Shen Qingci touched Xiaoshi's head again, "Kid's, what do you do with so many questions?"

"My dear, I will repay you in the future."

Xiaoshi clenched his little fist hard, and when he grows up, he will definitely repay him.

"Okay, I'm waiting for you to repay you." Shen Qingci smiled. Although she knew that Xiaoshi's nose was inherently stronger than others, she would not be able to change the child's life and the future. How to walk the road, it was he walked out.

As for the future, who knows?

She asked people to wrap up all these dim sums and brought them back. Unknown when, Shen Qingci discovered that on the 50 acres of land outside, there was finally an extra piece of new green, which was planted in the ground. The crops here are all growing, and she can always see what the Zhao family looked like when they were in the fields.

They are all smiling, also for the kind of bumper harvest that can be foreseen. This year's weather is smooth and rainy, which is also a rare good year. Tiangong is even more beautiful. When it should rain, there will be rain.

It will be sunny again when it is not going to go down, so the crops that depend on the sky to feed on, the family grows better than the family, and if the one grows the best, it is actually the more than fifty acres of land here in Shen Qingci. I don’t know if this is the best fertile land, or because the Zhao family’s crops are good, so the land here is longer and greener than other land.

If I want to come, after a while, I will also harvest autumn grain.

At this time, placing a hand on Shen Qingci's belly also carefully guarded her belly.

"They have grown up, they were young when I went out, and now they have grown so big."

Pao Heng has been back to Beijing for a few days, and has also dealt with some affairs. This is the time to come back and bring her some Beijing gadgets.

But after this time, he found that Shen Qingci’s belly seemed to grow too fast, but in just a few days, it would have grown so big?

"Mo Fei said, they have grown taller."

Shen Qingci can now clearly feel that after April, they will be more restless, but fortunately, at night, it will be quiet. She can still sleep well, as long as she sleeps well at night. Naturally, in this daytime, the spirit will not be bad.

Even though she said that, Brando was still worried. She had to wait for Mo Fei to come and see her pulse. He always felt that Shen Qingci's stomach was a little too big recently, unlike ordinary people who are pregnant. The state of the baby.

In the past few years, he has traveled north and south, and he has also traveled a lot. Of course, this pregnant woman has seen a lot of self. Shen Qingrong alone has twins except for Xiao Shi, but there is no one. The fetus, like Shen Qingci, is April, but the belly is as big as May and June.

Could it be true? Just as Mo Fei said, these two children knew they had grown.

But Shen Qingci doesn't feel like being partial. In fact, she doesn't know how these two children grew up. She still eats, sleeps, and makes spices. She still has the opportunity to take care of the nostalgic affairs in the village, and her life here is like a fish in water.

"I came back this time and brought you some good things."

Seeing that she was not in a bad spirit, Luo Heng started talking about it.

Shen Qingci blinked, "What are they all?"

"I will take you to see."

Brando Hengsi took her hand and walked in accordance with her footsteps.

Shen Qingci was also very interested in shaking his hand. Although she had two in her belly, she still felt that her posture was quite light. Apart from being unable to run or jump, she seemed to be no different from before. of?

Inside the room, there were indeed a few boxes. Because Shen Qingci couldn't bend over now, the boxes were all placed on the table. As long as she opened it, she could see everything inside without having to bend over.

Branding opened a box, which contained a whole box of books. There were hundreds of books in it, and they were long enough for her to read.

"Your sister brought you these."

Branding then opened a box. In this box, there are clothes, and they are all clothes that are suitable for her at this time. They are made in sets. There are six sets in each season. There are six sets of clothes in each season. The clothes are all high-quality Tianxue gauze, which has deliberately enlarged the waist, so even if you have a big belly, you can still wear it very beautifully.

There is also a box of gold and silver jewelry, all of the latest styles, all exquisite, all beautiful, of course, this is also Shen Qingci’s favorite look, simple and elegant, also light, and can be worn on the head. Without any weight.

Shen Qingci walked over and placed it in his hand as if he had taken it. It was very light, and it was like nothing in his hand.

The gems above are also crystal clear, and you can fold out thousands of rays of light by turning it slightly.

"These are some gadgets your elder brother made for the children."

Brand Hengsi opened a box, which was made by Shen Wenhao himself. As the chief of the weapon department, his hands are unparalleled in the world. It has been several years, even more so. How can the things that go out in your hands be the same as those of other houses?

There are many small toys inside, including glazed wood, and a small wooden horse. The outside is painted with varnish, and it is also very smooth. When the tentacles are touched, there are not even the slightest thorns.

Shen Qingci can almost always be imagined. At that time, how serious Shen Wenhao was, polishing these things again and again. He had never done these things for his son before, but for Shen Qingci The two of them are definitely treated differently, and they are going to be good uncles in advance.

The two in their family were born as military commanders. They were not qualified to use these at all. Just throw a wooden sword and play with them. Those in Prince Jun’s Mansion had one child and one child, and they were all born to the tenth child. , Not only Shen Qing Rongsheng's numbness, but also Shen Wenhao's uncle was numb.

Until Shen Qingci was here, it was not easy for her to get this child. They all wished to give him the best, even if the child really grew into a dude in the end, who would dare to have them guarding her? Deceived him?

In the past, they didn't take good care of their sister and caused her sister to suffer so much, so the sister's child would definitely not be able to suffer the least bit.

So it hasn't been born yet, but it has been loved by everyone.

In these large boxes, there are Shen Qingci's own clothes, but there are also small things that have not been born. They are all made of soft cotton cloth, washed a lot of water, and touched in the hand, soft and waxy is almost like nothing.

Even Emperor Wen Yuan sent several grandmothers.

These mothers were also the best midwives in the palace, and they were the best midwives in the palace. With them, Shen Qingci's two in his belly would definitely not be a problem.

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