
"That old boy Li Hongyun's fishing boat has been following our fleet!"

"What do you want to do?"

Shi Zhongwei strode into the cab. He had been busy on the deck just now and had been paying attention to Li Hongyun's fishing boat. He followed it from a distance for half a day. The distance was kept very appropriate, not too far. Not enough to lose track of the fleet, but not too close to make people like myself angry.

"Who knows what you want to do?"

"There must be some evil idea in mind!"

Shi Jiehua was a little confused about what Li Hongyun wanted to do. After thinking about it, he picked up the walkie-talkie and started to notify He Jian and the two fishing boats behind him to slow down a little, and then told them to speed up ten minutes later. With a little speed, he went back and forth several times, and his face became increasingly ugly.

"What the hell!"

"This old boy must have done it on purpose!"

Shi Jiehua put down the walkie-talkie in his hand.

I had just sped up and slowed down several times, and Li Hongyun's fishing boat had also sped up and slowed down. From this, I knew that he must have been deliberately following his fleet.


"Does Li Hongyun want to follow us all the time? Does he want to see where we are fishing?"

"But what's the use?"

Shi Zhongwei pondered for a long time. This was the only possibility. However, there were basically no secret fishing spots on sea fishing boats. They only went to fishing spots that everyone knew. It was of no use for Li Hongyun to do this.

"Who knows what happened?"

Shi Jiehua was confused.

Li Hongyun must have some idea. But following him from a distance, there was no other possibility except to follow his own fishing boat to fishing spots.

The problem is that there is really no use in following like this. The fishing spot you want to go to is known to everyone. As long as it is a deep-sea fishing boat, it will definitely go to a place. Then you will go to other fishing spots. Everyone knows the same thing, and it is even more impossible for Li Hongyun not to know, what is the point of following him like this.

Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhong discussed it for a long time, but they couldn't guess who Li Hongyun wanted to do. They had no choice but to ignore it and continue driving the fishing boat forward.

Night falls.

The sea was pitch black.

There are very few lights, only a few here and there.

Zhao Dahai had a good sleep and was in good spirits. After dinner, he walked into the cab.

"Uncle Shi."

"The stone bell is."

"Have you two eaten?"

Zhao Dahai looked at Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei and was stunned for a moment. The expressions on their faces were very serious, without any smile at all.


"What's going on?"

Zhao Dahai felt a little strange. As he asked, he picked up his thermos cup, unscrewed the lid and took a few sips of the scalding strong tea.

After going out to sea for most of a day, he caught a large yellow croaker, and everyone caught a lot. Shi Jiehua's pressure as the boss of the ship was suddenly relieved a lot, and there was no reason to frown.

Could it be that something happened while I was going to bed?

Shi Zhongwei couldn't bear it for a long time, and when he saw Zhao Dahai pouring beans out of a bamboo tube, he said everything at once.

Zhao Dahai didn't expect this.


"Uncle Shi."

"What's so strange about this?"

"Li Hongyun must want to see if we can catch fish and how many fish we can catch."

"That's why I'm following you all the time!"

Zhao Dahai immediately guessed what Li Hongyun wanted to do without having to think about it.

"What's the use? We fishing boats are fishing at fishing spots that everyone knows and understands."

Shi Zhongwei knew that Li Hongyun might be like this, but it was of no use.

Zhao Dahai smiled.

Shi Zhong was a bit confused about this matter including Shi Jiehua. He always felt that they were all fishing spots that everyone knew and there was no secret. In fact, this was not the case.

Zhao Dahai told Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei that even the number of fish caught by different fishing boats at the same fishing spot is different, or even very different.

Li Hongyun may have been following the fleet because he wanted to watch people like him laugh when they couldn't catch fish. Another reason was that when people like him caught fish, he would drive a fishing boat over to take advantage of it.

Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei finally realized that this was not the case.

Zhao Dahai was able to catch so many fish not because he had fishing spots unknown to others in his hands, but because he caught more fish than others at fishing spots everyone knew about.

Li Hongyun followed from a distance, with this idea in mind. When he saw Zhao Dahai catching a fish somewhere, he would immediately sail over.

This vast sea is very open, and no matter which fishing spot belongs to the same person, whether it is Li Hongyun or anyone else who does this kind of thing, there is nothing he can do.

"What the hell!"

"I knew this old boy had no good intentions!"

Shi Jiehua cursed, but immediately began to worry.

If Li Hongyun did this, he really had nothing to do. This would not only allow Li Hongyun and the people on his fishing boat to catch a lot of fish in vain, but the key point was that doing this would make him very disgusted.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Isn't this old boy Li Hongyun really so shameless?"

Shi Zhongwei is a bit incredible.


"Are you a three-year-old child? How can you say such things?"

"As long as you can catch fish, who cares about being shameless?"

"Besides, the surface of this sea does not belong to our family."

"We can fish in one place, just as Li Hongyun and his sea fishing boat can fish in one place."

"It's indeed not very authentic, but who can say anything?"

Shi Jiehua was a little anxious and yelled at Shi Zhongwei.

"Uncle Shi."

"No rush! No rush!"

Zhao Dahai waved his hand when he saw Shi Jiehua was a little anxious.

If Li Hongyun really does this, it will indeed be a bit troublesome, but it is not a big deal. Shi Jiehua does not need to be so anxious.

"Zhao Dahai."

"Aren't you worried about this at all?"

Shi Jiehua discovered that Zhao Dahai was really not in a hurry at all.

Zhao Dahai nodded and shook his head.

If Li Hongyun really did this, it would be a bit disgusting, but fishing in the open sea or deep sea fishing is very common. As long as there is a fishing boat fishing in one place, there will definitely be many other fishing boats surrounding it. .

Shi Jiehua sighed, what he said was correct, there were too many such things.

"Brother Dahai."

"Is there really nothing we can do? Can we just watch helplessly as a shameless old boy like Li Hongyun comes to take advantage of us and steal our fish?"

Shi Zhong was aggrieved.

"Zhao Dahai."

"We have to find a way to do this. Li Hongyun really took advantage of us and caught a lot of fish."

"There are a lot of people doing this kind of thing."

"No one is willing to pay so much money to go fishing with our fishing boat!"

At first, Shi Jiehua was very depressed that Li Hongyun was using his and Zhao Dahai's fishing spots, but he soon discovered that this matter was not that simple. Once Li Hongyun did this and succeeded, the impact would be very big.


"Is there anything like this?"

"Brother Dahai!"

"It's not like we have nothing to do, and we really have to watch helplessly, right?"

Shi Zhong was really worried about this.

It's just disgusting to watch. The key is that I am very right to be honest. If I, Li Hongyun, or even other fishing boats can successfully catch a lot of fish, no one will order me again in the future. These people go fishing in fishing boats.

If you can fish a little bit for a fishing position with 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, who would pay 200,000 yuan?

Maybe the fishing spot fees of those cheap sea fishing boats will increase.

Don’t think that this thing is impossible or outrageous. In fact, anything can happen on the sea.

"Uncle Shi!"

"Shi Zhongwei!"

"Really don't worry!"

Zhao Dahai waved his hand.

What Shi Jiehua is worried about is really possible, even 100% likely to happen.

Otherwise, Li Hongyun wouldn't have been following him like this.

This kind of thing cannot be avoided, but it does not mean that there is no way to deal with it.

Zhao Dahai told Shi Jiehua and Shi Zhongwei that the spots where fish can really be caught are not particularly big.

The water in the deep sea is deeper, the fishing spots are wider, and the places with fish will be more and bigger. However, this does not mean that you can catch a lot of fish at any point. Generally speaking, at such a point, you can catch a lot of fish. The range won't be too big.

The fishing boats that were able to find the spot must have taken advantage and parked directly on the spot. Even if other fishing boats wanted to come over and grab the spot, it was not an easy task. In other words, even if they missed the spot, they wouldn't be able to get too much. Maybe There are a few fishing spots where people can catch more fish, but they certainly won’t get anywhere.

Zhao Dahai knows very well what fishing is all about.

When your own speedboat goes out to sea, you often encounter situations like this, but it is not so easy for other boats to steal your fish.

There is only a small area where you can catch fish, and your speedboat has already occupied the spot. It is not easy for other speedboats to come over and grab the fish.

In fact, the situation is exactly the same in the deep sea. The fishing spots where fish can be caught are indeed larger and have more fish than those in the open sea, but it is impossible to say that they are much larger and have many more fish.

Sea fishing boats are relatively large, and the waves and winds in the deep sea are generally relatively strong. Those sea fishing boats that want to take advantage of them cannot get too close. If they get too close, people like myself will have reason to chase them away.

Shi Zhong slowly calmed down, especially Shi Jiehua.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"You are more calm!"

Shi Jiehua smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The cooperation between myself and Zhao Dahai on this trip is very important. One is that it will have a direct impact on the fishing positions of myself and He Jian and others in the following fishing boats. Another more important thing is that the fishing position fee is as high as 200,000 per person. , I and Zhao Dahai have indeed made a lot of money, but precisely because of this, the pressure will be very high.

If Li Hongyun's fishing boat is even slightly successful, everyone on the fishing boat like himself will feel that the two hundred thousand dollars spent is not worth it.

This is why I was so anxious just now.

On the contrary, Zhao Dahai was very calm.

Boat owners who travel in the deep sea are very aware of the fishing spots that can catch fish, but it is not possible to catch a lot of fish every time. The same fishing spot has different fish locations every time.

Zhao Dahai is right. As long as fishing boats like his own take the first step to occupy these spots where fish can be caught, and if the wind and waves are relatively strong, it will not be easy for other fishing boats to take advantage of them.

"Uncle Shi!"

"We are not alone. We are not just one fishing boat out to sea, but four fishing boats out to sea."

"We found a spot where we can fish. Four fishing boats, in four directions, surrounded and closed like this."

"Is there anything else about fishing boats?"

Zhao Dahai pointed to the stern of the fishing boat as he spoke. He Jian and the other two fishing boats followed behind.

Shi Jiehua Planning and Shi Zhongwei were stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly.

It is the real killer weapon. As long as you find a spot where you can catch fish, each of the four fishing boats must occupy a position.

Whether it's Li Hongyun's fishing boat or someone else's fishing boat, even if they really see people like themselves catching a lot of fish, they can't take advantage of it.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"You still have a way!"

Shi Jiehua was really relieved.

If Li Hongyun doesn't have such an idea, forget it. If he does, he must look good when he gets to the fishing spot.

Is it so easy to take advantage of Zhao Dahai?

Shi Jiehua yawned.

In the past ten hours, Shi Zhongwei, who had been driving a fishing boat by himself, had woken up and took over and went back to have a good sleep.

At three or four in the morning, a sea fishing boat will arrive at the first fishing spot for deep sea fishing. At that time, I had to work non-stop, and even had to compete with Li Hongyun in a battle of wits and courage.

Shi Jiehua turned around and left the cab, returning to the cabin to sleep.

Shi Zhong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his father, Shi Jiehua, gone, and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"Brother Dahai, you won't say it, right?"

Shi Zhongwei touched the lighter and was about to light it when he suddenly remembered that Ding Ailian had said that she was not allowed to smoke.

Now on the ship, he will not be able to see Ding Ailian for the next month, and Ding Ailian will not be able to see him either. Whether you smoke or not depends on whether you do it consciously or not, or whether Zhao Dahai says it or not.


"Whoever wants to see it asks!"

"If Ding Ailian or Yang Qin asks, I will definitely not say anything, but if Ding Xiaoxiao asks, I will say something."

Zhao Dahai didn't even think about it. If Ding Ailian or Yang Qin asked him, he really wouldn't be able to tell, but if Ding Xiaoxiang asked, he would be 100% able to tell.


"Brother Dahai."

"If Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang asks, what's the difference between you telling Ding Ailian or Yang Qin directly?"

Shi Zhongwei was a little dumbfounded.

"How can there be no difference? Ding Ailian and Yang Qin have nothing to do with me. If you cheat, you will cheat. Ding Xiaoxiang is my future wife, so you can't cheat."

Zhao Dahai spoke plausibly.

Shi Zhongwei thought for a while, it was really like this and there was no way to refute it.

"Why don't you find a place to smoke? Since I can't see you, I'll just pretend I don't know you smoke."

"This way, no matter if Ding Xiaoxiang asks, Ding Ailian, or Yang Qin asks me, I won't have to lie, right?"

Zhao Dahai thought of an idea.

"Forget it!"

“If you don’t smoke, you can’t smoke!”

"Don't worry about it or if your wife runs away, it will be a big trouble!"

Shi Zhongwei thought for a while, gritted his teeth, and stuffed it directly into the drawer of the cab cabinet, throwing the lighter away casually.

Ding Ailian would not joke with herself. If she really found out one day, she really couldn't eat and walked around, her wife was gone, and her legs would be broken by my father Shi Jiehua and grandfather Shi Guangming.

Zhao Dahai smiled. Cigarettes are not a good thing. If you can't help it, you won't smoke.

While Zhao Dahai was chatting with Shi Zhongwei, he glanced at the fish detector next to him from time to time. Sometimes he turned to look at the sea outside the glass window next to him, paying attention to the water flowing on the sea.

Who said you can’t find or catch fish before you reach the fishing spot?

In fact, when you go out to sea, you have to pay attention to the situation on the sea at all times unless you are sleeping, so that you can not miss any opportunity to catch fish and make big money!

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