Qiu He finally left the Shuo Palace. When she smelled the air outside, when everything outside fell between her eyes, she seemed to feel a breath of freedom, which had already begun a little. A little bit spread to her flesh and blood.

She squeezed her hand, and then walked forward without looking back.

And this walk took more than half a day. Unable to stop, she stopped and wiped the sweat from her face with her sleeves. As she walked, her legs became sore and soft, and even the last step was I don't want to move.

"Guru..." her belly yelled involuntarily. She hugged her belly and found herself a big rock to lean against, resting her somewhat weak body.

And she couldn't help but also looked around, all of which was surrounded by mountains and forests, not to mention her, even if there were no animals.

She is now hungry and thirsty. What she has been thinking about is not anything else, but the half of the bun she threw in the morning. She has not taken the snack in the house, and even bought herself something to eat. , I forgot, when she remembered, she was already in the mountains and forests where she did not recruit villages in front and shops in the back.

And along the way, she just drank a sip of water by the river along the road, but the grain of rice was not exhausted. When she was hungry, she almost always stuck her chest on her back. Now, even if it’s steamed buns on the ground, she still I want to pick it up and continue eating.

After breathing hard for a few moments, she picked up her body again, and continued to walk forward, stumbling all the way, and finally came to the destination she wanted.

It was also in front of a stone wall. There was no one inhabited here. Except for the rocks, it was a mountain. Even the leaves here dropped a layer. When the feet were on the ground, they would make noises from time to time.

I don’t know when these leaves fell, this year, last year, the year before, or even longer.

But it is enough to prove that no one has been in this place for a long time.

Qiu He's heart was also inexplicably excited, even the hunger in his belly was put aside at this time, and her hands were constantly touching on the rock wall until her hand touched something, and then she The weeds growing on it and the fallen leaves are all pulled down and cleaned. On the stone wall, there is a hole as large as a longan. It looks like it is not made by nature, but as if it was given by someone. Dug out.

Qiu He quickly put her hand on her neck, and then pulled out the red rope from the inside. She took out the stone pendant hanging under the red rope, and then stuffed it into the middle of the cave.

At this time, her hands were shaking, and so were her people.

The wish for so many years is finally achieved, how could she not be excited, how could she be unhappy, how could she not be excited?

With a strong hand, she pressed the stone pendant into the cave, then turned to the right, and then heard a creaking sound, the stone door opened, and when she was about to go in, there was a frame above her neck. There was one thing, cold and cold.

This is the sword.

The cold sweat on her forehead also dropped a drop, and then she slowly turned her head back, and when she saw the person standing behind her, her face changed from white to blue, and then from blue to iron blue. .

"It's you?"

"Yes, it's me."

The girl dressed up behind her yawned slightly.

"For you, I haven't slept well for a few days. You sleep well, grind your teeth, fart and scream at the pupil. You are no less."

When Qiu He heard this, her eyes glared, and then she suddenly realized something, her throat was also tight, and then, with a squirt, a mouthful of blood came out.

The visitor kicked the soft and muddy autumn lotus on the ground with his toes. This was when he moved his finger to his mouth and blew it. Soon after, a golden eagle hovered down, which also fell on the opposite side of the stone. on.

The girl took out something on her body and tied it to the paws of the golden eagle.

The golden eagle screamed and flew up.

Shen Qingci is using a small spoon to feed his brother Yi to eat lean meat porridge. The meat is the most tender part of the milk chicken, which is cut very small, and it has been cooked for several hours. Delicious porridge comes out.

For the little guys who have tasted the taste, the taste of this porridge is their favorite.

Every time, there is a bowl for one person, and I eat a lot more than usual.

After adding meat to them, they grew a bit faster than before. Even her brother Xiao Yi is now white and fat, with small arms and legs, and has some meat. , When this was pinched, it was soft.

"Come on, beautiful son, let's eat another spoonful."

Shen Qingci gave another bite to his beautiful son. The little guy is also very generous. As long as his mother feeds him, he will eat it. There are four siblings in the family, but he is the only one who grew up eating his mother’s milk and was also fed by the mother. For dinner.

The mother's body smells fragrant, and everyone else's body smells bad, so he doesn't let others feed him dinner.

Just taking one bite at a time, it also bulged his belly.

When I have a full stomach, I behaved, and after a while, I started to make noise. These children have grown a little bit. After they can climb, they like to crawl everywhere. Shuo Palace is such a big place. Their father directly made a large area for them to climb, allowing them to climb at will, and exercise their calves by the way. Although they can't walk, they can crawl around, but they can also move around.

Shen Qingci touched brother Yi's belly, which really bulged.

Suddenly, Brother Yi rushed forward forcefully and shocked Shen Qingci. This was the last time she didn't pick it up, so she threw him directly, and his forehead was broken. , Didn't scare her to death, stood there stupidly holding him, and didn't give anyone to him. In the end, he was worried about taking Brother Yi from her arms.

At that time, Brother Yi also had blood on his face, which was really scary. Even the peach blossom eyes were not very bright. Until Mo Fei came over, after checking this for him, he just knocked his head. There is nothing wrong with this pretty little face.

However, they were all scared. In the future, they will be more careful with them. If they are injured again, what should they do without this little face?

Lao Hengsi walked over, held out his hand to hug his son, and touched his belly again, "Are you full today?"

"En," Brother Yi also knows what Dad is asking? Now they have grown up a bit, and they can understand what the adults are saying. After a few months, even the words will be the same. It can be said.

Just as Luo Hengsi was playing with him, and it was to let him eat, the sound of the golden eagle came from outside.

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