She went to the little girl again, this was the only little girl she gave birth to.

At this time, the little girl lay there quietly, until she was awake and full of milk. Her body was clean and she was looking around with a pair of beautiful big eyes curiously. When Shen Qingci, he waved his little hand vigorously to Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci hugged the little girl. The child was very sweet, still the milky scent, like honey, which would make people sweet to death. Shen Qingci knew that her daughter was the real Lou's daughter.

Only Lou's daughter could have such a sweet milk fragrance.

Lying on her mother's shoulders, the little girl squinted and smiled. At such a young age, her eyebrows are so beautiful and inconceivable.

"My fourth child will definitely grow up beautiful."

Shen Qingci sat down holding the little girl, and then carefully stroked her pretty little face, the little girl tilted her little head, and then smiled at her mother. The four children Shen Qingci gave birth to are better than the others. The children in the family are all good, and they are all behaved, innocent, and they are indeed very pleasant in appearance.


The little girl suddenly shook her little hand, her little face smiled wider.

When Shen Qingci looked back, he knew that he was worrying about it.

Brando Hengsi walked over and also extended his hands to the little girl.

"Come here, Daddy and hug."

The little girl stretched out her little arm to Daddy, but she kissed Daddy.

Bold Hengsi stretched out his hand and hugged the little girl. It was also possible that because he was the only girl in the family, she was also squeamish and tight, so Bold Hengsi held him for more time, and the child was the closest to him.

"What's going on outside?" Shen Qingci held the sleeping boss's little hand. At this moment, all the dead leaves in the courtyard fell to the ground. It was the time when everything was withered.

"It's growing well." Brando Hengsi smiled. There are no more crops in the fields now, but those snow vegetables are growing well, but I don't know what happens after the winter sunset and snow?

But now that the weather is so cold, he has grown up again, and judging from the situation at this time, it should be possible to spend the winter safely.

He teased the daughter in his arms. The little girl also rubbed her dad's face with her little face from time to time, and said something in her mouth from time to time. It was happier to see Daddy than to see anyone.

"Little heartless." Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and gently squeezed the little girl's face.

Luo Hengxu coaxed her daughter to fall asleep. This was when she was handed over to the nurse to take care of her, and then he hugged the boss and the second child one by one. This was the one who came out with Shen Qingci and went to see the mistress. Go.

In the back room, Xiao San'er was still asleep, probably because of congenital deficiency, so of the four children, he was the most lethargic one. He would have to sleep for most of the day on this day, and only rarely wake up.

Mo Fei said, it's good to be able to sleep, if he falls asleep, he is growing up.

"Father-in-law, what do you think?"

Brando Hengsi handed over his own name to Shen Dingshan.

As for naming the four children, Brandon also discussed with him, Shen Dingshan was naturally satisfied.

According to the genealogy, Shuo Wang Shuo should be ranked in the Yu Zi generation.

Yu Xiao, Yu Xi, Yu Yi.

Luo Yuxiao, line one.

Luo Yuxi, Ran Er.

Lao Yuyi, go three.

As for the only little girl, Wanning is four.

And Shen Qingci gave the child a nice name, Guoer.

Shen Dingshan was very satisfied with the names he gave to his grandchildren. These names were chosen by Branding, but in the end it was his final decision, especially his little granddaughter, Wanning, which was taken from Peaceful.

He hoped that his little granddaughter would not have to experience so much suffering like her mother, he would be fine as long as she can grow up safely, even if she walks sideways in the capital, it doesn't matter.

With his grandparents, their grandparents protected them.

Since then, the three princes of the Shuo Palace and a small princess have all had their own names.

This year, whether it was the capital or other places, there was a huge amount of snow, white and snowy.

The house where Shen Qingci lives has been busy and lively.

Today, it is the full moon period for the three little masters of Shuo Palace, because this place is far away from the capital, and due to the colder the weather, Brother Yi accidentally caught some wind chill, wait. Some of them did not bring their children back. In fact, Mo Fei also said that these children were born in the countryside, and it is best to spend a longer time here.

But even though that was the case, those gifts in Beijing were never stopped. Emperor Wenyuan knew that his imperial sister-in-law had given birth to three sons and one daughter, so he directly worshipped the imperial tomb because their imperial family added more people. .

The gifts in this palace were also sent here by carts and carts, even the monks of Xiangjue Temple gave the four children, each of which was a hundred-year-old picture blessed by the monk himself.

Shen Qingci donated three hundred thousand taels of silver to Xiangjue Temple. The main hall of Xiangjue Temple, Buddha statues, clothing worn by monks, and the places where they live are also donated by her. This is already a great merit. So she deserves this hundred-year-old picture.

The gifts Shen Wenhao gave to his little nephews were all playable and usable gadgets, large and small. Since the day of the birth of these four children, the adults of the Department of Weapons began to lose their ambitions and knew that they would make them every day. These children making toys are also making the two children of Weiguo Gongfu cry all day long. It is obvious that Father Ming has made so many things, but why don't they have their share?

They are also children and babies.

Obviously everyone is a baby, why should they be such a poor baby?

As long as they cry, they will be stared at by Dad.

Cry, what is there to cry, a man who bleeds without crying, crying again, and the family will wait for him, even the little brother Jing gets up and wears clothes, washes, and sleeps by himself, and has to be like his brother. Every day, he held a wooden sword and waved it around, and also basked in the sun with his elder brother. They had to have their white and tender skin, like a black charcoal.

Because their father said, if it’s not going to get tanned, when the grandfather comes back, it is not a beating, but a beating. The men of their Shen family are definitely not born as little white faces. They are military commanders, military commanders. Military commander.

Poor Xiao Pang Dun, whose road was unsteady, carried a wooden sword in his hand, and his eyes were tearful when he saw his own mother.

"Mother, I'm still a baby."

Lin Yunniang "..."

My son, being a mother can't help you either. Who makes you uncomfortable? If you are a girl, you don't need to be like this.

"Hey..." Brother Hui, who was still waving the wooden sword, sighed old-fashioned. Now with the strength to suckle hard, he began to turn the wooden sword. The one who turned was also alive and well, with some momentum.

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