Biao Hengsi picked up some dishes and placed them in Shen Qingci’s bowl. Shen Qingci took a bite. Well, it’s exactly the same as the one eaten at Tanglin. No, it’s still a little different. The dishes made at Tanglin are very simple. They have to eat every meal, or they can eat without their belly, so Tanglin has never had a day without pickled vegetables. On their table, they always have pickled vegetables, fried, boiled, and steamed. .

It can be made into anything imaginable, and even more, the people of Tanglin take these pickled vegetables to feed the pigs.

The things Qiuniang made were naturally exhausted, and they also used a lot of seasonings. Of course, there was a lot of oil and water in the dishes, so this dish was naturally different from what Shen Qingci ate in Tanglin. , To be more delicious and more refined.

Branding also took a few bites, and couldn't help but praise.

"This dish is crispy and raw, so delicious"

And this dish is enough for one day in the house.

"I'll save some for you." When he saw that Shen Qingci had eaten a small bowl of dishes, he knew that she liked them very much.

"Okay," Shen Qingci knew that these snow vegetables, they would not use all of them to eat, because there are still seeds, and it is estimated that there will be several more seasons of seeds left. Fortunately, these snow vegetables The dishes do not take a long time to arrive. The winter may be longer and slower, but it can still be longer.

It can be planted for two seasons every year, and there will be two seasons of harvest. In this way, even when there is no rice or food, relying on these pickled vegetables will save a lot of people.

"I'm done." Shen Qingci asked her to help herself up, and she had to eat away. Now her belly is very big, and it is her that grows up with those snow vegetables. Belly.

Her child has been six months old, but it is as if others were pregnant in October. With such a big belly, she didn't feel much discomfort even after she had to hold such a ball for four months.

When he saw Shen Qingci's stomach, Pao Hengsi couldn't help but tighten his brows.

"Mo Fei, is Madam's body really fine?"

"My son, don't worry," Mo Fei can assure himself, "Madam is very good, there is no problem at all."

Without mentioning other things, one can tell by just looking at Shen Qingci's complexion. In fact, he has seen Shen Qingci peeking at the snow vegetables, and he didn't talk to anyone around, even running.

She is just pretending to be so that the son thinks that she is very good, she is very obedient, in fact, she is almost able to run around with her belly like ordinary people.

Biao Hengsi picked up his chopsticks and picked up a slice of pickled vegetables.

"How do you feel?"

He asked Evergreen about them.

"The taste is not bad." Evergreen.

"Yes." Longer.

"It's crispy, it's delicious." Chang Yi

"I like it very much," it was Chang Yu.

As for Mo Fei, don’t ask him. He’s still eating with a bowl. This pickled vegetable is really delicious, especially this kind of crispy, sweet taste in the mouth, but it’s not a cabbage clapper. That kind of smell at the time.

Some feel like lotus root slices, but the lotus root is more expensive, and this, if it is planted, should be quite cheap, after all, the yield is really good.

"Changqing, you loaded a few cars and sent it to Beijing," Brando stood up and stroked his sleeves, "Give these to the sage."

"Yes, son," Changqing's eyes lit up suddenly, and he knew that son was a good master and knew he wanted a son, yes, he wanted a son, he also has a son, Bai Mei gave birth to a big fat boy , I'm at his mother-in-law now, but unfortunately, he only met once. This time, he must hug the little thing properly. Otherwise, he is afraid of his family's kid, or knowing his father.

"You are going to set off right away," Branding put his finger on the table, and then lightly tapped it. It must be faster. The trouble is big, and the people's livelihood is absolutely not to be delayed.

And this matter, the saint must also know it.

Nowadays, snow vegetables are planted, but there is still a certain amount of time before they are planted on a large area. Without mentioning anything else, this kind of child is the most difficult thing.

At this time, the Zhao family were also in a daze at a big snow vegetable. They had been sitting for more than an hour. The snow vegetable was placed on the table, and they did not dare to touch or eat it.

"Is that a god?" The Zhao family's boss wiped his face involuntarily, all with cold sweat on his face, but he sprinkled seeds and planted good things that they had never seen before. .

I’m afraid that this one has a few tens of catties, and it’s enough for the family to eat for ten and a half months, and from planting to growing, they are all in their eyes. From planting to growing to be so big, no two In just a few months, a few acres have been produced.

The nobleman took some back himself, and also gave them one.

"But how do I eat this, can I eat this?"

"It's all vegetables, what else can you eat or not?" Mrs. Zhao directly hugged the big Xuecai, and also carried the Xuecai into the kitchen. Together with the two daughters-in-law, they also cooked for the family.

They haven't seen the shadow of vegetables for months. The vegetables are not easy to grow and grow. They have grown a large area, but this is not theirs, but the noble.

How dare they steal food from the noble family, but now they only eat a few leaves per meal for such a big dish, and it will last a long time.

Soon after, a plate of fried pickled vegetables was placed on the table. In fact, it was said to be fried, rather than boiled. At most, some salt was added.

Adults still don't dare to eat. Only the slanderous children couldn't help but sneak some of them with chopsticks. When the adults didn't pay attention, they started to eat secretly.

Delicious, delicious, so delicious.

In fact, it is delicious, you can only taste it with your own mouth. It is crunchy, sweet and of course very delicious.

The adults couldn’t help but move the chopsticks. After this taste, it was indeed as good as the child said, it was delicious, very tasty, it was crunchy, and it tasted very strong. The taste is also good.

A large dish was eaten up by a few people.

"If everyone can grow this dish, then eating it will really not be a problem in the future."

The old man Zhao smoked his sweaty pipe, how could he not know that this dish is a good thing, he himself grows crops.

A small seedling can grow to this size. A few seeds can grow to several acres. How high a yield is this. If everyone has planted these in the days, even if there is no food, it will be in the end. Can be topped for a while.

"Father, can we ask for some seeds for the nobleman?"

The Zhao family's boss is very scornful of this kind of dish, as long as there are a few seeds, more can be planted.

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