"My son, everything is normal for my son."

Mo Fei withdrew his hand, but also a little helpless about it.

"everything is normal?"

Lao Hengsi put his hand on the small forehead of his eldest son. This is his eldest son of Shuo Palace, the eldest son of Shuo Palace proclaimed by the sage, and the eldest son he gave to the future.

But what's the matter, the child was born without speaking.

Now a few children are all beginning to talk. The one who is partial has rarely even cried since he was a child. In the past, they could still say that this was due to his character, and it was just a child who was too quiet.

But when several children are just learning words, this child becomes a little special.

Branding raised the eldest son, and then let him stand on his lap.

"Brother Xiao, are you so unwilling to say a word to your father?"

And Xiao Ge'er opened his big eyes, still pursing his small mouth.

At this time, he put a hand on top of his little head, and then gently rubbed her little head.

Brother Xiao raised his head, and saw Shen Qingci's smiling face at him.

Only suddenly, he saw tears rolling down his mother's eyes.

"Don't cry," Lao Hengsi comforted Shen Qingci, "Mo Fei has said that he will be fine. There are some children in this world who are slow to speak."

Shen Qingci carefully hugged the eldest son. Since childhood, we have been caring for Brother Yi, but it was my fault that we were less concerned about the two brothers.

She gently stroked the little face of the eldest son, and she had never noticed any strangeness in him. Only now does she know that he is silent.

Shen Qingci was very sad and very distressed. She was afraid that the eldest son really could not speak. What should be done? Now they are almost one year old. The other children can be called parents and can talk. , Can express their little meanings.

Only him.

She didn't seem to have given birth to them, so that's what made Brother Yi so weak, and it also made Brother Xiao possibly unable to speak.

At this time a small hand was placed on her face.

Brother Xiao opened his small mouth, but still had nothing to say. When he saw that his mother was about to cry anymore, he put his little cheek on his mother's face.


The soft childish voice is better than any voice in this world.

Shen Qingci was stunned for a moment, and then glanced at Lao Hengsi.

This mother is what Xiao brother said, he is fine, he can talk, right?

Luo Hengsi was busy embracing Brother Xiao'er in his arms, but also to make him stand.

"Brother Xiao, call Daddy, okay?"

Brother Xiao tightened his little lips.

"Father..." He also called out a dad in a low voice, speaking clearly.

Brando Hengsi hugged him closer, and he looked at Brother Yi's gem-like eyes. The child's eyes were very transparent and clean. Of course, there seemed to be some powerless flashes in these little eyes.

As the youngest son of Shuo Palace, how could he not be able to speak, and his eldest brother is the father. If he is the same as his brothers and sisters, then how can he be the eldest brother? Although he doesn’t know this yet, it is already Has some elder brother style.

Shen Qingci hugged her son, and kissed his little cheek forcefully, which really scared her to death, but now her heart has finally let go, and the big rock on her heart is also following it. And put it down.

What she fears most is not others, but her children. As long as her children can grow up safely, without disease, pain, and disaster, then all the things in this world are nothing to her. What a big deal.

The outside curtain was opened, and Xiao Ge'er's nanny came in with a bowl of meat porridge in her hand, but after she unveiled the curtain, a cold wind suddenly passed by, causing Xiao Ge'er to sneeze.

Shen Qingci quickly turned around and used his back to block the wind outside for his eldest son. Brother Xiao looked at his mother like this, and his little hands were also clutching his mother's clothes, burying his little face. In the arms.

Of the four of them, each is their mother's darling, and each is their mother's life.

"Give it to me," Beng Hengsi took the bowl from the nurse and asked the nurse to stand still, because there was also a kind of chill on the nurse, coming from outside.

It's not yet winter, but it's already so cold. It is conceivable that if there are no accidents this day, it should be colder than before.

Shen Qingci put Xiao Geer away and let him sit down.

Biao Hengsi also fed the meat porridge spoon by spoon into his little mouth.

"Have you eaten the others?"

Shen Qingci asked the nurse.

"Madam, I have eaten it."

Niang Niang hurriedly replied, "These children, if they are together, they are all rushing to eat. Even the third son ate a small bowl of meat porridge and an extra egg."

Shen Qingci turned his head and saw that the eldest son had eaten by himself, touched his little head lovingly, and then went to see the others.

And when she came out, the wind outside was blowing on her body, which also caused her to fight a cold war, and it seemed that even her breathing started to get cold.

Sure enough, it was cold.

And there will be an extremely cold weather.

She tightened her clothes tightly, and then she walked forward.

The cold outside is also so cold for the pedestrians who are passing by. All of them are tightening their necks and running with their arms. Most of the people in the capital are already wearing the thick of winter. Yi, also resisted this sudden chill.

Xiangjue Temple was originally built in the depths of the high mountains, and it is much colder than the bottom of the mountain all year round, so every time it reaches the extreme heat, many dignitaries will come here to escape the heat.

But there are advantages and disadvantages.

Xiangjue Temple is so high that it is not easy to travel on weekdays, so when it comes to winter, it will be extremely cold in the mountains, and there are even fewer pilgrims at this time.

It is also because the temperature at the bottom of the mountain is too much different. For the monks in Xiangjue Temple, every winter is the beginning of their penance.

"Master, master..."

A little novice screamed as he ran, even in such a cold wind, he ran out of sweat.

"Why are you so flustered?"

Mage Jingkong opened his eyes and sat cross-legged on the futon. What he showed was a face of kind eyebrows, kind eyes, and a childlike face with a crane hair. In addition, he looked good, and now he has become a beautiful mage. The longer it grows, the more tender it becomes.

"Master..." The little novice ran over, and then realized something again, and hurriedly bowed to Master Jingkong respectfully.

"Master, someone gave us something down the mountain, so go out and take a look."

Master Jingkong dialed the Buddha beads in his hand, and then he stood up and walked out with the little novice monk. There were already a lot of people standing outside the temple, all dressed as the guards of the Shuo Palace.

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