This is really a monster.

"Aunt Qin, Aunt Yao."

Shen Qing resignedly came to salute, but how could the two ladies accept her gift?

Shen Qingci's rank is much higher than that of them. It stands to reason that if it is a salute, they should go first.

Da Zhou has always been strict in the differentiation of ranks. One rank difference is a thousand miles away. If the rank is high, there is no need to ask the mother-in-law in the mansion. Sometimes this rank is really going to crush people.

Today's ranks like Shen Qingci are among the best in the entire capital.

At this time, Shen Qingci first saluted the two wives, or regarded them as elders, and she didn't care about the rank.

The two ladies are not ignorant people, knowing that this is Shen Qingci when they are elders, rather than using their status to suppress others.

"Look at it," Madam Qin took Shen Qingci's hand, "This little face is really tender, and it's all smaller than your little girl."

"No," Mrs. Yao was also secretly surprised, of course, she was very weird in her heart, and she was thinking, Shen Qing knew how long it was, it could not be, it was really what others said, she grew slowly , Is also old and slow, obviously she has had four children, and they are all in their twenties. Let ordinary people, no matter how they are now, they will change a little, but she is strange, actually a little bit It hasn't changed, even her little daughter is a few years younger than Shen Qingci, but after giving birth, she feels a lot older.

How can it be that the more you live, the more you return?

He also said that the child couldn't have a child at the beginning, and who on earth came out with such vicious words, now it is finally clear that Shou Yunkai sees the moon. If she had known this long ago, no matter how she was, she would have to marry herself back.

Such a good child, Wangfu Wang's son, who first came out so many words that were unfavorable to Shen Qingci, if she knew it, she had to slap him twice.

"Where are the children, let's see what happens?"

Mrs. Qin is rare to have the Four Treasures of this birth. She really wants to know what exactly the four births look like. The one they see the most is not the one who has the Three Treasures, but Shen Qingrong. One child.

But what's the matter with four in this child?

This Shen family girl can really give birth.

"Okay," Shen Qingci didn't mention it to others. They wanted to see a child, but she wouldn't show it. She is not a monkey, and her baby is not a little monkey. People give birth to them to admire.

Shen Qingci took the two wives to the place where the children lived. The four children lived in the same place. They would only be separated when they were sick. Now it is even Brother Yi who is also there. .

His health is a little better now, and as long as he takes good care of him, there will be no big things.

Inside, a few children are asleep, only Brother Yi is awake, and the energy is also very good, rolling around from time to time, it also makes the nanny nervous, afraid that he will take his own Fell.

When Shen Qingci brought Madam Qin and Madam Yao in, the Yi brother inside knew that his mother had come in, and from time to time he stretched out his little arm for her to hug her.

"This is so beautiful."

Mrs. Qin directly took the child who was not too fat, but very beautiful, and saw that the child had peach eyes. The rare eyes were clear and mist, and this laughter , Still such a small child, but seems to melt people's hearts away.

Not to mention Mrs. Qin, even Mrs. Yao's heart has been turned away. She has seen so many children, but who is so enchanting.

They hugged, kissed and hugged, and they all wanted to take them home and raise them.

"This one looks like Xuefei."

Mrs. Yao gently pointed at Guo'er's small face, "It must be a big beauty in the future."

They touched this, and then looked at that, the first time they saw the two noble ladies of quadruplets, it was really rare.

And after reading the quadruplets, this is what they are doing this time. They really have something to ask for.

But when Shen Qingci heard their request, he couldn't help but press his forehead again.

"Two ladies, do you believe these nonsense too?"

Just come and see her, and you can give birth to a child. Who on earth was this going to spread?

What Princess Jun mentioned at the beginning, she refused, so these two also came to intercede for others.

But this time they were really interceding for others, which was afraid that one person would not have enough face, so they came together.

"Qing Ci, what do you think?"

Madam Qin also felt that her request was a bit too much. After all, Shen Qingci's identity was not something anyone wanted to see.

If the dignified princess can see everyone, how is the face of the heavenly family?

So when they came here this time, they were indeed somewhat unreasonable, and they also relied on their friendship with the late Lou Xuefei.

What about Shen Qingci?

Some kindness, she always has to pay it back.

The two ladies had never asked her to do anything, even if she knew that Yipinxiang had been initiated by her, from beginning to end, they did not attempt more than half of them, and even took care of her everywhere.

She doesn't sell other people's face, they seem to want to sell too.

As for what Princess Jun said at the beginning, it was just a mere mention, and it was only because she was entrusted, and the relationship between the entrusted person and her is not too good, so there is nothing wrong with not agreeing?

Madam Qin and Madam Yao had come here on a special trip, but Shen Qingci really didn't save their face, so in the end they had to agree.

Although this was nonsense, she decided to meet this person.

And this person also came quickly. By the morning of the second day, Madam Qin and Madam Yao had already arrived, and of course they also brought a haggard lady who had been famous for a year.

Madam Qin and Madam Yao went to see the quadruplets on the pretext of getting along with the woman in front of them with Shen Qingci.

This woman was also surnamed Qin. She was Madam Qin’s clan sister, more than ten years younger than Madam Qin. Of course, she was also Madam Yao’s cousin and daughter-in-law. Otherwise, the two of them would not come together.

"Good concubine Shuo."

This Qin family is tall, round face, and has a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes. She is also a Fenghua Zhengmao woman.

"Good Mrs. Yao."

Shen Qingci also said hello to the Qin family. Her people were colder, and it was impossible to laugh at a person who had met for the first time as a fool.

It is also possible that there is no smile on her face, which is why Qin's heart is dull, or even his face is embarrassed.

"You don't need to think too much."

Shen Qing resigned to comfort the Qin family. In fact, she had no extra meaning, but she was a little scared. Will this person scare herself to death.

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