This great great Zhou Jiangshan is not his alone. He also has to eat, sleep, and give birth to children.

Therefore, it is indeed not advisable to stay longer.

They must go back to the capital, and these children must have their own titles.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and placed it carefully on the top of Brother Yi's small forehead. It was not too hot by then, and there was no sweating. This time it was okay, it was just a slight heart and lung problem, and it didn't burn again , So it can be better and faster.

And as the sun began to fall outside, the big trees in the yard also took out a few new and tender green branches, each spring and early season.

The spring of this season is here at the end.

In the courtyard, Shen Qingci picked up a cup of brewed tea and sipped a cup lightly. In front of her, there were Da Xiangniang mother and her son. Maybe they had seen them more often, so Da Xiangniang was not nervous at first. Measures, can't speak.

Now I can’t say that I am not afraid, but it has become a little more atmospheric. It may also be because I have been with this person for a long time, and I also know who this person is.

Under the influence of this ear and eye, something has finally changed.

"We are going back to the capital, do you know?"

Shen Qingci asked Da Xiangniang.

"Little lady, I know." Da Xiangniang has actually heard that his wife is going back to the capital recently.

In fact, I was going back. People have said that golden and silver kennels are inferior to their own dog kennels. Madam is originally from the capital. It is normal to go back this time.

"Zhao Lihua, do you want to go back with me?"

Shen Qingci's sight fell, and finally fell on Xiao Shi. I have to say that Xiao Shi's nose helped her a lot. It was also because of his nose that the four children's little butts had not been affected much. Wronged.

Every time they are uncomfortable, their diapers will be changed, so their little butts have always been white, tender, and clean.

Da Xiangniang opened her mouth wide, but she didn't know how to answer it. In fact, because of Shen Qingci's words, she asked her a little bit of no master.

This is the place where she has lived for half of her life, and it is also her home.

But now, the Zhao family's life has long been easier, and she has also made some money. As long as their mother and son stay here, they can build a house and live a safe life.

"Little Rock, come here,"

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand to Xiao Shi, and Xiao Shi came over, also standing in front of Shen Qingci.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and placed it on top of Xiaoshi's head and rubbed it lightly. "I think you found it too?" Shen Qingci said to herself, and she also knew that Da Xiangniang understood what she was talking about?

"Xiao Shi's sense of smell is different from ordinary people. My house makes spices. To make spices, you must have a nose different from ordinary people. Xiao Shi can be said to be a natural perfumer."

"Beijing is much better than here, and there is still a lady in charge in my house."

Da Xiangniang quickly bent her knees and knelt on the ground.

"Madam, the little woman is terrified."

Is this unwilling?

Shen Qingci retracted his hand. Forget it, everyone is ambitious, and if they are unwilling, then forget it. The road is for everyone to walk out. She just gave them a choice, but which one to go and what to go through Day is up to you.

She stood up, going to see her four children, they should all be awake now.

Now everything in her eyes is not as important as these four children. They are her children, her treasures, and everything to her.

Of course it is also the motivation for her to earn more money in the future.

She must prepare a golden mountain and silver mountain for her children, and she must not treat her life badly because of her money.

But when she was about to leave, a small hand stretched out and then pulled her sleeve.

Shen Qingci stopped and turned her head back, and then she bent down slightly, showing a little more patience and tolerance for children than adults.

"Sister noble, Xiao Shi is willing to go with her sister."

Xiao Shi lifted his face and looked at Shen Qingci with eyesight, but what he said made Shen Qingci a little surprised.

"Isn't it good to stay with mother?"

She put her hand on top of the little stone head again, "Sister isn't fierce to you. If you want to stay here, you stay here, okay?"

Xiao Shi does not shake his head. Although he is childish, he is also precocious. Perhaps this is the early beginning of the poor children.

"Xiao Shi is willing to go with my sister," he said very seriously and firmly. I really don't know how such a big child can say such a thing?

Xiaoshi wiped his tears with his sleeve, "Sister noble, Xiaoshi will follow you, and you will have meat with you."

Shen Qingci couldn't help squeezing the child's small face. How muscular is this? Could it be that he wanted to entrust his future to the flesh?

Mother, Daxiang really hates iron for not making steel. She stamped her foot angrily. What's wrong with returning to Beijing with his wife? Do you want to let Xiaoshi grow for a lifetime and be a lifelong mud leg, or let Xiaomi follow the marrying inhuman?

It's a bit awkward, but if you follow your wife, you will have meat. The little bit of money her mother saved was not enough to redeem her. The younger siblings are still young, and the mother is exhausted, and she can't save the dowry and the dowry.

What's more, their family was originally bought by the wife. Although the wife had returned the deeds to them, they had to remember.

Daxiang is really resentful and angry. The lady who complains about Daxiangniang’s short-sightedness, the lady has a pair of hands that turn stones into gold, she will surely earn a gold mountain and silver mountain, as long as Xiao Shi follows the master, they don’t want any gold mountain and silver mountain, as long as A small corner is enough for their family.

However, Ri Xiaoshi doesn’t have to be poor all his life, and even their grandchildren in the future will take another path. There is clearly a broad road. Why do you have to refuse? Is it impossible to sell them once?

Da Xiangniang's body suddenly shook, and the sentence that was a life-long mud leg really hurt her heart.

She gritted her teeth, and then raised her head, she also made a decision to choose a path that she didn't know how to go, but needed to go.

Shen Qingci patted Xiaoshi's head again, and all Da Xiangniang's decisions depended on her.

In this world, if you understand, the opportunity is here.

Unknown, the opportunity slipped away.

And sometimes the so-called luck is also here. If you miss it, there may not be a second time. More often, this is the luck of a person's life. If you miss it for a while, it may be a lifelong miss.

When Shen Qingci saw the three children, this was the Yi brother who came over to guard her, but when she arrived, he heard that Mo Fei was actually reading a medical book, and he was reading while he was reading. Pay attention to Brother Yi who is sitting obediently.

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