This means that he is young, so what is he doing if he is not a parody? How old is Shen Dingshan, his hair is white, and where is he young?

Actually Shen Dingshan is not to blame, who made Shen Dingshan a rough man, he didn't even look in the mirror, maybe he even forgot his own looks.

It’s really hard to imagine how Lou Xuefei was able to admire his martial artist back then, and both Shen Qingci and Shen Qingrong, both of whom were at a loss, are like their own mothers. Otherwise, if they grow up to be like Shen Dingshan, I am afraid they will be both in this life. I can't get married.

Shen Dingshan really didn't take the words of those ministers to heart at the beginning, until Lin Shangshu and Prince Jun also mentioned it, he touched his face, as if this old man was really tenderer than before, but man If you want such a good skin, a man should look like a man.

With such a pale face, he was beaten up when he saw it.

As for what others said, he was young and he didn’t feel anything. Of course, he didn’t pay much attention to it, but there was still a little excitement in his heart. If it weren’t really long and young, it happened that he didn’t come to see his daughter, either. Taking advantage of the fact that there is nothing wrong with the brand, he asked him.

"Have someone come over with Mrs.'s mirror."

Branding said to the people around him, no matter how much he said, he would not be as good as seeing him in person.

Soon after, the servant brought Shen Qingci's mirror over.

The mirror used by Shen Qingci was to find a side after searching for it for a long time. It can almost clearly reflect the person, and there may only be such a side in this world.

"Father-in-law will know after reading it."

Branding put the mirror in his hand in front of Shen Dingshan.

Shen Dingshan took it over, still muttering in his heart. The big man looked in the mirror and was not afraid of being laughed at.

But in the end, he still took the mirror before his eyes. As a result, this picture was really surprised. Isn't this what he looks like at 30? At that time, he looked like this.

But obviously, he is forty to five, grandchildren and grandchildren are a lot, but how did he become so young.

"Yun Yi, am I really young?"

This mirror is quite clear, that is, even his beards are photographed clearly and plainly, and this is not him, and who is it, can it become someone else? ?

"Father-in-law is young, like in his thirties."

Branding then poured a cup of tea in front of Shen Dingshan.

Shen Dingshan took the cup in one hand, just like a cow chewing a peony, and poured it on himself. He looked in the mirror for a long time. Although he didn't care much about his appearance, who didn't want to be young Ah, especially when everyone else has white hair and beard, he is the only one who is still so young, how can he be unhappy in his heart?

But what about this...

Shen Dingshan still didn't believe it. After looking at himself in the mirror for half a day, he still looked at his thirty face. What others said might be false, but the mirror was taken by himself. It is impossible for the mirror to lie?


He buckled the mirror upside down and put his hand on his old face, "The old man is so young now that he can definitely live to be a hundred years old, and he will be able to see my grandson become a biological son by then."

"Master Guo, your great-grandchildren can become biological children." Chang Qing reminded Shen Dingshan.

Shen Dingshan is now only forty to five, a hundred years old from him, is it still fifty years old, his grandson is ten years old, and in fifty years, his grandson is sixty, this will take several generations In the same class?

"Yes, yes."

Shen Dingshan touched his beard, he must have asked those little cubs to marry me and give birth to grandchildren earlier. They have four generations under one roof, and five generations under one roof. He has to live to a sixth and seventh generation. .

Biao Hengxu just cooks the vegetables quietly. After cooking, he will fill Shen Dingshan with a glass. He just smiles, but he does not refute, because what Shen Dingshan said is achievable, and he will live long. Hundred years old.

"When will father-in-law return to Beijing this time?" Lao Hengsi poured another glass and put his hands in front of Shen Dingshan.

"Why, are you chasing me?"

Shen Dingshan stared directly, his hands were also on the table, the obvious threat was so obvious.

If the brand said a word, immediately, Shen Dingshan's next move was to lift the table.

"Yun Yi dare not."

He wouldn't say such a rebellious thing.

"If nothing happens in Beijing, the father-in-law can just help Yun Yi. This snow vegetable matter is of great importance. I am afraid that it will be a little difficult for Yun Yi alone."

Shen Dingshan moved his hand away from the table and then stroked his beard.

"The old man has this intention, and he must be good at looking after those snow vegetables."

These few words of BAO Hengsi made a blasted lion slacken the hair all at once, and in this world, besides Shen Qingci, there may be only one branding lion that can let Shen Dingshan lose his temper so quickly. Up.

Shen Dingshan came with a lot of troops and guarded the house. On the one hand, he guarded the snow vegetables, and on the other hand, he guarded his daughter.

He is always afraid that others will be disadvantageous to his daughter, so he must personally guard it.

With him guarding here, Branding was naturally relieved a lot.

He also took the opportunity to take the autumn grains from the Zhao family and returned to Beijing once.

As soon as Emperor Wenyuan got the kind of wheat ears that were obviously growing a lot, he was naturally happy in his heart. This is a great good thing. In the same place, if they are planted with this kind of grain, then it can be more. With the production of some food, coupled with the high-yield snow vegetable, the people's life will be easier in the future.

And the Zhao family never dreamed that the autumn grain grown by their own family turned out to be the royal grain seed. When they planted it before, they did not have this kind of grain. They also knew that their family's grain grew and grew well. I thought it was their good service.

They also think so. They use their own seeds every year. This year, with so many lands, they have finally planted all the seeds they left behind, and there is such a good year. , This time the harvest is complete.

Their family has also been rewarded by the Holy Spirit.

They also gave them a lot of good things, silver is indispensable, and they also gave them some babies. This is a thing in the palace, but it is an extraordinary thing, even if the county magistrate sees this thing. Those who want to kneel, the gift of God, how precious.

And the people of the Zhao family are worthy of these rewards, and they are also worthy of praise from the emperor.

Not only did they keep good grain seeds, but they also helped to plant the snow vegetables. First of all, they didn’t mention other things. The last time they saved so many snow vegetables seeds before the rain, they were able to get such a reward. Up.

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