But the one who is partial is that he cannot give birth to himself.

If there was a princess in the belly of the Shuo Palace, she would not dare to imagine how much this little girl would be favored in the future, and she didn't know who had done too many good deeds in her previous life to be reborn as the Princess Shuo. Inside the belly

"Mother, but what's wrong with my stomach?"

Shen Qingci saw that Mother Qin's eyes were always staring at her belly, could she see what was wrong?

"No, no." Mother Qin shook her head hastily, "It's just a little surprised, the princess and empress are the same."

"En." Shen Qingci touched his face, "I grow a bit slower than others."

"The old slave feels like this."

This princess Shuo was obviously much slower than ordinary people, and it was five or six years slower, and she now has such a fifteen or sixteen-year-old face, then it is not a strange thing.

"Sanxi." Shen Qingci called out the name of Sanxi.

Sanxi hurried over, standing beside Shen Qingci.

"You help Mother Qin arrange a place to live, don't neglect her."

"Slaves obey orders."

Sanxi quickly took the order and also helped with the arrangements. There were few masters in their mansion and few subordinates, so naturally there were a lot of vacant houses. Mother Qin was here to take care of his wife, so the accommodation was arranged here. In the small courtyard next to the lady, this is only a few steps away, and it is also convenient to come.

Mother Qin also went down to make arrangements, so that she can come over as soon as possible. The clothes must be changed anyway, and she must take a good bath to remove all the odors outside.

The birth of Princess Shuo is very expensive, and no one can bear this responsibility.

When Mother Qin came here again, Shen Qingci was already sitting at the table. There was already a table of dishes on the table. It was this table. Did she eat it alone?

"Mother, do you want to sit down and eat?"

Shen Qingci asked Mother Qin.

"The old slave dare not."

Mother Qin has always been a gifted person, so how could she have dinner with her master.

Shen Qingci was not reluctant to be more than her, only Li Qi could have fun here, and everyone else was a little boring.

She picked up the chopsticks and started to eat. Although she said that she was not eating well, she had moved every dish. At this time, she did not pay attention. The two bowls of rice were also eaten. It was obvious that she still needed more. Only eat three bowls.

Mother Qin only frowned slightly, but she didn't stop her.

The months are still light, so it’s okay to eat more, but after the month is old, you can never eat like this anymore, otherwise, I’m afraid it won’t be good in the future.

After Shen Qingci ran out of food, he stood up again, ready to go for a walk.

By the way, she seems to have forgotten.

"Mother Qin, can I go for a walk?"

"It's okay."

Mother Qin quickly stepped aside, and put her hands on her lower abdomen respectfully. She looked like a mother, and she was also calm.

Shen Qingci is now outside.

"Chi Chi, Chi..."

A little white fox ran over and was also standing in front of her.

Shen Qingci is not easy to bend down now, she stretches out her hand.

The little fox jumped directly, jumping from her arm to her shoulder, but did not touch her belly.

This little one is definitely a fox. It seems to have known that Shen Qingci's body is pregnant now, and now she doesn't bother her very much. She likes to go crazy in the house, or find a tree to practice her claws. . Every tree here has been harmed by it.

"You have been wild recently, where did you go to play?"

Shen Qingci nodded the little fox's nose. The slapped little fox is now a little fatter and has become a little fat ball, but his movements are still as flexible as lightning.

Fortunately, the wildness of the fox was not obliterated.

It’s also a bad brand. I’m always afraid. I raised it into a domestic fox. In the future, I only know how to eat and play. I don’t even have the respect of a fox. So I let people take it to the mountains several times. Go for food on your own, otherwise you will have been developed into a lazy temperament like Miao Miao.

I don't know how Miao Miao teaches the children. They all teach the little fox to be as lazy as it is.

Mother Qin looked at the little fox on Shen Qingci's shoulder, and she couldn't help but feel surprised. The princess Shuo had the same temperament as before, even the fox was raised.

Throw Qing and continued walking. After walking for a while, I thought of something. The exact mother Qin came, and she asked her to help her.

"Mother, there are few people in my house. You can help me choose a few clever girls in a few days, okay?"

"The princess and empress are serious, and the servants will spare no effort."

Shen Qingci was teasing the little fox again, and it was boring to find Mother Qin something to save her to follow every day.

There are very few people in her house, so she has indeed found a few.

Mother Qin also remembered Shen Qingci’s instructions, and she was also thinking about whether to rush sooner or later, to order the people in the mansion earlier, and the people in this mansion are also short of people. There is only one Sanxi, which is definitely not enough.

And Sanxi is stupid, not a clever little girl. .

However, she thought again, this stupidity also has the advantage of being stupid. It is better than those with more thoughts, and she still has some confidence in her own picking eyesight. She dare to say that she has lived for half a lifetime. I don't talk about other things first, but recognize people but have a good eye.

She could tell whether this person was good or bad, big-hearted or small-hearted.

And she also wanted to find a few suitable talents for Shuo Wangfu.

A good girl, but to save a lot of things for the master.

On this day, a man stood there tremblingly. It was obviously not too cold on this day, but he was born with a cold sweat.

This is the palace of the imperial family. It’s no better than a normal house. One can’t make it right and offend the imperial family. Don’t be careful about your own life. Maybe even the whole family’s life must be taken care of. It's scary.

Although he had already brought all the good goods he had in his hand, even those who were reluctant to bear it on weekdays were brought by Yigan, but she was still afraid, afraid that the master in this mansion would I'm not satisfied, what should I do?

Just when she was uneasy, until a very decent mother walked over, this mother came straight forward, all over her body, and her hands were neatly folded in front of her abdomen, and she walked without squinting. The hair is meticulously taken care of, and there is no such thing as hair oil. It is refreshing and clean. There is a gold hairpin on the hair and a jade bracelet on the bowl. This hand of gold and the other hand of jade did not look like a servant in the house, but looked like an old lady of ordinary people.

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