Shen Qingrong also sees too many women who don’t pay attention to their mouths and stomachs. During pregnancy, they eat and drink without knowing the least amount of restraint. As a result, the child is too big to give birth, and often it is a dead body. thing.

Therefore, it is definitely not allowed for the child to grow too large. With her sister in this body, it is not a good life. It's all three months, the person hasn't changed, she's thin, no one knows that she is pregnant, it is also related to her girlish figure and face, it is too deceitful people.

She was afraid that her sister would not be able to give birth in the future, and now that she is intemperate and will not be able to raise her child too much.

"Eldest sister, I know." Shen Qingci touched her belly. In fact, she really wanted to say that she might not be pregnant with one, so she ate a lot, not just because of herself, but also because of the children. .

As for how many, I don't know yet, but they may be twins.

She wanted to say it, but when she saw her elder sister was so worried, she couldn't say what she said in the end. Now the eldest sister thought she had only one child, she was too anxious. She was afraid that if the eldest sister knew that she was also pregnant with twins, then she wouldn't be able to sleep all day.

Therefore, these words can only be held tightly in my heart, and I dare not confide them in a single word.

Shen Qingrong had spoken to her sister for a long time, and she had also asked a lot, but after thinking about it at the end, she still felt uneasy, and sent Mother Qin over.

Mother Qin has been with her for a long time, and she knows everything about women's precautions during pregnancy. The younger sister is missing these experienced mothers.

If Mother He had been there, she wouldn't have to worry so much, but Mother He had been enjoying her old age with her son, how could she come here.

And she thought about her sister again, feeling distressed and helpless in her heart.

Mother He was sent away by her, Bai Mei Baizhu was married by her, and there were a few people around her who could use her. There is no such master in this world. The Chinese cabbage that he has grown so hard has not yet reached the harvest season, but in the end it was all overrun by pigs.

She brought the pig over by herself.

But thinking about it this way, if she wasn't in the Shuo Palace, she would immediately let Mother Qin come over.

However, she is still not at ease.

"I will move here tomorrow."

She decided to look at her sister herself.

Shen Qingci "..."

To be honest, Shen Qingci finally persuaded Shen Qingrong and didn't let her pack her and live in Shuo Palace. In fact, Shen Qingci felt that she was not so squeamish.

Without knowing it, it has already passed three months, and the next few months should not be too sad. As for Shen Qingrong living in Shuo Palace, it is absolutely inevitable. How can a younger sister be pregnant? A family came here.

Let alone other people, what should Xiao Shi do? When Xiao Shi is still young, she still needs a mother, she can't bring Xiao Shi over, and Shen Qing wanted to leave, but she couldn't.

After all, Xiao Shi is not something she can hold.

Xiao Shi is the lifeblood of Princess Jun now. If you hold it out for a while, Princess Jun is thinking hard, let alone being outside every day.

Shen Qingrong thought for a while, still rested her mind about moving over, but Mother Qin was definitely going to send it over. After all, her younger sister is at such an age, and it was hard to get such a baby. egg.

As long as the baby is born intact, no one will say that her sister is a chicken that can't lay eggs. Although this analogy is really too unpleasant, but if it is an ordinary person, then it is possible to say it. It would be even worse than it is now.

Mother Qin came here with her baggage on the second day.

When she saw Shen Qingci, she was busy with courtesy and met Princess Shuo, and she hadn't seen Shen Qingci himself for a long time. Seeing her like this, to be honest, really scared her.

This princess Shuo is clearly in her twenties, but her face is still the same as before. She has been taking care of several young boys in Prince Jun’s Mansion. Think about it, she hasn’t seen this for a long time. Bit up.

It's no wonder that this dragon has always been blind to the end, and she has only spent a few days in Beijing. She has seen a few times from a distance, but she has never seen the front.

I really don't know what this looks like now. I think she should be like the wife of her family, and she has become a mature lady. As a result, this sight really scared her.

What kind of lady is this? This is clearly what Shen Qingci looked like when he was fourteen or five years old. Compared with that time, it hasn't changed at all, especially this autumn water-like face in the past few years. , There was no slightest fading.

It was like those bud-like flowers, in the middle of blooming slowly, and there was a pond of fragrance.

Mother Qin was secretly amazed. This Lou girl really thinks differently. This face is really rare in the capital. It is also the one who is at a loss. She doesn't like to show up when she is young. Even this Beijing Poetry Fair, Flower Fair, and the like, do not like to participate, otherwise, I am afraid that this reputation will not be too small.

"Will Mother Qin be well?"

Shen Qingci smiled and asked Mother Qin. She really liked the old people in Weiguo's mansion before. Mother Qin is the grandmother of the big sister. She has seen her character for two lives. There is no other person in the world who is most loyal to her big sister than Mother Qin.

"Princess Lao is worried, the old slave is well."

Mother Qin hurriedly gave a courtesy, but still did not forget the identity of this person. This is a real royal middleman, and the royal jade stone he has been to. It is also because the royal people are scarce, so this person's identity is In the capital, self is extremely noble.

Even more so.

Her gaze was also placed on Shen Qingci’s belly. This belly is a bit bigger, and you can see it at a glance. This is pregnant, and now she really wants to scold those Zeng Jin’s rumors. people.

What virgin body, what can not be born?

This princess Shuo seems to be different from others. She grows more slowly than others, and her menstrual affairs are slower. This is also slower to give birth to children, and of course she grows more slowly.

What happened to the virgin body? People didn't grow up later and couldn't bear children. Who said? Can't be born, what's in this belly?

This is the future little prince or princess of Shuo Palace.

Regardless of whether this is the little prince or the little princess, they are all extraordinary characters.

Ordinarily, if this is a little prince, it is not as rare as it is. Saying that there are two little princes in Weiguo Gong's mansion, and the ten princes born by her wife.

The two families also stabbed the men’s nest. Now everyone wants a little princess in their hearts. Even the master of her family dreams of wanting a daughter.

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