Until they got to the innermost point, the gangsters all gasped.

"this is……"

Emperor Wen Yuan couldn't help but rubbed his eyes.

I saw boxes of gold and silver jewelry, antiques, calligraphy and paintings piled up in the cave. At first, they might be neatly placed there, but in the end they were piled up randomly.

I don’t know how much there are in the whole box of gold jewelry?

Chang Geng walked over and opened the first-class box. Really, the whole box was full of gold, all like gold bars, neatly coded inside.

Where did these come from?

Emperor Wen Yuan swallowed involuntarily. These things are worth half of his treasury, but where did this come from? Is this the treasure of the previous dynasty?

Pao Hengli shook Shen Qingci's hand.

"How did you find it?"

"Well... this is a long story. Let's talk about it later." Shen Qingci nodded his chin. Although she was a bit scornful, she didn't touch one thing here, even though she was also a lover of money. , I still love it very much. I love it to the eyes of money. The saying in this world that people who regard money as dung is either rich, never caring, or nothing, barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes.

Even she loves and hates these jewels, let alone other people, did she straighten her eyes even if she didn't see Emperor Wen Yuan who was accustomed to rare treasures?

It can be seen how spectacular the jewellery here is. It can hold up to half of the treasury. How could Wen Yuan be unmoved, how could he be unhappy, and how could outsiders not be greedy?

As for how this was discovered, it’s actually a long story to come here. She has never seen Qiu He in her life, but she had a fate in her previous life, and occasionally each Huang Dong’an had an out-of-home aunt. She is also the daughter of Huang's most beloved daughter. When one day comes up at night, she actually discovered that the old woman told this Qiuhe a secret, that is, their Huang family’s hundreds of years of possessions are hidden in one place. If one day, When their Huang family was ruined, they could take out the contents inside, which was enough to save the Huang family, and it would surely be able to make their Huang family come back.

As for the place where the things are hidden, Mrs. Huang didn't say that she didn't care too much.

However, she knows that the Huang family has a big secret, and the person who knows this secret, besides this autumn lotus, probably no one in this world knows, even Huang Dongan is also blinded. In the dark.

Old Mrs. Huang is really a good businessman, and he found the last way out for the Huang family. That is Qiu He, because Qiu He is not among the five races. Even if the Huang family is ransacked, he will definitely not be involved. To Qiuhe.

Sure enough, all the royal family were killed, but there is still a person in this world, and this person has the largest private possession of the Huang family in a century. It is said that the ancestors of the Huang family have found a treasure, otherwise, It was impossible for the Huang family to have such a family background.

As for whether those things were rumors or not, Shen Qingci didn't know, but she knew that there should be a treasure. As for the location of the burial, I am afraid that only Qiu He knew.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that there would be such a coincidence in this world, and perhaps it’s really fate. After the fall of the Huang Family, Qiu He instinctively thought of that sentence, the most dangerous place is the safest place, and She is outside the Yellow Mansion, no one knows her identity.

So she sold herself to Shuo Palace, where she became a third-class maid, and the master Shen Qingci wanted her to serve was a cat and a fox, and even assigned her a The famous female guards ate and lived together.

It's a pity that she didn't make any movements this year or so, and it is only today that she has shown her feet.

And here is where the Huang family buried the silver.

But seeing so much silver, Shen Qingci was not at all happy, and even an unspeakable hatred rose in his heart. Since he has so much in his hand, it is comparable to the gold and silver of half the treasury. So why did she still make her a cow and a horse?

No, maybe there is still what she earned in it.

"what happened?"

Biao Hengsi lowered her head, curled her fingers, and tapped her forehead, "Do you regret giving these to the holy?"

Emperor Wen Yuan touched his nose and continued to pretend to be stupid. He knew that these things would be returned to the treasury in the future. If it weren’t for this, Shen Qingci would not be able to bring him over, just to let him see this clearly. Gold and silver, but also to let him know.

Look, I didn't take one or two, and I gave it all to you intact.

It is a bit regretful. Shen Qingci still gritted his teeth. In addition to the things of the previous life, there is so much gold and silver, which is enough for her to save the gold and silver mountains for a few children, but it is a pity that all is required When it was sent to the national treasury, she didn't really fall into it. She had known that there were so many, so she would not say anything, and secretly dig out all by herself.

"Nothing," Brando Hengsi touched her hair amusedly, and smoothed the hair for her, "These are ill-gotten wealth, and ill-gotten wealth is not well spent, and Xu is the beginning of disaster. As the saying goes, it’s not always said that it is taken from the people and used for the people. These things must also be used for the people’s livelihood."

And he hasn't said that there may be private objects here, maybe it was a tomb robbed, they don't know who stolen it, and it is right to hand over such a large treasure to the treasury.

He is proud of his A Ning, who said that women are inferior to men?

"My A Ning's mind is no worse than any man," he even surpassed most men. After all, not everyone in this world can offer so much gold and silver.

Shen Qingci felt a lot of comfort when she was branded and praised. She turned her face and didn't want to look at it. In fact, she wanted to pick a few things. After all, she had a share, but she had to think about it.

If it was handed over to the national treasury, it was handed over to the national treasury. Then everything here, even a copper plate, belonged to the national treasury and belonged to the emperor. If she took it, it would mean that she took the emperor's things.

And just right, this time around, she had a pair of bright eyes at Emperor Yuan Yuan.

"I thank the imperial sister-in-law for her generosity."

Emperor Wen Yuan bowed to Shen Qingci as the emperor. He dared to say that the person who found these things today was replaced by someone else, no matter who it was, it would never have been given to him.

Wealth touches people's hearts, and few people are not happy with things or sad.

Therefore, Shen Qingci can accept the gift of the emperor.

"Holy, I want to ask you for a decree."

Shen Qingci suddenly thought of something. I didn't know how to raise it before. Today, I would like to use it to raise a commission. Otherwise, she would still feel distressed because she would not be able to eat a bite of food for days and nights.

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