Rebirth of a fishing village: starting from Hua Axiang in Jiehu Village

Chapter 674 We can’t let Zhao Dahai run away this time


"We have been following Shi Jiehua's fishing fleet for such a long time. We must have noticed that we are behind them."

"Can you guess what we want to do?"

Li Fei took a nap and returned to the cab. Li Hongyun had no expression on his face, but he had calmed down.


"They must have known that we were following. Shi Jiehua is a veteran and has rich experience. Zhao Dahai is a smart man. He must have guessed what we want to do at this time."

Li Hongyun wiped his eyes. After driving a fishing boat for a long time, the light reflected on the sea was a bit uncomfortable. Coupled with his age, tears kept flowing. Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai must have guessed that they were following far behind because they wanted to catch a fishing spot.


"If you had guessed it a long time ago, I guess it wouldn't be easy for us to do it."

Li Fei had a headache.

Once Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua know what their father and son are planning, it will not be easy for them to do it again.

"What if Shi Jiehua and Zhao Dahai can figure this out? Do you still think we can hide it?"

Li Hongyun shook his head. His fishing boat had been following Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua for such a long time, so it was impossible to hide it.

All I want is to see if Zhao Dahai can really find the fish school. If he can really find it, he can just try it. But even so, it is impossible to get very close to Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's sea fishing. Boat.

Li Fei thought for a while, and it was really like this. To put it bluntly, if you can get it but you can't, you won't suffer anyway.

Li Fei and Li Hongyun looked at the fish finder and navigation system, and it won't take long to reach the first fishing spot of this trip.

In this place, can Zhao Dahai find a lot of fish spots and catch a lot of fish?

Can you get some points?

Li Fei and Li Hongyun, father and son, were constantly thinking about this in their hearts.

Zhao Dahai held the thermos cup in his hand and unscrewed the lid. Steaming steam suddenly rose up, and he glanced at the screen of the fish detector next to him.

"Brother Dahai!"

"In about an hour, we will arrive at Sansha Bay. This is the first fishing spot."

“Just in time to catch the tide!”

Shi Zhong stuffed a piece of candy into his mouth. If he didn't smoke, he would always get something to eat to refresh himself.


"First catch a wave of black bream to press the bottom of the box!"

I rushed to the sea and took a sip of strong tea, but my eyes were staring at the position directly ahead and to the left of the fishing boat. I could vaguely see a large white foam at the end.


"Brother Dahai."

"What we caught on our fishing trip this time was not black snapper and yellow chicken but large yellow croaker!"

Shi Zhong laughed.

Whether it is a speedboat traveling in the open sea or a fishing boat traveling in the deep sea, the first fishing spot will usually be a place to catch fish such as black sea bream or yellow chicken.

This type of fish is easier to catch and there are more of them. As long as you find a fishing spot, you can catch some.

The purpose is to get off to a good start, and this is the bottom of the box.

This time Zhao Dahai took the fishing boat out to sea for fishing, and he caught large yellow croakers from the beginning. Everyone caught a lot of large yellow croakers, and the bottom of the box had already been pressed and the pressure was very good.


"If you put it this way, are all the fishermen on our fishing boat going to make a fortune this time?"

As Zhao Dahai spoke, he continued to stare at the white area he could see becoming more and more clear.

"Brother Dahai!"

"What are you doing?"

Shi Zhongwei didn't pay much attention at first, but after saying a few words, he realized that Zhao Dahai was a little absent-minded. He followed his gaze and realized that what Zhao Dahai was looking at was not directly in front of the fishing boat at all, and he wasn't even paying attention to the fish detector. above.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the place where he could see the white foam and asked Shi Zhong what it was.

Shi Zhong had followed Shi Jiehua in the deep sea for several years and was very aware of the surrounding places. Zhao Dahai thought about it carefully when he asked. They were several small islands but they were not too high, only twenty or thirty meters tall. It looks like it's bare with nothing.

"Are you talking about several small islands in that place?"

Zhao Dahai immediately noticed that Shi Zhongwei was not talking about one small island, but several small islands.

Shi Zhongwei nodded with certainty. The places Zhao Dahai pointed to were three small islands.

"Brother Dahai."

"You don't have any ideas, do you? Do you think there are places where you can fish on those small islands?"

Shi Zhongwei was a little excited all of a sudden.

Zhao Dahai must have some idea when he said this. People like him go to sea to fish. If he has an idea, he must have the idea of ​​fishing.

Zhao Dahai didn't speak immediately. He picked up the telescope and looked carefully, and found that the foam area in the distance was quite extensive.

Zhao Dahai was a little surprised and asked Shi Zhong Weihai if he had never fished in that place before.

Shi Zhongwei shook his head. Most of his fishing boats or other fishing boats went out to sea to fish according to several fixed routes. Some small fishing spots may be different from different fishing boats, but definitely Most of them are the same.

This place is not too far from the Sansha Bay fishing spot. In the past two or three years, every time I went out to sea with Shi Jiehua, I never went to the island. I had never heard of a fishing boat going to that place. For fishing, we all go directly to Sansha Bay to fish.

"Brother Dahai!"

"Do you want to take a look at that small island? See if you can catch fish?"

Shi Zhongwei had already guessed what Zhao Dahai was thinking.


"Sansha Bay is a fishing spot that you can't go anywhere. Let's just go to the three small islands and have a look. Maybe we can catch fish!"

Zhao Dahai nodded, that was indeed his idea.

It's not surprising that Shi Jiehua's fishing boat and other people's fishing boats didn't go to the island to take a look when they came here.

Sea fishing boats, especially those selling fishing spots, usually have fixed routes. Such routes are the result of many years of accumulated experience or walking. You may not be able to catch fish every time, but you will definitely have the greatest probability of catching the most fish.

Generally speaking, you don’t take the risk of changing lines and fishing spots. The risk of changing fishing spots is very high. There is nothing to say about it if you catch fish. If you can’t catch fish, people who have reserved fishing spots will definitely complain in various ways. .

The boss of the sea fishing boat simply did not take the risk and followed the route that everyone would follow, one fishing point after another. Regardless of whether he caught fish or not, he would never make a mistake.

Zhao Dahai thought about it for a while, made up his mind, picked up the walkie-talkie, and informed He Jian and the other two fishing boats behind him to follow him.

Zhao Dahai took over driving the fishing boat, and then he had to find fish. It would be more convenient to drive the fishing boat by himself.

Zhao Dadiao changed the direction of the fishing boat and drove directly towards the small island.

He Jian put down the walkie-talkie and looked up when he saw Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua looking at him with their fists wide open and they suddenly became happy. He smiled and said that Zhao Dahai heard everything he said just now, so there was no need to look at him like this.

"Aren't we going to the Sansha Bay fishing spot? It's almost the right time to fish there. Why did the route change?"

"Aren't you going to Sansha Bay now?"

Ouyang Hua was a little surprised.

After catching the big yellow croaker, I, Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and everyone on the boat went to bed. When I woke up, I looked and found that I had almost arrived at the fishing spot in Sansha Bay.

I have been fishing in the open sea for many years, and I have already become familiar with these fishing routes. I know that I will try to catch black sea bream in Sansha Bay next, and I will stay for almost a day.

He, brothers Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin ran to the cab to chat with He Jian. After chatting for a few words, the intercom rang, and Zhao Dahai directly told him to follow the boat. Immediately afterwards, he saw Zhao Dahai adjust the direction of the fishing boat and deviate from the fishing spot in Sansha Bay.


"The preparations before going to sea, including the logistics on the fishing boat after going to sea, are all the responsibility of people like me and Shi Jiehua."

"What kind of place to fish, when to fish, etc., these are all decided by Zhao Dahai."

"Whether or not to go fishing in Sansha Bay is really a matter that only Zhao Dahai can decide."

As He Jian spoke, he immediately turned the bow of the fishing boat and closely followed Zhao Dahai's fishing boat. At the same time, he used the walkie-talkie to confirm that the two fishing boats behind him had heard what Zhao Dahai had just said. .

"What does Zhao Dahai want to do? Don't you want to catch black sea bream?"

Wu Xiaobin scratched the back of his head. When Zhao Dahai changed his route, he clearly gave up fishing for black sea bream or stopped fishing at Sansha Bay.

"Isn't it obvious? Zhao Dahai must not fish the Sansha Bay fishing spot for the time being."

Wu Dabin glanced along the direction of the fishing boat and immediately saw three small islands in the distance.

"Zhao Dahai's goal is those three small islands. He may want to go there to see if he can catch fish!"

Wu Dabin pointed.

Ouyang Hua and Wu Xiaobin looked over and were stunned for a moment. Zhao Dahai's goal is really very likely to be those three small islands, but what kind of fish can be caught on those three small islands?

"Don't you think that Zhao Dahai still wants to catch black sea bream or yellow chicken when he goes to those three islands?"

Wu Dabin knew at a glance that Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua were a little confused about what Zhao Dahai wanted to do.

If he was just fishing for black sea bream, Zhao Dahai would definitely not go to those three islands. The Sansha Bay fishing spot is a very safe place and has been proven many times to be able to catch black sea bream.


"Is it possible that Zhao Dahai went to the three small islands to catch sea bass?"

Wu Xiaobin stared in the direction of the three small islands. They were still a little far away, but they could vaguely see the white sea surface. Needless to say, this must be the foam area.


"One hundred percent sure that's what happened!"

"Zhao Dahai doesn't like those black sea bream anymore. This time he wants to see if he can catch sea bass."

Ouyang Hua reacted now.


“If you can find schools of sea bass, especially if the fish are larger, it’s much more cost-effective than fishing for black sea bream!”

"Once you are lucky enough to encounter a school of sea bass, such as a large sea snail weighing more than ten or twenty kilograms, it will be terrible!"

"The black sea bream in Sansha Bay are all bottom fished, and they are all on the bottom of the water. If there are some, they will not go to other places. If you don't find the sea bass, it won't have much impact."

The more Wu Dabin, Wu Xiaobin and Ouyang Hua talked, the more they felt that Zhao Dahai's choice was very smart.

While listening to Wu Dabin and others talking, He Jian concentrated on driving the fishing boat and followed Zhao Dahai closely.

It's getting brighter and brighter.

The view on the sea is getting clearer and clearer, and we can see farther and farther.

The Sansha Bay fishing spot has almost arrived.

Li Fei picked up the microphone and was about to shout loudly to inform the people on the fishing boat to be ready to catch black sea bream when he saw the last fishing boat of Zhao Dahai's fleet in front of him deviated from the fishing spot of Sansha Bay. line.


What's going on?

Li Fei put down the microphone in his hand and grabbed the binoculars. He looked carefully. Not only did the last fishing boat change the direction of the fishing boat, but the three fishing boats in front, including Zhao Dahai's boat at the front, The fishing boat also changed its direction.



Li Fei was confused and didn't know what was going on. He shouted loudly to Li Hongyun who was sitting on the sofa next to him with his eyes closed and concentrating.

Li Hongyun was startled, stood up with his eyes widened, and walked to Li Fei.


"Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's four fishing boats all changed directions."

“I haven’t even gone to Shangsanshawan fishing spot.”

"It seems like they are heading towards those three small islands!"

"Is it possible that there are fish in that place? Or is it some mysterious fishing spot?"

Li was pointing and talking very anxiously.

Just now, I was thinking about waiting for the fishing spot in Sansha Bay. Once I saw Zhao Dahai and other fishing boats catching a lot of black sea bream, I immediately drove over to catch some. Unexpectedly, this happened suddenly.


"What should we do now? Should we continue to follow Zhao Dahai, or should we just ignore it and go fishing in Sansha Bay?"

Li Fei couldn't make up his mind. The Sansha Bay fishing spot is right in front of you and you can start fishing for black sea bream right away. But Zhao Dahai changed his route and went somewhere else. He had to think carefully about whether to follow him.


"Let's follow Zhao Dahai's fleet and see what he wants to do!"

"We didn't catch up with the big yellow croaker last time. We definitely can't let Zhao Dahai run away this time!"

"No matter where Zhao Dahai goes, we will follow him!"

Li Hongyun hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth, and made up his mind that no matter what route Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fishing boats took, they would definitely follow them.

Li Fei immediately drove his fishing boat to follow the last fishing boat in Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua's fleet.

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