If she had a body that lost both energy and blood, she would have been unable to keep these two children. At this time, she was using her own full blood energy, coupled with the internal energy of branding and worry, to walk through this. Day after day.

"Do you want to take a break?" Seeing that Shen Qingci's forehead was sweating, Pao Heng quickly pulled up his sleeves and wiped the sweat for her.

"It's okay," Shen Qingci shook his head, "I can still persist."

She continued to walk, but the sweat on her forehead was increasing, but she was still stubborn.

Until she suddenly grasped the sleeve of the brand.

"What's the matter?" Luo Hengsi wiped her sweat again, how could she feel that she was a little bit wrong today, could it be that she was uncomfortable, otherwise how could she sweat so much?

Shen Qingci clung to his sleeves.

"I might be giving birth soon."

She obviously felt the sensation of falling in her stomach, and then the pain when she contracted. Mother Huang once told her, how did she feel when she gave birth? Just now she thought it was just ordinary pain. After all, she In the past few days, I have experienced such pain several times, but it was only one or two times, and then there was not much feeling.

But this time, the pain was constant, and the feeling of falling was also very obvious. She knew that this might be going to happen.

"Come on!"

Lao Hengsi picked up Shen Qingci, and also carried her on the bed inside. He never cared about the uncleanness of a woman's childbirth. He must stay with her here, and his cultivating inner energy can make She feels much better.

Mother Huang and Mother Ma rushed in. There was hot water in the kitchen. Mo Fei was also standing outside waiting. Shen Dingshan heard that his daughter was about to give birth, and almost did not fall off the bed. .

In this world, Shen Dingshan can make such a mess, except for Shen Qingci, I am afraid that there will be no second person.

He quickly sat up, put on a piece of clothing casually, and ran out.

"What's going on inside?" he asked Mo Fei.

"The midwife just went in, the son is inside," Mo Fei was also anxious, but now he is not as useful as a midwife. A woman gives birth to a child, he can't.

"Why is he inside?" Shen Dingshan walked anxiously from time to time.

"The son's inner energy is well-maintained, and it can help his wife to give birth." Mo Fei quickly replied, and now he is afraid of standing in front of Shen Dingshan. Shen Dingshan's eyes are all red, and he is so careful. Jumping in shock.

In case the grandfather of the country doesn't wait to shake his fist, what should he do? His small body can't stand a beating.

"What kind of eyes are you?" Shen Dingshan scorned Mo Fei, "Do you think that Shen Dingshan is the one who beats people indiscriminately?"

"no no."

Mo Fei quickly denied it, even if he thought so in his heart, he didn't dare to say it in front of Shen Dingshan.

Grandpa Guo is the most impartial and selfless, and he will not hurt people at will. He licked his face, but he really wanted to cry in his heart.

Inside, BAO Hengsi took out a pill, let Shen Qingci take it, and then squeezed her hand, "Don't worry, it's okay, this is the medicine made by Mo Fei, which can keep you safe."

Mo Fei started preparing for this since Shen Qingci was pregnant.

"Chiji..." The little fox didn't know where he jumped out. He also jumped out of the bed and touched Shen Qingci's face with his small mouth, as if comforting his master.

Shen Qingci wanted to touch the little fox, but the sudden pain made her whole body convulse.

The two midwives carefully rubbed her belly to help her give birth.

This maternity room is filthy, and the Lord Shuo is actually here, and Lord Shuo is indeed the first one of them how many children they have taken to others.

"Wang Hao, that's it."

Mother Huang said while rubbing her stomach for Shen Qingci.

"This is the beginning of the princess, you must not scream loudly, you have to keep your strength."

As a result, as soon as she finished speaking, she heard a scream from Madam Ma.


Shen Qingci just felt a pang of pain, as if something slipped from her body.

She ate too much suffering and suffered countless pains, so as far as she is concerned, the current pain is all tolerable, and even more, she does not know whether it is because of Mo Fei’s medicine or the secret medicine of Dongling. Or it might be the health of the inner qi of Bian Hengsi, she was so smooth that she gave birth to the eldest son of herself and Bian Hengsi.

"It's a little boy."

Grandma Huang hugged the child, and then slapped the child’s tender butt, but the child didn’t cry, she was also anxious, and another pat, the sound was even burnt. Even though he tightened his eyebrows, his complexion also improved.

Mother Huang's hand shook, and she couldn't help it. This child must be crying.

She gritted her teeth and patted it again. The child in her arms was crying, but only a few times before she stopped crying.

"Old sister, the other one has also come out."

Madam Ma was busy with another sentence.

Mother Huang hurriedly handed over the child in her arms to the person who was on her side, asking her help to clean up the child, but now she has no time to take care of her eldest son.

He always wanted to convey his inner energy to Shen Qingci.

She also wiped the sweat off her forehead carefully, "Don't be afraid, it's almost done."

Shen Qingci wanted to speak, but she couldn't say anything. She firmly grasped the hand of Branding Hengsi. It was obviously born. Why was it still so painful?

There was another cry of the child, and this was another birth.

Shen Dingshan, who was standing outside, finally breathed a sigh of relief, his eyes staring out.


"Yes," Mo Fei raised his mouth triumphantly, "The son of my family is powerful, and he is only astonishing if he does not give birth. He is a twin."

Although it was said that the most amazing, it belonged to that Xiaojun princess, ten males, and no one could reach, but he still felt that his son and wife were the most powerful.

Even they themselves no longer look forward to the offspring, but this time they gave birth to twins. Isn't this amazing?

Inside, Grandma Huang wiped the sweat from her face with her sleeves, and she also glanced at the child in her arms. This is also a little boy, and the length is really strong. Compared with the one above, this little boy But the voice is loud, this loud voice, you can see that it is a strong child.

"one left!"

At this moment, Mother Ma yelled again, and even Mother Huang was frightened. Why is there another one?

Outside Shen Dingshan rubs his hands from time to time, thinking in his heart, why hasn't he taken out his grandson yet? He can't wait any longer. His family A Ning is so good, the child born. , Must also be very beautiful and cute.

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