That is, their life span will be much longer than others, maybe half their life span, enough for them to enjoy the great mountains and rivers of this world.

Of course, Shen Qingci didn't take what Princess Jun said to his heart.

She is not a doctor, and can't cure others to have children.

This birth also depends on the fate of the children.

It is their own business whether they are born or not. When can they be counted as an outsider, of course she has forgotten this too.

When she woke up on the second day, the sky outside was already bright, and Brando had already entered the palace. Since they came back, he was busy and there were a lot of national affairs, and he could not help it. Get out.

Every day, before dawn, he will go to the court, and he will not come back when it is night. Several children have fathers who have not seen them for a long time, and Shen Qingci is afraid, right? It's been a long time, they even forget what dad looks like.

"Sisi," Shen Qingci yelled outside.

"Madam is there." Xie Si opened the door and walked in. Sanxi and Daxiang had already walked in with the water basin. When Shen Qingci was cleaning the face, this was one thing that came to mind. In fact, she was both I forgot about it, until I saw Sanxi and Daxiang together, I remembered that there was still another person in the house.

"Sisi, you help me do something."

Shen Qingci waved his hand to Xie Si, and Xie Si also walked over.

Remember? Shen Qingci gave Xie Si all the things he wanted to say.

"But remember?"

Shen Qingci asked again. If the matter is said to be big or small, she actually didn't know it, but she had left a little more thoughtful.

Xie Si nodded and was about to go out, but after a while she turned back again.

Then he stood in front of Shen Qingci like this.

Shen Qingci touched his purse, then took out a few silver beads from it and gave Xie Si.

She feels like she is greedy for money by raising everyone around her.

But it seems that this is what she is used to.

But, she held up her face, this person always needed something, and the master who didn't pay, how could she win the heartfelt heart of the girl.

She always believed that the people she had treated straight-heartedly would return her sincere heart.

Of course, there are few people who can get her approval.

She walked out, the clear moonlight outside fell on her body, she closed her eyes, and when she opened them, even the eyelashes were dyed. Shallow warmth.

In Xiangjue Temple, Master Jingkong stopped the movement of knocking the wooden fish in his hand, and also stood up.

"Does Sizhong have to redo this year's spring clothes?"

While the little novice monk wanted to say something but stopped, he actually wanted to say that the spring clothes were made last year and can be worn again.

"The monk's quilt should also be changed."

"This temple has to be built with one more well, so that you don't have to go down the mountain to fetch water to drink."

The little novice monk opened his mouth and hesitated for a long time before saying.

"Master, we have no money."

Yes, there is no money. Where did they get the money? Even though the incense is added to so many monks, their expenses are even higher. The temple receives the homeless people every day. You have to eat and drink, and the food in the temple does not cost money. Whoever wants to eat it.

In the winter of the year, they had eaten green vegetables, and they would be guaranteed to have them in the future, but they still had no money to do other things.

"En," Master Jingkong took the soft cloth and gently wiped the dust on the Buddha statue.

"You will have money soon. You are going to take care of all of these. Our spring clothes for this season have gone."

"Where is the silver?" The little novice monk scratched his head. He has seen the warehouse. They really have no silver.

"You can prepare."

Master Jingkong still wiped the dust carefully, and he didn't know whether there would be dust.

Maybe what he wiped was not dusty.

No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror. Buddha nature is always pure, where there is dust.

So only he knows what he wiped.

The little novice monk looked at his master for a long time in a strange way. Could it be that the master is confused, or is he still not awake from his dream?

"Are you talking about being a teacher?"

Master Jingkong turned his head, and there was no wrinkle on his face, and he had a good face. I don't know the age or the years. Everything is paradoxical, and it seems that there is no trace.

"Dare not," how could the little novice monk still say it, otherwise, he would go to fertilize the pickled vegetables, the smell of fertilizer.

Alas, it's really indescribable.

When the little novice went out, he happened to meet Shen Qingci oncoming.

"Good master."

Shen Qingci bowed to the little novice monk.

The little novice monk also replied, and he knew Shen Qingci, and his eyes lit up. Now he understands what the Master Jingkong meant?

It turns out that the master had already expected that the people who gave the money came, and they would also have new spring clothes.

It’s said that the four monks are all empty, but they also need to eat and dress. He alone is in charge of the people’s livelihood in the monastery. Every day, he can make everyone worry about eating well. Finally, this one is here. Spring clothes, autumn clothes, and even winter clothes are all possible.

The little novice looked at Shen Qingci's eyes, and Shen Qingci felt so strange.

It's like, like what?

She didn't think of it for a while, but what happened? She couldn't help but touch her arm.

When she saw Master Jingkong, Master Jingkong smiled clearly, but why did Shen Qingci feel that there was a trace of wretchedness in his smile, that bright eyes, almost all desires can be pierced.

"The palace in the temple is about to be repaired."

Master Jingkong sighed, "It has been built for more than 20 years. It rained heavily a few days ago, but some rain was leaked."

Shen Qingci pressed his forehead.

She finally knew, where did the cold feeling just now come from?

"The monks' spring clothes are from last year, and many of them are patched."

Master Jingkong smiled, just waiting for her to express her attitude.

"Is one hundred thousand taels enough?"

Shen Qingci knew that the old monk was going to let her bleed.


Master Jingkong sighed, and said things like the more and more sad this day, so that Shen Qingci rolled his eyes at him for unknown times.

"I will bring him over to show you."

Shen Qingci hugged Brother Yi from the nanny’s arms. Brother Yi didn’t know when he woke up. He tilted his head and looked at his mother. His peachy eyes were also bent, like a cloud. Covered with a little bit of fine yarn.

Shen Qingci nodded his small forehead, "My son is really long like a flower."

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