In fact, many people know the relationship between Master Jingkong and Shuowangfu, and Shuowangfu gave things to Xiangjue Temple not once or twice. You know, Shen Qing donated 200,000 taels for Xiangjue Temple before and after his resignation. Where's the silver?

Two hundred thousand taels is not a small amount. When Shen Qingci said that he donated, he didn’t even blink his eyes. That’s why he said that if the capital is rich in wealth, he might be Shen Qingci alone. .

This shot is worth hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, and you know how strong people are in the end.

The more she did not regard silver as silver, the more she made some people beat their chests and feet, and wept bitterly. Why didn’t she marry this golden lump back home? Who was the idiot who said that people could not be born and raised? It is a pity that they can still make money by giving birth, but they don’t know how many taels of silver they have missed?

At this time, the path up the mountain was also full of people, and people stood at the top of each step, and in the same way, the things under the mountain were transported up one by one.

Of course, this is also the most portable method, otherwise, if you rely on a person's back, then it will really take a lot of effort.

"Let all the monks in the temple come out to help."

Master Jingkong commanded the young novice monk behind him, and he already knew, what was this sent?

These things were given away for three days and three nights. It also allowed the guards of the Shuo Palace and all the monks of Xiangjue Temple to be dispatched. Even Master Jingkong himself was never idle, and he rolled up his sleeves and personally joined the crowd. The monks moved things together.

And this time, what Shuo Wangfu sent to Xiangjue Temple were all things for daily use.

Grain, charcoal, and quilts were almost piled up in several yards. It's no wonder that after all these were collected, the monks in the temple were almost exhausted and had to peel off their skins.

"Master, then we will leave now."

The guards of King Shuo's Mansion arched their hands at Master Jingkong. Now that the things have been delivered, they are also ready to descend.

Master Jingkong chanted the Buddha's name and still smiled kindly, "Please thank Princess Shuo on behalf of Mr. Na. Besides, he is still smiling, please say something for Princess Shuo on behalf of Mr. Na."

"The mage is serious."

Being so humble and polite also made the guards flattered.

Master Jingkong laughed almost like everyone loves it. Flowers bloomed, and cars crashed. "There are many monks in this temple. Can you please invite Princess Shuo, and bring some charcoal and food. Besides, I am a monk. The monk shoes should also be changed."

The guard of Shuo Palace twitched his eyes, then looked up at the sky silently.

Master, you will have no friends like this.

I've seen shamelessness, I haven't seen you shameless like this. There is no such thing as a sentence, it is clear that it is forcible and arrogant. So much charcoal is enough for a family to burn for a winter. Everyone is a monk. I still have to go to morning class, so I don't need to stay in the house every day.

When the guards all told Shen Qingci about the matter, it was himself who felt blushing, and even burned for Master Jingkong.

Shen Qingci tightened his eyebrows, why did they spread such an uncle, and if this continues, Jinshan Yinshan will also be hollowed out by him.

Forget it, I gave it once, and I don't care about it.

"Steward, there is still some time, you can find someone to do this."

"Yes," the butler bent slightly, and he didn't dare to delay, so he ordered to go down. Seeing that the sky is going to be cold soon, the shoes of those monks will not be ready until about a month. At that time, it can be delivered before it snows.

"Let someone send some pickled vegetables over here, give some more."

Shen Qingci thought of the snow vegetables grown in their house. If they were divided among a few families, it seemed that they were not enough. It just so happened that the village now has a lot of them, which can be used to relieve urgent needs.

By the next year, all the provinces will plant some, so there is no need to fight there anymore.

"Yes," the butler promised again, but also remembered that he was busy sending people out to do it.

He knew that Madam did this for their good? How much these snow vegetables masters can eat, in the end, they are not going to give them these servants to eat in their mouths, the lady treats them well, they know.

"If nothing happens, the subordinates will go down too."

The guard saluted Shen Qing's resignation again, and this was about to retreat.

Shen Qingci took out a golden bead from his purse and threw it to the guard.

"Thanks for your hard work, these invite them to drink some wine."

"Thank you madam."

The guards simply smiled and squeezed the golden beads in their hands. They all said that the lady is good. The lady has always been generous. This is a golden bead. If it is folded into silver, every brother can get a lot of it. .

His wife is the atmosphere.

When the housekeeper and guards left, Shen Qingci was looking up at the towering tree in the courtyard. I don’t know when, the leaf is half yellow, or after a few days, it will fall. It's all gone.

These depressed days, depressed people.

And the only thing she can feel angry is nothing else. It is her four grown-up children. After this winter, they may be able to walk when it comes to spring, right?

She stood up, and soon after digging up the reluctant brother Xiao, Xiao brother had always slept well, but the bed was dug out by her mother, and she is still angry now. A small face is bulging, but the children who are partial, are all cute and beautiful children, and no matter how angry, they are all likeable tight.

"Baby, listen to howling mother."

Brother Xiao was afraid of this mother-in-law whose eyes were shining.

"Baby..." Shen Qingci wanted to hear her eldest son call her mother, because she was afraid, she was afraid that they didn't give birth to them. This has always been nothing, although he also called his mother, but she just feels that it is not enough, she has to listen to one more sentence.


Brother Xiao kept his mouth flat for a long time, and finally said it, then rubbed his eyes again, but didn't sleep. He was looking for a place he was familiar with and wanted to return to his own territory.

Well, Shen Qingci found out, and quickly picked up his son, and then gave it to his nanny.

When it was Brother Xiao who was in the breast of the nurse, he seemed to be relieved.

Even if he was dug out from his sleep by his own mother again and again, even if it was the cold brother Xiao, he might have to scream at his mother.

Shen Qingci touched her face. How did she feel that she was disgusted by her son?

She stood up and patted her clothes lightly. She had better go make some spices. The spices made in the past few days and the silver earned were probably used to supplement Xiangjue Temple, so she wanted Earn the money spent in the past few days.

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