nine in the morning.

Yang Qin rode his scooter and stopped at the entrance of Hongyun Restaurant, and saw Liu Lei standing there waiting for him from a distance.


"What's going on? Why are you calling me here in such a hurry?"

Yang Qin was a little anxious. Liu Lei called him early in the morning and told him to come here and said something was going on, but he didn't say what it was on the phone.

"This building of the restaurant and the open space behind it have all been taken down!"

"At the beginning, I thought I would get this land to build a house for the two of us."

"Ding Xiaoxiang came up with an idea."

"Both my dad and I think Ding Xiaoxiang's idea is good, and we both want to participate in it, but as a result, the land where we originally planned to build a house will have to be found elsewhere."

"My dad asked me to discuss this matter with you."

Liu Lei immediately spoke clearly about the whole matter without beating around the bush.

"Is it necessary to say it? I definitely have to take a share."

Yang Qin immediately made up her mind without even thinking about it.

"Then we have to find another place to live, but this matter probably won't be solved in a short time."

“It’s hard to find the right place.”

Liu Lei has a headache. He has been busy with these things during this period, but there is really no suitable place. He originally thought that the land behind the restaurant would be best used to build a house, but now he uses it to cooperate with Ding Xiaoxiang. It's almost impossible to find such a good location.

Yang Qin didn't care at all. Making money was the most important thing. Living in a better place didn't make much difference.


"When building a shopping mall building, you can consider leaving the topmost area for people to live in."

"How about when we discuss it with Ding Xiaoxiang, or when we design it, we can leave all the top out and build it into a villa or other courtyard. Isn't it possible?"

Liu Lei almost forgot Liu Gang's idea.

Yang Qin's eyes couldn't help but light up. This was indeed a good idea.

This is the most central and best location in the entire town. It is definitely best to build a house or live in this place. The other is that the house is right on top, which is very convenient for management or doing things.

"It looks good like this. There's no need to look for a house elsewhere."

"Wouldn't it be okay to leave a place to live and fix it up?"

Yang Qin immediately agreed.


"Another important thing is that my dad said that you and Ding Xiaoxiang should discuss this matter."

"It's up to you to manage the built shopping malls or commercial centers."

Liu Lei was very surprised when he heard his father Liu Gang say this last night.


"Did Ding Xiaoxiang and I discuss this?"

Yang Qin was startled.

This large piece of land, plus the built house, would be a really big investment. This matter was very important. I didn't expect Liu Gang to leave it to him to be responsible for it.


"It's not like you don't know about my family's situation. I only have one son."

"No matter what it is, it belongs to us."

"My main focus must be on the restaurant!"

"Once the commercial center plan is implemented or completed, there will be a lot of things happening."

"In addition to your relationship with Ding Xiaoxiang, you are not responsible for this matter. Who is responsible for it?"

Liu Lei didn't expect that I, Liu Gang, would hand it over directly to Yang Qin, but if he thought about it carefully, there really weren't many people in the family who could do this.

I do have cousins, but they are not really my family no matter how you say it. This kind of making money and making a lot of money must be done by yourself, and your cousins ​​cannot rest assured.


"I'll go see Ding Xiaoxiang at noon to see what she thinks about this matter."

Yang Qin didn't hesitate and agreed directly.

Liu Lei didn't talk too much to Yang Qin. It was lunch time and he had a lot of things to be busy with.

Yang Qin left Hongyun Restaurant, thought for a while, and went directly to the fish market. It happened to be the end of the morning market and saw Zhang Li and Ding Xiaoxiang resting and drinking water.

Yang Qin walked over quickly.


"Why are you here at this time? You didn't go to Hongyun Restaurant to meet the fat man, did you?"

Ding Xiaoxiang was a little surprised to see Yang Qin, but as soon as she rolled her eyes, she immediately guessed what might be going on.


"The matter of building a shopping mall on the vacant land that I talked to Liu Gang, Liu Lei and his son yesterday was not going to be left to you, right?"

Ding Xiaoxiang thought about it for a while and felt that it was most likely like this.

Yang Qin was stunned for a moment.


"Ding Xiaoxiang."

"You don't know everything, do you? You can guess this?"

Yang Qin really didn't expect this.


"Is this what it's like? It seems like Liu Lei can't wait to marry you now!"

As soon as Zhang Li heard what Yang Qin said, she immediately knew what was going on.


"He is the only son in Liu Lei's family. If you don't leave this matter to me, who else can you leave it to?"

"My relationship with Ding Xiaoxiang is so good, leave this matter to me to handle it better."


"Isn't Ding Xiaoxiang just like this?"

"Only Zhao Dahai and Ding Xiaoxiang are responsible for this matter!"

Yang Qin admitted openly.

Liu Lei must have let himself handle this matter just because he wanted to marry him.

Don't look at it as there is no such thing as an engagement, but in a place like Zhengzheng Village, as long as you go to both parties' homes, especially if both parents have met, the matter will be almost 100% settled. .

Although I am not married to Liu Lei yet, I am actually dealing with the affairs in Liu Lei's family, which is exactly the same as Ding Xiaoxiang.


"You two should discuss this matter carefully and see what you can do."

Zhang Li smiled and nodded.

Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin have a very good relationship. It is very appropriate for Yang Qin to do this, but it is definitely impossible for them to decide everything. They just have to come up with a good plan, regardless of whether they or Liu Gang and Liu Lei , including Zhao Dahai, must participate in this matter together.

No matter how old Ding Xiaoxiang and Yang Qin are, they both lack experience no matter how smart they are.

"Yang Qin."

"This matter cannot be rushed. We have to think about it carefully."

"Let's find some time to go to the city and the province together to see how other commercial centers or shopping malls were built."

"However, even if you build a building, it is impossible to sell some top-notch luxury goods and cosmetics like those shopping malls in the city and provinces."

"We need to think carefully about what industries there are in the town, and these industries are all doing well."

"This is the target for us to build this building in the future and recruit investors for rent."

Ding Xiaoxiang had already thought about this matter. Yang Qin had a very good relationship with her, so she said it directly without being polite.

Yang Qin kept nodding. These things Ding Xiaoxiang said were very crucial, so he immediately agreed. In the next period of time, the two of them must do these things well.

The sea is open.

Zhao Dahai held a bowl of fish soup in his hand and walked onto the deck while drinking.

The sun has just risen.


Zhao Dahai looked at Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Da, who were already busy on the deck.

"Uncle Shizhu."

"Why did you get up so early?"

"There are still a few hours until the fishing spot, so just sleep a little longer."

Zhao Dahai walked up to Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou, and talked while drinking fish soup.


"Didn't you sleep long enough?"

"Boss Gao, Boss Wu, their fishing time is too short. We really don't have much to do!"

Zhong Shizhu took a towel and wiped his hands.

The people on Shi Jiehua's sea fishing boat were all people who told Wu Weimin that they were not fishing for money. No matter whether there were fish in the sea or how many fish there were, they just wanted to see if they didn't want to fish. If they didn't want to fish, they wouldn't want to catch any fish.

When I went out to sea for a few days, I was very active when fishing for large yellow croaker. When I was fishing for sea bass, I was a little active. When I was fishing for black sea bream, I was really not active at all.

Only a few people caught fish for a while, and I, Lei Dayou, and Liu Bin, the people responsible for catching fish, had very little time to do. The sleep time was a bit too long and I couldn't bear it, so I got up early and went on the deck to find something to do for myself.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"When I return to the village this time, I guess I'll have to gain a few pounds!"

Liu Bin patted his belly vigorously. This was really not a joke. He had been eating, drinking and sleeping well on the fishing boat these past few days. He had done relatively little work. If he continued like this, he would definitely gain weight.


“I haven’t lived like this in years. I made money without any pressure at all!”

Lei Da sighed a little.

On this trip to sea, I, Zhong Shizhu, and Liu Bin all worked on the fishing boats of Zhao Dahai and Shi Jiehua, and received a fixed salary of 50,000 yuan per person.

There are not too many things to do. The main thing is to copy the fish or classify the fish caught, arrange them properly, put them in boxes and send them to the cold storage.

Anyone with a little bit of experience can handle this matter very well.

There's really no pressure at all.


"If you put it this way, this is really the best and easiest money we have ever made in these years!"

Zhong Shizhu smiled and nodded.

Zhao Dahai pointed to the empty fishing spots on both sides of the fishing boat's deck and said that if he reserved a fishing position and boarded the boat, he would definitely be able to make a lot of money in this month.

“You can definitely make more money if you fix the fishing position, but the pressure is not as high as usual.”

"So tired."

"He Jian said that the people on his fishing boat are still sleeping soundly, and no one has woken up yet."

Zhong Shizhu, Liu Bin and Lei Dayou shook their heads. If the deep-sea fishing boat really booked fishing spots for this trip, they would definitely be able to catch more fish and make more money, but the pressure would be very high. It's so big that it will be very tiring.


"Zhao Dahai!"

"What are you doing so early? Aren't you still a few hours away from the fishing spot?"

Zhao Dahai looked back and saw Gao Zhicheng striding towards him, yawning as he walked, not even bothering to smoke the cigarette in his hand.


"I just asked Uncle Shi. It will take about three or four hours to get to the fishing spot."

Zhao Dahai nodded.

Gao Zhicheng walked up to Zhao Dahai and Zhongzhizhu, took out the cigarette from his pocket, and threw it to Zhong Shizhu.


"Boss Gao."

"This is a good smoke. I won't be polite to you!"

Zhong Shizhu took the cigarette and took a look. It was a hundred yuan a pack of good stuff. As he spoke, he popped out two cigarettes and handed them to Lei Dayou and Liu Bin. He lit another one and took a puff.

"What kind of fish are you going to catch next?"

Gao Zhicheng glanced directly in front of the fishing boat.

I remember that I had never been to this place when I went out to sea with Shi Jiehua's fishing boat.

Zhao Dahai told Gao Zhicheng that the current season is different from the last time he went to sea, and the route is a little different.

"Boss Gao!"

"Next let's fish for grouper."

"The deep-sea groupers this season are quite good. One is big, the other is fatter, and the other is that there are relatively few fishing boats going out to sea during the Chinese New Year period, so they may not be able to encounter big things."

Zhao Dahai was looking forward to whether he could catch a large grouper weighing more than 100 kilograms when he arrived at the fishing spot next time. He even looked forward to seeing if he could catch a large grouper that would break his own record.


"Are you planning to catch big fish?"

Gao Zhicheng perked up.

People like myself and Wu Weimin didn't go to sea to make money at all. They just wanted to catch valuable fish and big fish.

But there were four fishing boats in total on this trip. There were people like me who didn't do it to make money, and people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin who went fishing just to make money.

You can only follow a fixed route, and you have to stop at every fishing spot. When fishing for large yellow croakers and sea bass, I was still a little interested, but then fishing for black sea bream even included large bream that lost 20 to 30 kilograms. , I really don’t have much interest. But the big grouper is a real big fish, and it is one of the fish I want to catch most on this trip to the sea.

"Boss Gao!"

"A fishing boat in the deep sea must fish for grouper!"

“Whether you can make big money actually depends on whether you catch grouper well and whether the grouper you catch is big or not.”

"The other fish are a little less interesting after all!"

Zhao Dahai knew that people like Gao Zhicheng, Wu Weimin, and Jiang Baichuan all wanted to catch big fish. In fact, people like Wu Dabin and Wu Xiaobin who made money by fishing also wanted to catch big fish.

"Zhao Dahai!"

"You've never been to this fishing spot, right?"

Gao Zhicheng suddenly remembered this matter. Zhao Dahai was very familiar with the trip to the open sea, but this was only the third trip to the deep sea. This was an almost brand-new route, and he had probably never been there before.

Zhao Dahai nodded. He had never been to the fishing spot he was about to reach.


"Boss Gao!"

“Are you worried that you won’t be able to catch big groupers?”

Zhao Dahai made a joke.


"If I go out to sea with other people's fishing boats, I'm really worried about this. But if I go out to sea with Zhao Dahai's fishing boat, there's no need to worry about this."

“This time when I return to the fishing spot, I have to be serious about catching a big fish!”

"Tell Jiang Baichuan and these people who is the real top master."

Gao Zhicheng geared up and was not worried at all about not catching fish.

Are you kidding me?

How could this be Zhao Dahai's fishing boat not able to catch fish?

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