But Shen Qingci is different. She is the sister-in-law of the sage, and a person respected by the sage. Not to mention the military expenses donated every year, she has saved the life of the sage twice and can be The saint remembers his life.

These people are really whimsical. When Lord Shuo was about 30 years old, he had four children. Usually there are precious things like those in them. This is the little son of the Shuo Palace. He is not a monkey. Are they going to get some blessing?

And hearing what Princess Jun said, the lady's eyes were also reddened, it is true that there is no way to fail.

"I can only ask for you."

Princess Jun is a little bit intolerable, and what she can do is limited to this. She can even go in and out of King Shuo's Mansion on her own, and she can also see four children, but she cannot be the master of Shen Qing's resignation, nor can she resign for Shen Qing promise.

She can only help her ask to see what Shen Qingci thinks?

If she is willing, then she is seeing. If she is unwilling, then she can only say that she really did her best, so she can't blame her for other things.

She also gave this face.

And the lady was overjoyed when she heard Princess Jun say this. As long as it was mentioned, it might be useful. Maybe Shen Qingci really met them?

When Shen Qingci heard this, to be honest, she was really dumbfounded.

"Auntie, do you think I really have this kind of ability?"

It is ridiculous that others can give birth to a son when they see her. If it is true, then those who cannot have a baby will come and have a look at them, and then go back and have a baby.

Then what kind of spices does she use to show her face and how many silver taels. People from the South and the North will come to visit this day so that they can have children. Then, how many people will be added to the world and how much will she earn?

Princess Jun also smiled bitterly, "We all know that this is actually impossible, but the people in this world prefer this. How can those who are in a hurry to go to the hospital sit still?"

Shen Qingci is playing with the purse around her waist. Could it be that she really wants to be a monkey to be appreciated by others.

Regarding what Princess Jun said, she only mentioned it once, but did not mention it again and again. In other words, it was just a general sentiment, and she was right about this general sentiment.

Everything that should be brought is brought, and everything that should be said is said.

As for whether Shen Qingci agrees to it, then she has her own decision.

Coincidentally, at this moment the nurse came over with Brother Yi.

What's up with her? Shen Qingci put down his purse and also stretched out a small hand to Brother Yi. Brother Yi took the initiative to pounce on her arms and rubbed his head against her from time to time.

It was really innocent and lovely, with a pair of big eyes like a transparent crystal ball, clean and clear, watery and can't wait for a bite.

"Isn't this our Yi brother?"

When Princess Jun sees Brother Yi, it is also very rare. Even if she has ten grandchildren, what can she do? She just likes Brother Yi. Who made Brother Yi give birth to such a beautiful face , It is even her family's Xiaojiu Xiaoshi is incomparable, she has seen countless children, but in terms of appearance, it is the best brother Yi.

It's no wonder that God thought that he was a grandmother who was well-known in the capital, how could it be worse when he grows up in the future?

They also compared her family's Xiaoshi. Needless to say, I am afraid that in the future, this little guy will also be snatched away by this little guy.

"It's a little longer!" Princess Jun has been in the future for half a month. When I saw Brother Yi, I didn't know if it was because of her dizziness or just the way she was.

It seems that this child has really grown up, and this little face is not as pale as before.

"I'm here to hug," Princess Jun stretched out her hand and hugged Brother Yi. This child grew up when he saw the wind, but he hasn't seen him for a few days, but he really grew up all at once.

Princess Jun shook her head.

Under this weight, it is really heavy.

And she couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. It's good if it grows, and it's good if it grows. I'm afraid it won't be long. What should I do? Such a beautiful child, the successor to his grandmother's beauty, even a little son, did not let his grandmother's beauty be disappointed.

"It's a little longer," Shen Qingci is also holding his son's little hand to play. Recently, he has improved a bit. It may also be because the weather in Beijing has become warmer in recent days, so he also eats better than before. To be more, this is also very fast, the weight has increased, and the small body is healthier than before, even the complexion is much better than before.

Shen Qingci originally said that he would take him to Xiangjue Temple, and let Master Jingkong look at it, but in the past few days, this little guy is also very proud.

Recently, he is growing up very well. Mo Fei said that the longer this child is, the better his body will be. The bigger the child, the smaller the chance of getting sick.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and poked his son in the face again. Brother Yi glanced back at his mother, his beautiful peachy eyes were also curved, even Shen Qingci couldn't help feeling that his heartbeat was chaotic.

The child’s eyes are also a little longer. Fortunately, he was not born as a girl. Otherwise, she would become a demon girl who would bring disaster to the country and the people. Of course, she was also very fortunate that she was born with such a look. , Not her fruit.

Guo'er is like her, and has a somewhat similar temperament. She is a very quiet little lady. She is also very condescending to her brother on weekdays.

Fortunately, these four are easy to raise, otherwise, where would she come from when she would earn them ten thousand taels of silver?

Princess Jun talked to Shen Qingci for a while, and then kissed and kissed, hugged and hugged Brother Yi's little face. This is how she left. She has ten grandchildren. How could I not want to come after being away for so long.

Shen Qingci was a little surprised after Princess Jun left, and the outside world actually rumored her to this point.

It was ridiculously tight to see her to have a baby, and when she turned her head, she saw the kid with peach-eyed eyes, staring at her mother without blinking?

The misty eyes are as beautiful as they are covered with a layer of fine yarn.

Shen Qingci hugged Brother Yi, and rubbed his little head again.

"Go, mother will take you to find your brother and sister to play."

Several children are going to grow together, even if Brother Yi was brought by her and Luo Hengsi personally, but when he was very young, every day, they would take him to the same couple. A child stayed together.

They are all brothers and sisters of the same fetus, and they have more blood connections than others, and they will all need to help each other in the endless days.

And their parents gave them a gift that no one else had.

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