Brother Yi's complexion is still not very good, but it is not as bad as it was a few days ago, and he also opened a pair of glass-like eyes and listened intently.

Shen Qingci paused for a while, and then walked in. As a result, Brother Yi didn't stretch out his little arm for the first time and asked his mother to hug him. He still looked at Mo Fei, listening as if he was fascinated.

It wasn't until Mo Fei called Madam, that Brother Yi realized this with hindsight. He saw that his mother was there, and then she really stretched out her little arm and asked her to hug him.

Shen Qingci carefully hugged him, and put his own face in the side, and Yi brother was happy to chew on his mother's face, which is also the saliva of the cheating mother. He likes to talk to his mother the most. I'm playing this kind of little game, and I like to drool on my parents' faces.

Such a lively person, if you want to come, your body is good, otherwise, it is impossible to play with adults. When he is uncomfortable, but he doesn't want to move, he just likes to be held by his mother, which is also pale With a small face, it is very distressing.

So Shen Qingci didn't want to see Brother Yi like this all his life.

Brother Yi had played enough with his mother, and then rolled to one side, rolling himself into a small ball, and then he rolled over. Although his body is a little smaller, he is very flexible. If a child plays a game of rolling, he may still be number one.

The boss doesn't like to move, the second is lazy, the little girl is squeamish, and she is also a little lady, so it will definitely be Yi brother who won the first place.


Brother Yi grabbed his own little quilt, and then stretched out his hand to his mother. This was to let the mother help him sit up.

Shen Qingci had been carrying him for such a long time, how could she not understand what he was thinking in this little head, she picked him up easily, and then put him on the quilt, letting him sit still.


After sitting down, Brother Yi yelled at Mo Fei again. Mo Fei was also inexplicable. He didn’t do anything about what he called, because he was afraid that he would be bored, so he read medical skills to him. Listen.


Brother Yi yelled several times again, but Mo Fei seemed to have become stupid, not knowing what he was talking about, he puffed up his little face.

If it really is, this is all right, the little face has a little **** color, and the little face is also warm, and the softness made the mother can't help but rub it.

Brother Yi grinned at his mother. He also had two small deciduous teeth, big eyes and small lips. The more beautiful this child was.

And after Brother Yi smiled at his mother, he made a small face again. This small appearance would make Mo Fei's scalp numb, as if he had seen the master.

But he just doesn't understand, why this little master is so stubborn and suffocating to him?


As a result, at this moment, the little fox who was lying on his side couldn’t stand a stupid human being like a pig. He jumped directly to the table and picked up the medical book. He held the medical skills in front of Mo Fei and used himself. His paw pointed at the book.

"Yeah..." Brother Yi yelled again, and then sat obediently, also straightening her chest.

Mo Fei should understand no matter how stupid he is?

It turns out this is to listen to him studying medicine.

He had to pick up the medical book again, and began to read it. The name of the sentence was very important, and it made Shen Qingci’s head a little bit painful. It was like letting others come over to make spices. , She can't step over this mountain.

While Mo Fei was reading, he thought of a good idea, and he glanced at the serious look of the little master, and his eyes lit up in an instant.

Good seedlings, yes, good seedlings.

This is a good seed for studying medicine.

And he immediately informed the son of this matter, thinking about it, the son should be able to agree, in the future, there will be another genius doctor who is better than blue in this world.

Just as he continued to read with great emotion, he finally froze there with a smug smile on his face as a result of this glance.

He was so excited about reading here, but the little one was asleep there, and the white fox also fell asleep on all fours, even snoring slightly.

Mo Fei was very uncomfortable, but he couldn't go up and beat him. Whoever dares to beat the son of the son is not afraid of being beaten to death by the son, and they will all be slapped to death by Shen Dingshan.

Shen Qingci carefully pulled the quilt over Brother Yi's body. He was already asleep, his face was pink, his breathing was very slow, and his stomach was undulating from time to time. I slept well.

I'm going home soon, Beijing is both prosperous and brightly lit. There will never be a shortage of powerful people there, and there will never be a shortage of comparisons.

In fact, Shen Qingci really likes this place, such a simple and unpretentious place, and such a day. She has always wanted it, but she couldn't ask for it.

Some things are destined, as if she must return to the capital, and these four children also have their own identities. As members of the royal family, they must also take their own responsibilities.

The imperial power gave them power, status, gold and silver, but in the same way, they would have to pay equal.

As the children of the brand family, they have to adapt to these things, they have to get used to them, and they have to accept them.

Just like Brother Hui and Brother Jing, natural talents are never inconvenient and doomed. Their fate is under horseback, and they have been riding a horse for a lifetime, and they will also go to Chen to kill the enemy.

And the children of the Luo family, Ye Jing locust is going to protect the world of this great Zhou together.

The little person is destined. In this wealth, he also has his own mission, that is, even the little girl will become Lou Jiaxiang's heir after her mother.

Shen Qingci stood up again, let the nanny come in, and took care of him in good health, while she herself wanted to see the other three. The little girl was angry just now, she had to coax.

Among the four children, she has the biggest temper and the longest and fastest mind. When she is angry, even people will be ignored.

And when she passed by, really, I heard the nanny say that the little girl was really angry. After she had eaten the milk, no one paid any attention, she shrank her small body into a small ball and pretended to be asleep.

And when Shen Qing resigned, the little girl really felt that the mother was coming. A child with the blood of the Lou family was born with a very sensitive nose, which could be smelled as long as the mother came in drought.

The nurse thought it was a little girl with good ears. As long as there was a disturbance, she knew it. In fact, they all guessed wrong. The little girl’s ear power is actually quite ordinary, just because she has a good sense of smell. He is still young, but he can already know who the person is, father, mother, or other people by his instinct.

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