But by noon, Li Li had settled the matter of the house, and now there were still several servants who were cleaning up there, otherwise she would not be able to return to Qianjia.

That little fox is still here.


The little fox knew that she was back early in the morning, and ran out of the house quickly, and ran into her arms. Now she is the only one here, so the little fox likes to get close to her the most. After the branding worry comes, it will ignore others, but will always follow behind its master.

What about that person?

Li Qi asked the young man who brought him in. These people are Qian Zichen's confidantes. Otherwise, it would not be possible to arrange at this time. Li's identity is unusual.

It is not good for anyone if it is spread out.

"My son has gone to the clan."

Xiao Si replied, "The clan wants to transfer the storefront of Qianjiaxiangxing and the business to my master, and it must be the whole clan to learn about it."

"Five million taels of silver."

Li Li was playing with the little fox's tail. The shop was not for nothing, she bought it for five million taels of silver.

For those five million two, thousands of families are worth it even if they work hard.


The little fox didn't know what she was talking about. He lay on the table and asked Li Qi to help him smooth the hair on his body. Without the owner, the hair on his body was not as bright as before.

What a beautiful little fox it used to be.

The whole snow mountain is the most beautiful.

It was so stinky that Li Qi could not see it naturally. Only she knew what she was looking at now.

"You help me prepare something."

Mo Litu said to Xiaosi.

Xiao Si stood aside respectfully, waiting for Li Qi's instructions.

Li Li walked to the desk, also picked up the pen, and started to write.

The little fox was still lying there lazily, clumping his body up, and continuing to sleep.

After she finished writing, she blew the ink on the top again, and then handed this thing to the little one.

The above items were bought as soon as possible, and as she said, she also took out a piece of silver from her body and gave it to the young man.

Xiao Si's eyes lit up, and he quickly accepted the piece of silver

"Thank you girl."

While he was receiving the money, he also watched what Li Li was writing?

The above items are something that can be seen on weekdays, and they are still very cheap. Most drug stores have them, and a lot of them are available.

And now, in the ancestral halls of thousands of families, the elders of all ethnic groups have already arrived.

In the presence of the elders of the family, the owner of the Qianjiaxiang gave Qian Zichen the business of the Qianjiaxiang, and finally there was a contract signed by the elders and by himself. Is also given to Qian Zichen

What is written in the contract is nothing else, but, whether it is earned or lost, it is up to the individual

Qian Zichen respectfully accepted these two things, and finally walked out after thanking the elders one by one.

And so far, all of that incense shop has become his private property.

In the future, he died.

It's also his for the huge profits as before.

After Qian Zichen left, the elders couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, it's just too emotional."

"A good heart is a good thing, but too indecisive is not good."

"One is too important to morality, and the other..."

"Too shameless."

Sure enough, this shameless clan elder is the most sober one in the Qian Family.

Qian Zichen put away the two things he brought back.

In the future, the business of Xiangxing will be tepid and good. If it is really profitable as before, I am afraid that the intestines of those clan elders will also be ruined.

But with this, no matter how ruined, they all have to endure, and they all have to endure.

When he came out again, he still had the same thing in his arms before he reached the door.

Wuqi discredited, and the black does not want to slip.

He was taken aback by surprise, he hurriedly pulled the thing and threw it on the ground, and people took a step back in shock.

Where did the rat come from here.


The black thing he had thrown on the ground, jumped from time to time, and whispered from time to time.

Wait... this voice?

Qian Zichen stepped forward, also squatting on the ground, and then carefully looked at the black mouse.

Why is this voice so like that little fox?

Even a mouse can't make such a voice.

But isn't that fox white? It's the white glowing white.


He called the name of the little fox.

The black thing, and then jumped on his lap, everything was black, only a pair of eyes was still very smart.

"My goodness!"

Qian Zichen directly stroked his forehead, "Who did this good thing?"

Such a beautiful little thing is now a pile of black charcoal. Which one of the thousand knives did this on earth, if it is known by the brand, what should be done on his head?

Squatting on the ground year after year, he also flicked his black tail up, and his mouth was groaning.

"Don't worry."

Qian Zichen hurriedly hugged it, and his hand was running along the black hair on it from time to time, but his hand was not even black.

If I wash it later, I wonder if it can be cleaned.

Who on earth is so owed to make the little fox look like this?

"Come here every year."

The sudden sound also made the little fox's body shrink.

This little fox has always been courageous, and there are not many people that can make it afraid. There may be nothing in this world that can make it afraid. If the owner is used to it, it is too courageous.

It’s really rare to see it now.

The little fox jumped off Qian Zichen's arms, and then reluctantly ran to Li Li again.

Li Li pulled his face down and picked it up, and then checked up and down to see if the hair was not dyed properly.

"What's the matter with it?"

Qian Zichen pointed at the black fox and asked, how did the blackness of this Tuo come from?

"I dyed it."

Li Li raised his eyelids faintly, "What's the matter, do you have an opinion?"

Of course Qian Zichen has no opinion. The foxes are not his. They are dyed red or black. They have nothing to do with him. It's just how he feels, a bit immoral.

"It looks pretty in white."

"Why did you dye it black?"

"It's not convenient to walk at night."

Li Qi also didn't want to dye a fox, and it would take her so much time. It would glow in the moonlight, and it was easy to be spotted, and she couldn't help it. This is not Da Zhou, it is not the place of Da Zhou, they must also What is it? This fox can walk sideways in the palace, but not in Baichu.

Qian Zichen's eyes twitched for no reason, "Are you still going?"


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