Brother Yi heard it too. Seeing the golden eagle flying over, he was happy, but when the golden eagle saw his little master, he shuddered, and the feathers on his body seemed to have fallen off. One.

Branding took the letter from the golden eagle's paw.


There are only three words, this is not an order under the brand.

Brandon put the note beside Shen Qingci.

"You ordered?"

Shen Qingci took it, and when he saw the words on it, his eyes lit up, and she really found it.

"Let Sheng come here once, let's go to a place," Shen Qingci stood up quickly, ready to change clothes in a while, this matter can not be delayed, I am afraid that Ye Changmengmeng, this is only theirs if it is in their hands.

Otherwise, there must be various changes.

"I understand."

Brandon immediately let Changqing enter the palace once.

He understood very well that Shen Qingci was not a joke. Since she wanted Emperor Wen Yuan to come, she naturally had her reasoning, and she definitely wouldn't tease the Lord in this way.

She didn't even want to go to the palace, let alone see Emperor Wen Yuan.

Branding hesitated and handed Brother Yi to the nanny.

"Take good care of him. He has eaten. Don't let him sleep now. Be careful to accumulate food."

Niang Busily agreed, and carefully took over Brother Yi. Brother Yi stretched out his little arm to Daddy, and still wanted Daddy to hug him.

Brando Hengsi lightly shaved his little face, "My parents have something to do. You are with your brother and sister, you know?"

Brother Yi blinked his big eyes, then nodded his small head vigorously, which meant he was obedient.

"Hold him away."

Bro Hengsi instructed the nurse, and now take advantage of this child's good temperament, take him out, otherwise if he is sleepy for a while, it will be trouble.

Niang hurriedly picked up Brother Yi and took him out, and Brother Yi, who was so behaved, shook his dad with her little paw.

Soon after, Emperor Wen Yuan came over in casual clothes.

"Come, let's go."

At this time, Shen Qingci had put on a simple dress, no tassels, no ornaments, nothing at all. It was also light and simple. Even the hair was only tied with ribbons.


In fact, Emperor Wen Yuan wanted to ask if he could let him drink. He hurried over from the palace, and even a sip of water did not come to drink.

But when he saw that Shen Qingci was so eager, although he was not panicked, his expression was a little bit anxious and anxious. Once again, it was the heart that kept him hanging, and he began to have a kind of Inexplicably nervous.

He is still auspicious and clever, although he is not a eunuch, but he can be appointed by the new emperor, which is not a long time and a distraction.

This is to think about everything, without any difference.

He quickly picked up the pot that was warm on the table. After this, he was relieved. Fortunately, this was a full pot of tea. He took a tea bosom on it and carried it together. In my arms, I followed closely all the way.

When he sat on the carriage, Jixiang took out the pot and cup in his arms, then poured a cup and placed it in front of Emperor Wen Yuan.

"Holy Lord, please use it."

Emperor Wen Yuan took it directly, and the cup was empty after a few mouthfuls.

"One more cup."

He gave Jixiang the cup again, which was really thirsty.

After drinking three cups in a row, he quenched some of his thirst.

At this time, the carriage was already rushing forward at a very fast speed.

It's just that the carriage drove too fast, and his dragon buttocks were hurting. It's just that Bro Heng was silent with Shen Qingci, and he couldn't speak.

On this road, they didn't say much, and even if they didn't say anything, Emperor Wen Yuan did not ask.

Of course, in the heart of Emperor Wen Yuan, the most trustworthy thing in this world is Branding. If there is no Branding, he would no longer know how many times he has died. Where is the current Emperor Wenyuan, who is now Zhou Jiangshan.

I don't even know, what will this great country be ruined by his ambitious emperor brother?

With a squeak, the carriage stopped.

The carriage door was also open, and people inside came out.

"But here?" Shen Qingci asked Brandon. In addition to the three words found on the top of the note, there was also the place name.


Brando Hengli yelled his name, and the golden eagle, which had always been parked on the top of the carriage, flew forward.

It seems that it is really here.

"Keep up," Lao Hengsi brought Shen Qingci forward, and also followed the Golden Eagle.


The golden eagle fell on a large rock, and a woman with strong clothing stood in front of it.

As soon as the woman with strong outfit saw someone, she hurried over, arching her hands.

"My son, madam."

When she saw one of them, she even had to kneel down.


Emperor Wen Yuan shook his hand lightly, "I don't receive the courtesy of monarchs and ministers outside, just say it, but what happened?"

"Yes," the woman with strong outfit replied, and then she moved a step to make people see the autumn lotus lying on the ground. At this time, the autumn lotus was lying on the ground with two paws and two feet, even her face was Three points into the ground.

Even if you don't lose your nose and face, you will eat a lot of soil.

"But found a place?"

Shen Qingci asked the female guard, she had been waiting for Qiu He for more than a year, and this woman could really calm down, and she didn't move her hand until today.

"found it."

The female guard hurriedly stepped forward, putting her hand on the rock wall, and then she felt the obvious protrusion and twisted it hard.

With a squeak, when the stone split opened, a stone gate for one person to pass through was also exposed.


Brando Hengsi called out a longer name.


Chang Geng stepped forward, walked into the Shimen first, and then Changqing and Changyi. Then Lao Hengsi came in with Shen Qingci, the Emperor Wenyuan behind, and then Auspiciousness, and finally followed by a few Ouchi guards behind the palace, and it is naturally that Emperor Wenyuan can take him with him. Credible person.

When a few people walk in, they can see a long dark road ahead, but don't they know where it leads?

Shen Qingci took out a night pearl from his purse, and the whole cave lit up instantly.

Lao Hengsi took Ye Mingzhu from her hand, and then gave it to Chang Geng.

Changchang took over and brought Ye Mingzhu forward.

The cave is very empty, and it can be seen that no one has come over for a long time, and there are spider webs everywhere, even the ground is covered with a thick layer of dust.

Until this time, they could still smell a very obvious dust smell.

The light of the Ye Mingzhu is very bright in the cave. It is also because of such a ray of light that the entire cave is bright as day, and the road ahead can be seen clearly.

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