Shi Zhongwei stood on the fishing boat and watched Liu Lei leave triumphantly. There was really nothing he could do.


"This good life really won't last for a few days!"

Shi Zhongwei shook his head, took several puffs of cigarette, turned around and continued his work.


The sun hangs in the sky.

Shi Zhong was sweating profusely when he walked out of the cabin. The sea breeze was still a little cool, but it was already starting to get warm.

"time to eat!"

Shi Zhong saw his father, Shi Jiehua, striding over and shouted loudly from a distance.

Shi Zhongwei got on the pier and walked in front of Shi Jiehua, and the two of them walked home together.


"Have you settled the matter with Boss Liu Gang and Liu? Are you ready to buy fish from our fishing boat?"

Shi Zhongwei wiped the sweat on his forehead.


"Both Liu Gang and Wu Weimin plan to buy part of the fish from our fishing boat."

"Mainly groupers or other valuable fish."

Shi Jiehua nodded. This was something he and Liu Gang had agreed upon. Not only Liu Gang, but also Wu Weimin had to buy fish from the fishing boat.


"In this case, will those people we originally cooperated with have any objections?"

Shi Zhongwei was a little worried about this. Regardless of Liu Gang or Wu Weimin, the price offered is definitely higher than others, and the fishing boat will definitely make more money by selling the fish to them. This is a channel for Liu Gang and Wu Weimin to eliminate middlemen. It is good for both Liu Gang and Wu Weimin. However, their fishing boats have buyers who have cooperated with them for many years. Now they sell part of the fish they catch to Wu Weimin and Liu Gang. , it will harm the interests of these acquisition companies, and they may not have any opinions. Doing business is not just as simple as making more or less. The relationship that has been worked together for many years is very important. Sometimes, even if you make a little less money, you have to maintain this relationship.


"The acquirers we are working with must have some opinions, but they are speechless."

"If our fishing boat goes out to catch fish, it must be sold to these people."

"This trip to sea is a collaboration between us and Zhao Dahai, and Zhao Dahai occupies the majority of the cooperation on this trip."

"No matter from what point of view, Zhao Dahai must nod and agree to whoever the fish is sold to and at what price."

"There is nothing wrong with selling part of it to Wu Weimin and Liu Gang."

"Even if the purchasers we cooperate with really have objections, they can't do anything about it. The truth lies with us."

Shi Jiehua waved his hand.

I must have some objections to the purchasers I worked with, but this time Zhao Dahai took the lead. It was normal to sell some fish to Wu Weimin and Liu Gang. Zhao Dahai could even sell to whomever he wanted.

If Zhao Dahai didn't speak, he could make his own decision. Once Zhao Dahai spoke, he had to listen to Zhao Dahai. Usually, the buyers I work with have nothing to say even if they know about it.

Shi Zhongwei thought about it and this was indeed the case. It was not his father, Shi Jiehua, who really made the decision on this trip to sea, but Zhao Dahai didn't care about it.


"Didn't Ding Ailian come to see you?"

Shi Jiehua remembered the most important thing.


"I didn't say anything special, just chatting for a while!"

Shi Zhongwei nodded. He really didn't expect Ding Ailian to come to him today and was very happy.

"Aren't we going to sea in two days? I'll find Ding Ailian again sometime."

Shi Zhong had planned this for a long time.


"We are people who go to sea, so we can't always stay at home."

"But we still have to find as much time as possible to get along with each other."

"You have to pay attention to this."

"You have to give way!"

"You know what kind of family we are. Don't look at our family in the town near the village, which can be considered rich and economically sound."

"But the man has been away from home for many years, and he has to drift on the sea. It is not easy to find a good wife. It is true that not all kinds of people are willing to marry into the house."

"Not to mention that the financial conditions of Ding Ailian's family are not worse than ours at all."

Shi Jiehua looked at Shi Zhongwei who was walking beside him. This matter must be made clear, and Shi Zhongwei must know it well.


"I got it!"

"In our family, starting from grandpa, to you and me, who in the family can stand upright?"

Shi Zhongwei laughed.


"That's right!"

"Is this what it is? There's nothing wrong with being afraid of your wife. The key is to know what's going on. Only when your family is in harmony can everything be prosperous."

"After a month or two at sea, I can have a warm meal when I come back."

“The elderly and children are well taken care of.”

"What could be more important than this?"

Shi Jiehua smiled loudly and nodded.

Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei walked home while talking about things that were only said between father and son.

small town.

Fishing tackle shop.

Wu Guodong pointed to the five large boxes on the ground.

"Boss Xu."

"Isn't this a bit exaggerated? Do you really use poles and wheels like this?"

Wu Guodong shook his head gently as he spoke.

Xu Tianhua set a fishing spot and went fishing with Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boat. When he came back, he immediately ordered new poles, wheels and various accessories for himself. All these poles and wheels were delivered today. As soon as he called, Xu Tianhua rushed over immediately.

There is only one characteristic of these poles and wheels, and that is that the price is very high. The high price leads to only one result, and that is that they are very powerful and can catch very large fish.


"Boss Wu."

"What does it mean in one sentence?"

“If you want to do something well, you must first sharpen your tools.”

"To catch big fish, especially those tuna weighing more than 100 kilograms, or large groupers, you must prepare a pole like this."

"Didn't I say that Zhao Dahai looked for these poles and wheels when he went out to sea? No matter what, we have to follow Zhao Dahai, right?"

"This time we went out to sea with Zhao Dahai's fishing boat. The probability of finding a big fish is very high. If the fish takes the bait and the pole fails, we will be in big trouble."

Xu Tianhua was very proud.


"Boss Xu!"

"The poles are indeed exactly the same poles, but just because the poles are exactly the same doesn't mean you can catch fish."

"A fish really bites the hook, do you think you can pull it up?"

Wu Guodong looked at Xu Tianhua's belly as he spoke.

I was joking but not joking. Fishing is not just about the skill of the hands. Many times, it also depends on whether you have such a body and strength.

The biggest difficulty in catching big fish is not only finding where the fish is, not just finding a way to get the fish to bite the hook, but what is even more difficult is whether the fish can be pulled up after biting the hook.

When fishing for grouper, it doesn't take much effort if you use a pole mounted on a gun stand. If you want to find out where the fish is, as long as the fish bites the hook, you have a high chance of catching it.

But fishing for tuna does not require the pole on the gun mount, you must hold the pole.

If a fish takes the bait, especially if Zhao Dahai is on the fishing boat, there won't be much of a problem, at least the probability will be very high. However, whether the fish can be pulled up after it is hooked depends on the strength of the hand. Ability depends on whether you have the strength.


"This is really a problem!"

Xu Tianhua patted his belly hard.

I like fishing, but I can't fish every day. Plus I'm a certain age and have many various social activities, so I definitely can't keep my body in good shape.

Not to mention people like Zhao Dahai? Even Wu Guodong can't compare.

The hooking force of a fish weighing several dozen kilograms is very strong. Not to mention a tuna weighing a hundred kilograms, even a tuna weighing forty or fifty kilograms may not be able to be pulled up by oneself.

Xu Tianhua was not worried at all about finding the fish on this trip. The only worry was that he would not be able to pull up the big fish if it was hooked.

What Wu Guodong said now directly hit his sore spot.


"Boss Xu."

"The two of us laugh at the same pace. There is no big difference."

"The target is a hundred catties of large grouper."

"When fishing for grouper, we use a pole mounted on a gun stand. This way we don't have to use too much strength. We still have some skills in our hands."

"As for the tuna, we just need to get a feel for it."

"It's pretty good to be able to catch a tuna weighing 30 to 50 kilograms. Even if a tuna weighing 100 kilograms is hooked, we definitely won't be able to pull it in with the strength of our hands!"

Wu Guodong has long thought about this matter. Neither he nor Xu Tianhua went out to sea to make money, but just wanted to have a good time.

Xu Tianhua thought about it carefully and realized that this was indeed the case. Even if the 100-pound golden gun really bit the hook, it would not be able to pull it up. This is what Wu Guodong said is true.


"A large tuna weighing more than 100 kilograms, or a large grouper weighing nearly 200 kilograms, can be caught with a hand-held pole."

"How much strength?"

Xu Tianhua remembered this incident.

When Zhao Dahai went to the deep sea for the second time, not many people saw him fishing, but when he went to the deep sea for the first time, there were quite a few people.

"Zhao Dahai must be very good at finding fish, but he is very good at finding fish. Without a good enough body, he would definitely not be able to catch so many fish."

"On this trip to the sea, we have the opportunity to see with our own eyes how Zhao Dahai catches grouper and big tuna."

Wu Guodong is looking forward to this very much.

Zhao Dahai has caught so many fish and made so much money in the past year that he has become a legendary figure among the fishermen in the nearby area.

Everyone who likes fishing wants to see Zhao Dahai's fishing ability with his own eyes, and he is no exception.



"We will definitely have a chance to see it all during this trip."

"My fishing skills are definitely not as good as those of Zhao Dahai, but no matter what, these poles, wheels and other things must be on par."

As Xu Tianhua spoke, he took the scissors and started to unpack the box. He took out all the poles and wheels inside and assembled them one by one. The wheels were all wired, and they were all configured exactly the same as Zhao Dahai's.

"Boss Wu."

"We will go to sea in two days!"


"Honestly, I'm really excited!"

"I wonder how big the biggest fish we can catch is?"

"Didn't I just say that? My goal is a hundred-jin grouper. As long as I can catch it, the 200,000 yuan on this trip will be very worthwhile!"

"What kind of fish do you think the first fish we catch will be?"

"First fish?"

"Is it a fish like sea bass or a fish like grouper?"

Xu Tianhua and Wu Guodong were chatting and busy with the things at hand, looking forward to going fishing in the next month.

Six o'clock in the morning.

When Zhao Dahai woke up, he could hear the faint sound of an excavator through the open window. He took a look outside and saw that the excavator was already at work early in the morning.

Zhao Dahai was not surprised at all. All the work was outsourced to Sun Zhiming. He must have thought that he would finish it early and get the money to do other work early, so that he could make more money.

Zhao Dahai walked over and said hello to Sun Zhiming, chatted for a few words, then came home and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

Zhao Dahai had just started cooking breakfast when grandma got up.

Zhong Cuihua looked at the things in the kitchen that she was not busy with, walked out of the courtyard and worked in the vegetable field behind the house for a while, and came back when she heard Zhao Dahai calling her to have breakfast.


"Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da are all going with me on this trip to the deep sea. This is something that was agreed upon years ago."

"If anything happens, you can talk to Grandpa Second or Ma Hongyu and the others."

While Zhao Dahai was having breakfast, he was talking to his grandma Zhong Cuihua about going to sea in two days.

"What's the need to worry?"

"Your grandparents, grandma, and Ma Hongyu are all in the village. What can happen?"

"This girl Xiaoxiang will definitely come here from time to time during this period."

"You don't have to worry anymore!"

Zhong Cuihua waved her hand.

Zhao Dahai must be a little uneasy about being alone at home, but there is no need to worry at all. One is that he is not old enough to walk, and the other is that Zhao Shi and Ma Hongyu are all at home in the fishing village.

Zhao Dahai didn't say any more about this matter.

Fishing villages are all like this. The mainstay of the family has to go out to fish. Sometimes they come back on the same day, sometimes it takes three to five days or half a month, and sometimes it takes a year and a half. I have already gotten used to it. .

Although she has made a lot of money now, it is really impossible for grandma Zhong Cuihua to stay at home without doing any work when she is old. She wouldn't do such a thing, and it was even less likely that her grandma Zhong Cuihua would let her do such a thing.

After Zhao Dahai finished his breakfast, he went to the house to take another look, then went to find Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da. He had to go to sea in two days and it would last a month. He took Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da with him. Many people who go to sea should visit the homes of these three people.

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