When the Zhao family took over the gifts, the whole family cried. They were all honest farmers. Last year, they were all poor and tightened their belts. They dared not eat or drink, but This year they won the emperor's commendation and gave them so many things, enough to pass on from generation to generation, and it also allows them to become loyal to the Zhao family ever since.

In the future, children and grandchildren will also be exposed to light.

Luo Hengsi looked at the old man Zhao standing in front of him. He was still the same as before. Within his eyes, he was still loyal and honest. He did not become ostentatious because of the holy intention, and he was even a man of great responsibility.

"If you hand over the snow vegetables, would you dare to accept it?"

He tapped on the table in front of him, also wanting to know what Old Man Zhao thought, if he did not answer, it was all within his thoughts.

The old man Zhao understood the meaning of branding.

This nobleman asked him to teach others to grow snow vegetables. In the future, the seeds of the snow vegetables will all come from his hands. After all, this kind of snow vegetables is the only family.

Good things like snow vegetables are supposed to appear on the tables of the common people, not those powerful people who can eat them, otherwise you would be sorry for such good things.

Old man Zhao knelt down quickly

"You can rest assured that the little old man will not let him down."

"Well, get up." Luo Hengsi stood up, and put his hand behind him.

"You do it well. If the snow vegetable is planted, the court will not forget you."

"Little old man dare not be."

Old Han Zhao already got so many things, so he didn't dare to ask for it anymore.

"Go down," Beng Hengsi shook his hand lightly. Unconsciously, the indifference on his face had receded a bit, even the corners of his lips were slightly lifted upwards.

After the old man Zhao went out, Shen Qingci walked out of the screen.

"You have a good vision. When you find this family, you are loyal and honest. You don't want the outside world to ruin your heart, and you can be promoted."

"It would be great if it could be like this forever."

Shen Qingci caressed his stomach, "People's hearts are easy to change, and it depends on whether they can be held. If they are held, there is peace and can not be held. Sometimes it is not a blessing but a curse.

When Biao Hengsi came over, he also carefully supported her. There was such a belly between them. To be honest, now Shen Qingci can't even lean on Bong Hengsi's shoulder.

And now she is nine months old and she is already bigger.

It was also a loss. The fetal condition was too good, so even in September, she didn't feel any discomfort with such a big belly.

"Maybe when they are born, new pickled vegetables will grow." Shen Qingci sighed quietly.

"They came with blessings."

Pao Heng considered and agreed with this, if it weren't for Shen Qingci to conceive them, they would not have been here, and Shen Qingci would not find the purse, let alone think of these seeds coming out.

If she hadn't thought of the seeds, how long have those seeds been forgotten by her?

Two years, three years, or ten years. Maybe by then, those seeds will no longer be able to grow anything.

That’s why these two little guys brought great blessings to Da Zhou. Not only did they bring snow vegetables to Da Zhou, they also brought those long-grained seeds. If they were planted in the future, maybe , Da Zhou rarely starved to death.

After January, the weather became cold and everything began to wither. Only a few acres of pickled vegetables were growing very well, and even nearby villagers could see the whole piece of green from a distance.

The villagers were also surprised, and later they didn't know where they heard that these were grown by the Zhao family for the nobles. They are all vegetables and can be eaten. They will be given to them when the seeds are harvested next year.

Mother Huang is helping Shen Qingci to walk outside.

"The princess still has to move around more, so that when she is born, she can have a good life."

Sister Huang helped Shen Qingci to continue walking, and she would have to walk more a day.

"The princess can rest assured that your fetal appearance is very good, so you can give birth to a little master safely."

Shen Qingci could not help but relax a little while listening to Mother Huang’s comfort. In fact, the more she got here, it was fake that she was not nervous. She was indeed very nervous, especially in the past few days. What will happen to this child?

This is the baby she has worked so hard to conceive and her only two children.

And they absolutely can't happen.

At this time, not only was she nervous, but the whole mansion was also the same. All they would be able to prepare was ready, and Mo Fei had also prepared a lot of life-saving medicine.

Pedestrians in the mansion hurried, often running around, and they were inexplicably overwhelmed by this kind of tension.

They really hope that Shen Qingci can give birth to the child in the abdomen as soon as possible, otherwise, they may really be pressed by such pressure to vomit blood.

This night, Shen Qingci was asleep, but she could not sleep well. In the future, no matter how healthy she was, with such a big belly, she seemed to be unable to bear it.

When she opened her eyes, she saw that Luo Hengsi placed her hand on her swollen belly, and a kind of warm air veins came from his palm.

Biao Hengsi’s internal energy for health, since September, he has used his own internal qi to support these two children almost every day, and at the same time he is also raising her. In fact, if it is not the internal qi of Biao Hengsi , Now Shen Qingci definitely does not have such a good fetal appearance.

"Can't sleep anymore?" Biao Hengsi let go of his hand and also covered her with the quilt.

Shen Qingci shook her head. She really couldn't fall asleep. She always felt that as long as she lay down, she would be out of breath. Mo Fei said that this was the reason why the child pressed her inner abdomen. It was hard work, and it was also the kind of health-preserving inner energy that was carried on her body, otherwise, she might not be as well afterwards.

"Your belly is too big?"

Bro Hengsi caressed Shen Qingci’s belly carefully. It was indeed too big, but he was partial. Whether it was Mo Fei or Mother Huang, Shen Qingci said that Shen Qingci’s fetal appearance could not be better, and the two children are not too big. As for why he has such a big belly, it may be that Shen Qingci ate too much food, and finally ate it in his belly.

"I want to walk."

Shen Qingci doesn't want to lie down now. She has walked the most this month. Mother Huang said that her delivery period is the most recent. She wants to walk more so that she can live better.

"Okay," Luo Hengsi also helped her up, and then helped her to walk in the house. After Shen Qingci stood up, she felt less uncomfortable, so she didn't like sleeping, but liked Go, but because of this, she hasn't slept well for a long time, and because of such hard work, she is thinner than a few months, and her face is not as good as before.

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