Liu Gang's brows knitted together, and the excitement on his face disappeared without a trace.

Can this be done?

Ding Xiaoxiang is definitely not talking about money!

Zhao Dahai is really good at making money now. He can earn more than 10 million in a month. Even if he really builds a building, it won't be too difficult.

"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"We definitely can't handle this matter with just the two of us."

"No matter how you say it, you must come up with some dry stocks."

Liu Gang has been doing business for many years and knows the ropes very well.

Although Ding Xiaoxiang is young, she has been doing business with Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li since she was a child. It is impossible not to know about such things, and it is impossible not to be in contact with them. She has nothing to hide and speaks out directly and neatly.

"As long as we can make money, and the money we make can achieve our goals, that's it. There's not much else to say. We must take out what should be spent."

"It's impossible for one or two people to accomplish something."

"We only earn our share."

Ding Xiaoxiang was not greedy, thinking that she and Liu Gang's family had made all the money.

Liu Gang nodded slightly, he had to think about this matter carefully.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Liu Gang chatted for a few more words, then drove off on their scooters back to the village.


"Do you really want to do this?"

Liu Lei watched the taillight of Ding Xiaoxiang's motorcycle disappear out of sight in the distance, and turned to look at Liu Gang. When he heard about this matter just now, he couldn't help but wanted to speak, but he held it back.


"Does this matter still need to be said?"

"I must do this!"

"This place is not just as simple as collecting rent, not just as simple as management fees, but more importantly, it gathers a large number of people."

"This way."

"Whether it's selling food, clothing, supplies, or anything else, you can make a lot of money."

Liu Gang knew very well how profitable this was.

Most people think that a place like a small town is just a small place where not many people can make a lot of money, but in fact this is not the case.

Once this idea can be realized, it will be very remarkable. Regardless of whether he or Ding Xiaoxiang is young and relaxed, he can earn one or two million in one year.


"Where did we get so much money?"

Liu Lei reminded Liu Gang.


"We really don't have much money on hand!"

Liu Gang was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

The matter of spending a certain amount of money has just been discussed with Ding Xiaoxiang, and everyone agreed to do it. This matter is a bit difficult, but as long as you think about it clearly and spend the money in place, you can definitely do it.

In this case, you must carefully consider how much your family can account for in this project and how much money you can earn.


"If you say that, Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai must take the lion's share of this matter!"


"This is really troublesome!"

Liu Gang couldn't help but look at the building where his restaurant was.

In order to do business, when I was cooperating with Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai, I bought a building like this, and accordingly the land I got was a lot less.

If the restaurant building is not demolished, Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang will have more open space than themselves.

No matter what kind of commercial center or building is built, Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang will definitely have a larger share than themselves.

Not to mention that Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang have more spare money than themselves. Ten million is not enough for Zhao Dahai to make a few more trips to the open sea. He can earn it by taking a few more trips to the deep sea.

No matter from which aspect, it is impossible for me to take more shares in this cooperation.


"Why do you think Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang has given up on us?"

"This is done openly. There is nothing we can do about it."

Liu Lei rubbed his nose vigorously.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai have more money than their own family, and have more open space in their hands. They will definitely hold larger shares and can definitely make more money.

Does your family want to take more shares and make more money? If you can't get more land, you can get more money, but your family really can't get more land, let alone more money.


"What can be done about this?"

"We can't stop cooperating, right? We're letting go of such a good opportunity to make money."

Liu Gang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

That's the thing.

He didn't have enough money on hand, especially since he was cooperating with Dahai Ding Xiaoxiang this time. In order to take over the building where the restaurant is located, the remaining space occupied was not particularly large.

If there is no other cooperation, there will be no problem, and I will not suffer any loss. But now that there is a new cooperation plan, the open space on hand is not enough. It is not as good as what Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang have. In addition, Since there is not enough money in the market, it is definitely Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang who will jointly occupy more equity.

Business people all want to take the lion's share of the cooperation, not only to make more money, but also to be able to keep their word and make decisions.


"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang, has she already planned this?"

Liu Lei sighed.

My family can't get many shares in this matter. The key is that my family can't stop doing this.

The piece of land in the hands of Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang is enough to build a good commercial center. If their own families participate, they will just make the plate bigger.

"It's really hard to say. It may have been planned a long time ago, it may be a spur-of-the-moment idea or it may have been figured out in the past few days."

"No matter what the situation is, we have to do this."

Liu Gang knew that he had to do this without even thinking about it.

The land in my hands is not big enough, and the money in my hands is not enough, but no matter what, I can hold a certain share. If I don't do this, it will be impossible for Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang to take part in the shares. matter.

Liu Gang has been in business for many years and knows very well that the only business that can make a profit without losing money is rent collection.

Without their own participation, both Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang could accomplish this matter, but it would take more time or more money, and the building would be smaller.

But it definitely doesn’t affect making money. The key is that there is only one place like this in the entire town, and there is no point in building another one.

"Sister-in-law Xiaoxiang really has a business mind."

"In addition, Brother Dahai is really great at making money from fishing."

"This is really not a joke."


"You're right, no matter what, we have to participate in this matter."

"The rent collected may not be as profitable as our restaurant, but I guess it won't be too different. You can make money just by sitting at home regardless of the weather."

Liu Lei was categorical.

Recently, I and I, Liu Gang, have been trying to buy a piece of land in the town to build a house for when we get married to Yang Qin, but the asking price is too high and the location is not very good.

This time I bought the restaurant, especially the vacant land behind the restaurant, with the idea of ​​building a house to live in. Looking at it now, I have to change my plan.


"We estimate that we still have to find another place to build a house."

"Is there one in the village or find one elsewhere in the town?"

Liu Lei had a headache. It was not easy to find good land anywhere.


"You talk to Yang Qin about this matter."

"We must find a better land, or when building the building, leave a place on the top where people can live. It may be more convenient."

Liu Gang thought about it for a while and felt that this was a good idea, but the decision would have to be discussed between Liu Lei and Yang Qin.

Liu Lei nodded, this is a good idea.

Liu Gang and Liu Lei walked towards the door of the restaurant while carefully discussing the idea that Ding Xiaoxiang had just put forward.

Dashi Village.

Ding Xiaoxiang was holding a bowl in her hand and was plowing food into her mouth. Her mouth was bulging. She didn't eat at noon today. In the afternoon, she was busy with the land in the center of the town. She was a little hungry. .


"Did you really plan to do this?"

The bowl of rice in front of Zhang Li was full and untouched. Ding Xiaoxiang had already taken over the land in the town in the afternoon, and had just talked about the next plan.

Zhang Li didn't know, and was shocked when she heard it. She originally thought that Ding Xiaoxiang and Zhao Dahai would just build some shops to sell or rent out, but she didn't expect such a big plan.


"Didn't I tell you that? This is just an idea. Zhao Dahai doesn't even know that I have such an idea!"

"Whether it can be done or not will be known until Zhao Dahai comes back to discuss it."

Ding Xiaoxiang took a sip of soup.



"Where is Zhao Dahai in charge of this matter? You are the one who makes the decision in the family."

"I told you this is a good idea, how could Zhao Dahai object to it?"

Zhang Li curled her lips.

Ding Xiaoxiang must have discussed this matter with Zhao Dahai, but Zhao Dahai definitely didn't care about it, and maybe he wouldn't object even if he knew it was unreliable.


Zhao Dahai loves Ding Xiaoxiang very much, and it is not difficult for Zhao Dahai to make money.

How could a person who could earn 10 million from a trip to the deep sea care about this? Ding Xiaoxiang could do whatever he wanted.

Ding Xiaoxiang quickly filled her stomach, put down the bowl in her hand, took a few sips of soup, and patted her belly with satisfaction.


"This is an idea I just came up with when I acquired the land today."

"Whether you can do it and whether you can make money, you have to think about it carefully."

"Zhao Dahai has money, so he can't just sit around and do nothing, right?"

"The other thing is that I can't stay at home all the time, I have to find something to do."

"If we build a place like this, collecting rent and managing it, that would be enough for me to keep busy."

Ding Xiaoxiang explained her thoughts carefully. One was that the money Zhao Dahai had had to be invested, so that he could make more money. The other was that he could have something to do, but it was definitely impossible for him. I have always helped with the work at home, especially after the eldest brother and the second brother got a girlfriend and got married.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Li understood what Xiaoxiang was thinking, which was to prepare for marriage in advance.

“This land is in such a great location!”

"You can make money no matter what you do."

"If this idea can really be realized, it will definitely be able to make a lot of money. The key is that it is very stable and can continue to make money."

"If there were no prodigal sons, three or five generations of people would be able to live happily and happily."

Ding Chongshan was not in a hurry to speak, and after careful calculation for more than ten minutes, he finally nodded. Ding Xiaoxiang's idea was really good. He won the land at the best place in the center of the town. It was simple, direct, and guaranteed to produce crops despite droughts and floods. The method is to build shops and rent out shops.

Ding Xiaoxiang is now thinking about building a commercial center, which is a further idea.

If you don't have enough money, it will be more difficult to do this, but for Zhao Dahai, this is the least difficult thing.

Zhao Dahai did make a lot of money when he went fishing. Not to mention raising one Ding Xiaoxiang, he could afford to raise ten Ding Xiaoxiang and a hundred Ding Xiaoxiang, but Ding Xiaoxiang could not stay at home doing nothing all the time.

Did you go to sea with Zhao Dahai?

Definitely not. One is because there is no one to take care of her at home, and the other is that Ding Xiaoxiang has not fished since she was a child and only knows how to do business.



"There's really no need to be so anxious about this matter."

"Now that the land is in our hands, we can do whatever we want, do whatever we want, and build it whenever we want."

"If Liu Gang and Liu Lei want to get involved, Yang Qin will definitely have to get involved in this matter."

“I’m thinking about going to various places in the city or even the province during this period.”

"Get to know these big shopping malls."

Ding Xiaoxiang had an idea, but she was not in a hurry. It was not an investment of one hundred or hundreds of thousands, but at least several million or even ten million.

When you invest such a large amount of money, you must think it over carefully and understand it clearly before you can make a decision.

The easiest way is to take a look at places like commercial centers that others have built.

Liu Gang only has one son, Liu Lei, and Yang Qin's relationship with Liu Lei has basically been finalized, but it will take a few more years for Yang Qin to get married.

Yang Qin is also a business person. Once she marries Liu Lei, Yang Qin may be in charge of this matter. When she goes to see these big shopping malls, she can take Yang Qin with her.

Ding Chongshan and Zhang Li both nodded. They really need to know more and look more before making a decision.

After Ding Xiaoxiang finished eating, she returned to her room, lay on the bed, and kept thinking about her plan. Unexpectedly, it was almost dawn.

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