Qin smiled, but the fingers that were twisted together felt a little painful even for an outsider like Shen Qingci.

This is not a twist, how can it be so twisted.

Whatever you say, you mean, there are no two at this time.

"Then..." The Qin family twisted his veil again, "I am disrespectful."

And Qin secretly looked at Shen Qingci's appearance, and he really felt that Princess Shuo was too young.

She smiled awkwardly again.

"The princess and empress are really small."

Shen Qing Cici is really disrespectful of this long sentence. Is the long tenderness also her fault?

She gently stroked her face and smiled, "Maybe I grow slower than others."

Yes, she just grows slower than others. Others fifteen and fifteen, and she is seventeen, others sixteen have children, and she is twenty.

Why is she so slow?

Qin lowered her head and didn't know what to say. She came here just to borrow some luck from Shen Qingci to see if she could give birth to a son and a half.

But her heart is very clear.

This child is not something that anyone can have.

But this is always a hope, isn't it?

In fact, she wants more than that. She also wants to know how Shen Qingci gave birth to the four children?

Shen Qingci raised the teapot, poured a cup of tea for Qin, and placed it in front of her.

"Thank you," Qin raised the cup, but did not dare to drink.

Shen Qingci sat opposite her. He was thin, but thin and unobtrusive. On his fifteen or sixteen-year-old face, he couldn't see any age.

She obviously gave birth to four sons, but she is still like a young girl, this is indeed somewhat...

Too frantic.

"The princess, I want to ask?"

In the end, the Qin clan couldn't help it, so he could only bite the bullet and ask.

"What do you want to ask?"

Shen Qingci put down the cup and pressed his long fingers on the edge of his arms.


Qin licked her slightly dry lips again, but she was still ashamed to speak.

"I have been married to the Yao family for more than seven years, but I haven't been able to do anything."

"I..." She squeezed her clothes tightly, and the drooping eyelashes appeared with a slight dampness.

If she can't give birth to a child, even if the two of Chen and Yao are acquainted with each other, she might really have to ask herself to step down in the end.

But what about a woman who has nothing to do in her life?

How could she not know?

The kind of unwillingness in Qin’s heart. Actually, Shen Qingci had also experienced it before. Every time she saw her eldest sister’s children, she also thought about it. If one day she could have her own children, how much would it be? it is good? But now, she finally has her own children, and each of the four children is her lifeblood.

Therefore, she couldn't understand Qin's thoughts anymore.

It was probably because of the same illness, so she really wanted to help.

"You let Mo Fei come in."

Shen Qingci gave a word to the people around him.

"I'll let someone help you take a look."

She poured a cup of tea for Qin's family again. The so-called blessing is nothing but vanity. You should understand?

Qin nodded slightly, why did she not know? But just for this glimmer of hope, she still came.

Soon after, Mo Fei came over.

The Qin family knew that there was a genius doctor in the Shuo Palace, and she had never thought that Shen Qingci would ask the genius doctor to consult her. They had also asked those genius doctors and those who claimed to be genius doctors.

The genius doctors have seen a lot, and the medicine can eat a house, and all kinds of remedies have been used, but they have not given birth to children.

So when the doctor said, she was actually a little numb.

"Ms. Yao's body is completely fine."

Mo Fei retracted his hand, and he also kept his own things in the medicine box aside.


Qin froze for a moment, "Since there is nothing wrong, why have I not conceived children yet?"

"This..." It's hard to say for Mo Feidao. His wife has been married to a son for four years, and they always take care of the matter of the offspring. If there is nothing, then naturally they will not force it.

Therefore, the little princess and princess of his family got it without knowing it.

"It may be too deliberate, so it has never been."

Mo Fei talked about the possibilities he could think of, "I've seen a few cases of this kind of disease. Madam, it's better to let go of everything, maybe there will be surprises."

Qin can only tear a helpless smile on his face.

"I haven't slept well for a long time," she gently stroked her face, still feeling the roughness of her cheek.

It is obvious that she is not thirty, but she seems to be getting old very quickly. If she goes out without putting makeup on herself, she will not even be able to go out.

Because, shameless.

And sleep, how does she sleep?

Mo Fei stood up and saluted Shen Qing with his farewells. When he finished his work, he would go to the incense room to earn money later. After he earned the money, he would also go to read medical books to the third son. He wanted to be like Duke Wei. Learning, everything must start from the time of the baby.

He wanted San Gongzi to grow up holding a medical book from a young age, and when he was a little older, he knew more words, and I was afraid that he could read several medical books.

After Mo Fei left, the Qin clan lowered his head again, and didn't know what he was thinking. The whole body was exhausted from nowhere, as if even her soul was tired.

Shen Qingci moved his hand to Sanxi, and then said something to Sanxi.

Sanxi was busy, and when she came in again, there was an extra thing in her hand, a porcelain vase like white jade.

She put the porcelain bottle in front of Qin's.

"This is the best benzoin. Put some on it every day, so you can sleep for a few more hours."

It's not enough if you don't take a break. If you don't take a break for a day, you may not have much energy for several days.

She felt that the current person, in fact, should do the most, not to have a baby, but to sleep well and raise the body, so as to mention pregnancy.

Qin's trembling fingers also took the white jade porcelain bottle into his hand.

"Thank you, Princess."

She thanked her. The white jade porcelain bottle in her hand was also held tightly by her. Maybe she was a little disappointed. After all, Shen Qingci is not a genius doctor, nor a doctor. She can't let her have children, nor can she help her.

But, at least, she had seized this glimmer of hope, even if it was still useless.

Several people also said goodbye. Shen Qingci asked them to send them out. Then he made himself a pot of tea and sat here to drink.

Don't know what you are thinking? Only in those pair of eyes, it seemed that after seeing it for a long time.

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