Other people also pushed the matter to Da Xiang's body, and then picked their own.

"to make."

Xie Si picked up his sword and also walked to Da Xiang's father.

"Return the money."

Da Xiang's chapped lips moved, he had no money.

"That's fine," Xie Si knew whether the money would come back today, "then sell children and sell daughters-in-law."

She has to get something back. She can’t take her money back. She still has to go empty-handed. If she does it in a vacuum, she won’t be laughed to death by her wife. When she gave her a golden abacus, she said she was suitable for business. A natural accountant, being a guard is too wronged for her.

But she is a good guard, why should she be a shopkeeper, so she shouldn't be like Mo Li, guarding improperly, and being biased.

She is a dignified guard, and an abacus hanging around her waist for her own sake.

Repayment of debts is justified. If you can't repay it, you can use meat to repay it, or you can't repay it, people will pay.

Soon after, it was still in the big house. This was the place the villagers dared to approach the most, not because of the poisonous snakes and beasts, but because of the people living in it, which was too expensive.

They wanted to stay away, and they didn't dare to beat others. Don't mention other things. The iron-clad guards standing at the door also made them timid.

But there are a few people who don’t have eyes, such as the Xu family. I heard that they not only offended others, but also smashed other people’s things and owed them money. People came over to ask for money. Xu family did not have money to give. It was Xu Erlang who sold his daughter-in-law and child to pay off the debt.

This sells his own children and also sells his own daughter-in-law.

When you go out, you have to be pricked in the backbone.

At this time, Shen Qingci was sitting at the table, and the little fox shrank into a small group and slept on the table.

She turned her face and asked Xie Si.

"The debt you want back?"

"En," Xie Si shook off the deed, "he sold it by a man."


Shen Qingci understood, she pinched the little fox's long tail.

After that, she received several sales deeds, but left them aside.

Da Xiangniang may also have lost all thoughts. She was waiting and leaving, but in the end she was sold by Da Xiang. Her heart was already dead, where it was not the same, where it was not alive.

Sanxi walked over and also saluted Shen Qing farewell.

"Madam, the Zhao family are all outside, please see Madam."

"What do you do to see me?" Shen Qingci raised his red lips slightly. As long as it is what she is, anyone can see it.

"They said..." Sanxi glanced at Daxiang, and then said again.

"Madam, they said that they are willing to pay back the money, but hope that they will not sell the three of Zhao Lihua and her son."

"Sell?" Shen Qingci never thought about selling people, it's not worth much money, what to sell, it's better to sell spices.

She picked up the folded deed and threw it to Da Xiangniang.

"Go back by yourself." She stood up and stroked her belly. "People have to grow their brains. Who treats you well and who is bad for you should have seen it too. If you are stupid again, next time No one can do you any better."

Da Xiangniang watched the selling contract on the ground, big tears rolled out, and then she slammed her head on the ground hard, she might not forget it all her life. After the screen, they will never see it. The pure-looking woman, thrown out of it, is the thing that has imprisoned her for a lifetime, besides her, she also has a pair of children.

Daxiang is already sorry, but Xiaoshi and Xiaomi, they are still very young, how can she bear the heart, their young age is for slavery.

The little fox on the table suddenly sat up, and when he saw his master leaving, he jumped off the table quickly. He always followed behind the master and never left the master for a half step.

At this time, the little stone who was kneeling on the ground also raised his little face. In fact, he couldn't see anything, and only a shallow shadow could be seen, which finally disappeared behind the square curtain.

When Da Xiangniang came out with a pair of children. When the Zhao family’s parents saw their daughter and grandson, they all cried with a headache. When they heard that the nobleman had let them go, even the deed was given to them. They didn’t make them slaves. The few people just knelt on the ground and kowtowed their heads inside. Although they knew that the people inside couldn’t see it at all, their hearts were here. They had nothing to do. In return, I can only take good care of the tens of acres of crops, and let the crops grow better vegetables and better food.

The Zhao family has already lived in peace of mind, while Da Xiangniang and her two children lived on the other side. Although the Zhao family let them go, Da Xiangniang was stubborn. I think that a married daughter is like water poured out, and she is unwilling to live in her natal family, and is also a trouble to her family.

In fact, she knows very well in her heart that it is so easy to live together. It is said that it is far fragrant and smelly. This day or two may be fresh, but after a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not let the sister-in-law in the family. And the eldest brother is bored, even more embarrassing for parents.

So, it’s good for her to live here with her children. They have food and rice, and some food that Daxiang sends from time to time. She won’t be hungry. She has nothing to ask for now, just wanting Raise your two children and let them grow up.

By the way, she was out here, why didn't she see Xiaoshi and Xiaomi? 80% of these two children went to their parents again.

And she didn't worry about them either, they would naturally come back when they were eating.

She thought that the two children were looking for their outside home, but it was not true that those two children were much better luck than her mother.

"Is it delicious?" Shen Qingci asked Xiaoshi and Xiaomi, this was made by Qiuniang, and it tasted quite good.

And she has invited them to snacks many times.

"En," Xiaomi nodded vigorously, "Sister Fairy's snacks are delicious."

Koishi nodded in agreement, "It's delicious."

Shen Qingci reached out and touched the small heads of the two of them. At this time, her belly was getting bigger, which is strange to say. Before April, her belly didn't feel much bigger. It seemed to be smaller than the pregnant woman in the same period. Some of them, but after April, it suddenly grew up, and it seemed to be like a day, Mo Fei said, this is normal.

It's because the two little masters are growing their bodies. They may have been lazy before, so they didn't grow very long. Now they know that they have grown, so Shen Qingci's belly is obviously bulging.

"My dear, why do you want to help us?"

Xiao Shi asked Shen Qingci curiously. Although he was still young, he knew that Shen Qingci was helping them, helping them get out of the milk and leaving that terrible home, right?

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