the others are already here. They have been there for a while. You call him over."

"If you have anything to say, wait until we get back from the sea."

Ding Ailian had already noticed that Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang had come to the dock, so she took the time to chat with Shi Zhongwei for a while.

Shi Zhongwei nodded, stood up, and shouted at Zhao Dahai who was not far away.

Zhao Dahai heard Shi Zhongwei calling him, Ding Xiaoxiang, Yang Qin and Liu Lei and walked over.

Zhao Dahai and Shi Zhongwei chatted for a few words, then boarded the speedboat with Ding Xiaoxiang, Yang Qin and Ding Ailian. They left the Shijiao Village Pier and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a long water mark on the sea, but it was very short. It was so quick that I could not see the calmness returning.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"You're not going to be a wife-loving stone, are you?"

Liu Lei looked at Shi Zhongwei, who had been staring in the direction where the speedboat disappeared, and made a joke.


"Isn't that what you are like?"

"Didn't you tell me what happened at my house? Why do you have to chase her out? Don't you just want to see Yang Qin more?"

Shi Zhong was so polite that he immediately retorted. He took out a complaint from his pocket, flicked one out and threw it to Liu Lei.

Liu Lei took it in his hand, put it under his nose, smelled it twice, struggled for a while, and shook his head. She really wanted to smoke, but Yang Qin said it very clearly that she absolutely couldn't smoke.

Liu Lei had no choice but to agree.


"Liu Lei!"

"You are really capable!"

"Yang Qin is not here now, and you are unlikely to see Yang Qin in the past two days. Are you still worried that she can smell the smell of your smoking from so far away?"

When Shi Zhongwei saw Liu Lei's appearance, he knew that this must be Yang Qin's message that smoking was not allowed.

There's nothing strange about this!

The strange thing is that Liu Lei not only doesn't dare to smoke when Yang Qin is in front of him, but even now he doesn't dare to smoke when Yang Qin is not in front of him.

You are really too timid! You have to laugh hard at it.


"Are you mocking me?"

"Ding Ailian hasn't told you about this yet, has he?"

"Don't worry, it's just a matter of time."

"There's definitely nothing we can do about drinking! If my family runs a restaurant, they have to do business. When doing business, socializing and drinking are inevitable."

"Then why does Yang Qin have to ask me not to smoke?"

"Brother Dahai doesn't smoke or drink!"

"I want to follow suit. Yang Qin just told me not to smoke and even drink as little as possible."

"Do you think you can hide in the future?"

"I know you don't like drinking very much, but you just don't like drinking too much. You must still like to drink a little."

"Are you a smoker? There are a few people who go to sea who don't smoke. You must like to smoke. You have cigarettes stuffed in your pockets now."

"Do not worry!"

"It won't take long. It's very likely that Ding Ailian will tell you about this next time we meet!"

"Brother Dahai can still make money even if he doesn't smoke or drink. Why can't you make as much money as Brother Dahai and dare to smoke and drink at the same time?"

"Ding Ailian opened her mouth, will you listen or not?"

Liu Lei had no expression on his face. He didn't care at all. Shi Zhong was laughing at him and kept talking one after another.

Shi Zhongwei was a little disapproving at first, feeling that Liu Lei was alarmist, but as he listened, the smile on his face disappeared and became very serious, and then his whole face turned into a bitter gourd.

Liu Lei was really not joking, nor was he trying to intimidate himself, he was just telling the truth.

No matter how you say it, this is not good for your health!

You know it's bad for your health, so why do you have to do it?

Brother Dahai makes more money than people like me, and neither smokes nor drinks. Why do he and Liu Lei smoke and drink at the same time?

With such a role model in front of them, what reason do they have for themselves and Liu Lei not to learn?


"Ding Ailian might not have noticed this!"

"Everyone around me, including Ding Ailian and I, smokes and drinks!"

"I've long been used to it!"

Shi Zhongwei shook his head, feeling that this statement was a bit forced.


"Do you think it's possible?"

"How could Ding Ailian not notice this? How could she not ask for this?"


"Even if Ding Ailian doesn't notice this, I will remind her. Even if I don't speak directly, I will tell Yang Qin and let Yang Qin or sister-in-law Xiaoxiang tell Ding Ailian!"

"You can rest assured about this!"

"You will never miss it!"

Liu Lei made up for it.

Shi Zhongwei looked at Liu Lei for a while and didn't know what to say. He knew that Liu Lei would definitely be able to do this, and there was absolutely no way he would suffer alone and let himself be free and easy beside him.

It’s over!

It's really over now!

Shi Zhongwei sighed, and looked at the cigarette in his hand reluctantly. He could already foresee this, and he wouldn't be able to smoke for long.

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