And no one in the house dared to talk to him anymore.

Luo Hengsi did not tell Shen Qingci about this. Now that the child grows up, it makes her very uncomfortable. Therefore, he does not want to mention that the seeds have not sprouted. Fortunately, Shen Qingci did not ask. If you ask again, Brandon really doesn't know how to answer her?

These were brought back by her untold hard work. She wanted to grow them outside. If she really couldn't grow them, she would just waste those thoughts.

And the time passed day by day. The 50 acres of crops were almost planted by the Zhao family. The autumn grains were also planted. Now the seedlings have grown up, and they really are. Tiangong made beauty, and it rained. The seedlings were fresh green and lovely, and they were lovely when they looked at them. When the Zhao family looked at the verdant green, they remembered everything they didn’t accept. After a few months, The scene when the wind blows the wheat waves here will be even more gratifying.

What they like most is the harvest time, which means that they have not been in vain this year, nor have they spent the year in vain. In winter, they will not be hungry, and even more so. Can have a good year.

They are not afraid of hardship and tiredness. They are afraid that the crops in the fields will not grow well. They are also afraid that the year will be bad, and even more afraid that the year will be good, but they have no land to grow.

The eldest son of the Zhao Han family went to the half-acre field while he was fattening the land. He didn't know what was planted in the field. The nobleman came to see every day, but he didn't grow one. What is coming, will not be planted with stones?

As a result, when he passed by, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he quickly rubbed his eyes.

Grow out, grow out unexpectedly?

Soon after, Brando Hengsi walked over with people in strides, and they were also standing around the land, watching the small seedlings growing out of the land.

All of them can be seen with the naked eye. The green-green seedlings now only have two leaves, and these two leaves are very large.

What is this? Old man Zhao was muttering tightly in his heart. This is cabbage, but it's not like it. How can cabbage have such big leaves?

The brand laughed at last, and finally germinated. In this case, it doesn't matter, just let it grow.

He had people put up railings around him, just for fear of being stepped on by the animals.

And now they are still small seedlings, so no one knows what they are growing. Even the old man Zhao's family feels strange. What are these kinds of things?

No matter how nervous they were, even they followed closely. They didn't dare to pass there because they were afraid of stepping on a little seedling. That would be incredible.

And since these little seedlings have grown out, it also made Lo Heng a sigh of relief. Of course, the surprise is even more behind. These little seedlings grew very fast, originally there were only two leaflets. But it was the same almost every day. Without the effort of about ten days, it would have surpassed other seedlings.

Pao Hengsi supported Shen Qingci and took her over to see these small vegetable seedlings. Those snow vegetable seedlings have grown to a very high level, and now they can no longer grow here. Only Shen Qingci has seen these vegetable seedlings, and of course she is the only one. Planted.

So even if Shen Qingci had a big belly, she would come and grow these small seedlings together.

And it was the first time that people from the Zhao family saw this noble lady like a fairy concubine.

Of course, they are all amazed. If it weren't for this prosperous place in the capital, would even the people look so beautiful? One by one is just like the people who came out of the painting. Compared with others, the most beautiful girl in their village is like crawling out of a pile of mud.

However, no matter how good this person is, it is not something they can think of. Such a person is only suitable for growing up in a well-deserved family. Otherwise, if their ordinary people have such a face, they may not be lucky. It is a disaster.

These people are suitable for watching, not suitable for raising.

That's it, Shen Qingci directed the Zhao family to help plant these pickled vegetables, and Changqing and the others could only help them on one side, fighting and the like. They could do it, but when it comes to farming, they are not as good as these. Authentic villagers, so when it comes to farming, let people come over. It's also the provincial ones who couldn't fix it, and injured a seedling in vain.

Each of these seedlings is very important and precious to the people of Da Zhou.

And whether it can be planted, it will be the time of the second seedling.

Because the snow vegetable is very large, the seedlings must be removed one by one. This is the second planting.

In Tanglin, they are all planted in this way, usually a little bit of snow vegetable seedlings can grow several acres of land.

Bro Heng thought that he didn’t understand at first, why Shen Qing said that this can be planted on a few acres, just such a small amount of seed, but when it is really planted, there will be about two acres, which is only a small package of seeds. , If more, maybe more than ten acres of land can be planted.

The snow vegetables of about two acres are growing very well, and it happened to catch up with the cloudy days of a few days. The planted snow vegetables had already slowed down the seedlings by the third day.

The old man Zhao said that this little seedling is especially easy to live. As long as it is watered, it will grow strong. Although he has never planted this kind of vegetables, he can only see the growth of the seedling.

On the fifth day, it started to rain. It was not heavy rain. It was all on the crops, and the dust on the crops was cleaned up.

Of course, this rain is also good. After the rain, not only the snow vegetables have grown a lot, but also the other small seedlings have grown. That's why this year is really a good year.

They say that there will be rain if they want to rain, and if it is sunny or sunny, they almost never even watered the water this year, but the crops are longer than any year's crops.

Those pickled vegetables are really growing very well. Except for one or two dead when they moved their seedlings, the rest are also growing like crazy. There are only two acres of land in the entire land, which is simply A piece of green.

They all surprised the Zhao old man and his family. They hadn't seen such a big seedling yet, what exactly were they planting? Will it continue to grow wildly?

Just when they thought that these pickled vegetables were going to grow further, they discovered that these pickled vegetables began to wrap up the leaves, and they also wrapped the leaves inward one by one. Within half a month, it was already It's a huge package.

Changqing walked over, took the sword and cut down one.

He squeezed it with his hands, it was really heavy, I was afraid that one of them would be enough to eat.

This big snow vegetable is enough to stir-fry a pot of vegetables.

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