On this day, it was an excellent weather, and after a few days of overcast, it finally cleared up.

Everyone in Murakami’s face was filled with a clear smile, just like the Chinese New Year. They all took care of their families and carried their own things in their hands. The inconvenience is the food at home, no matter how unsuccessful, and the little things that you make yourself, although they are not valuable, they are also what they want.

Today, the children of the noble family placed the full moon wine, which was also notified from door to door by the village chief, saying that as long as they go, each household can receive one or two silvers, ten wedding cakes, and a piece of snow vegetable.

How can everyone be unhappy? These two silvers are really a lot. They have worked hard for a year, and they may not be able to earn this silver. There are also ten wedding cakes, although they don’t know. How old it is, it can always be eaten for several days, and this snow vegetable is something that can be put, I heard that it can be put on a winter and it will not be bad. This is not a vegetable for the New Year. New Year's Eve is about to happen, and it is always necessary to prepare some good things.

Therefore, these two silvers and snow vegetables have become the most wanted by every household. How can this be to invite them to eat full moon wine, obviously to invite them to celebrate the new year.

Of course, this can't be left empty-handed. The villagers in the countryside are simple and honest. Although there are people like the Xu family, most of them are simple and honest, and they take out the good things from their own homes.

They are all walking in groups to the noble mansion, and at other times, they can't get near here for half a step. There are heavy guards around here, and sometimes they even pass by carefully. , I'm afraid of being arrested as a bad guy.

And when you get here, you can see the slices of pickled vegetables in front of you. They are very eye-catching. Every one of them is not an exaggeration. It is just a small grinding plate or a big one. A bamboo frame is afraid of it. There are not a few. At this time, the whole world is withered, and their crops are all left with soil. How can anything grow?

But the pickle still grows in the soil, and it is fresh and green. They are all farmers who are accustomed to farming. How can they not tell if the crops are alive or not?

This is a living snow vegetable, and it may still grow.

In this cold weather, vegetables can grow. Their ancestors have been farming the land for generations, but they have never heard of it. In winter, things can grow in the ground? So this snow vegetable is really the treasure of their farmers. It's a pity that they can't grow it because they don't have seeds.

This is the first time these villagers have entered the place where the nobleman lives. Of course, it is only in the outer courtyard. After all, this is not the child in their village who spends the full moon, but can see other people's children.

This is the child of a nobleman, but isn't it something that farmers like them can look at? The children of others are precious.

The villagers in the front line are all waiting anxiously, and they are worried that they will come again. It is too unrealistic to ask the whole village to eat the running water mat. Besides, they don’t need any running water mats, but money is needed. It is much better than the running water table. If they really have to choose one between the two, they will naturally choose silver instead of the other.

The people in the village are now queuing outside from the door. Even people from outside the village are here. This is all news from the family. They rushed over early in the morning, although the villagers are not too willing to be People from outside the village take advantage of them, but the nobles have said that as long as they come, they have a share.

Besides, whose family doesn't have a relative yet, all this can be notified is just a notification. Don't let the money you get in vain.

The people in the front are all looking forward to it, and those behind are also waiting anxiously, afraid that it will be their turn.

Until someone came out, these villagers naturally knew each other, not Da Xiangniang, but who was it?

The current Da Xiangniang heard that it’s terrible. She works in front of the nobles. Even the pair of children born to them are very popular with the nobles. The food collected by the Zhao family became the court. Grain is now different from what it used to be.

People are already sturdy people, but they are just mud legs in this village.

"Sister-in-law, those are your younger siblings. Would you like to give you an extra one or two?" The person you know, Mingli said this, but everyone can hear it. I don’t know how much sarcasm in this statement is. , The eldest daughter-in-law of the Xu family was also embarrassed, her face was very hot.

And with such a thick-skinned person, who dared to come over and ask for money, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Xu family is really a talent, and she is not afraid of embarrassment.

The people in front finally moved, and when someone brought something out, everyone was anxious.

"Is it really a tael or two?" someone asked quickly.

"It's one or two, really one or two," the person who got the thing, his eyes were red, and he was carrying a bamboo basket in his hand.

There are ten wedding cakes in the bamboo basket, which are thick and thick. In addition, there are also ten red eggs, one peeled very white and clean snow vegetable, and two catties of polished rice noodles each, and a pair of about two. There is a catty of pork, and there is something wrapped in red. Needless to say, everyone knows, what is this? Isn't this silver, this is real gold and silver.

I don't know how this nobleman thinks of this. I put these things in such a big bamboo basket and tied them with red ribbons to avoid falling out. As long as someone comes, just mention one.

And as long as you go in, every household comes out with such a bamboo basket. Whoever got it is not teary and moved.

These are all good things. People didn't ask for the ones they brought over, and let them take them back intact, except for the small clothes that some women made by themselves.

I heard that this child is going to wear Baijia clothing. Although the fabric of the clothing is not very good, it is very soft after washing a few times, so if it is worn by the child, it is also possible.

Except for clothes, none of those eggs have been collected.

These people line up one after another, and there will be special people to register. The village head is also standing on the side, and his chest is tall, of course, both eyes are watching these people sternly. They got mixed up. The nobleman has said that this family can only get one basket. If you take more, the nobleman is unwilling.

The villagers are greedy, and they are both careful and careful. Of course, there are many people who know how to calculate, but in front of the nobles, they dare not.

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