
Li Qiye has said, won't she go there? She just explored some ways, some things were still not found, and some things were not found.

Qian Zichen really couldn't say any reason to persuade her. This woman didn't know how to persuade her. The most important thing was that he couldn't beat her.

"Don't worry," Li Qi knew he was kind.

She took his mind, but she still had to go.

"I will not die in your Baichu."

Li Li held the fox and left.

"You...Where are you going?"

Qian Zichen quickly followed, "Is this going out? The door is over there."

"I don't need a door."

With a light body, Li Li had already reached the wall, and then also disappeared.

"It's great if you can work lightly."

Qian Zichen yelled, "I can still drill a dog hole. If you have the ability, you should also try it?"

When Li Qi came out of Qianjia, he first went to Qianjiaxiang Xingxing, and the woman was there again, as if she came to guard the people on time, it would be strange to see Qianjiaxiang for someone to enter.

I'm afraid that within this incense shop, I haven't sold a bottle of spice in a few days.

As for the other shops that sell Tang Jiaxiang, they are almost ready. Thinking about it, it hasn't been long since they left the industry.

She must figure out the spice problem.

Li knew that this matter needed to be found out clearly, otherwise it would not be a good thing for their first pint. If the Madam's first pint is not unique, then it is not the first pint.

She came over without knowing it, and left here without leaving a trace.

And not long after, she was in the house she bought newly, and the house was cleaned up. These people are really good at speed. Now they are still dealing with the weeds in the yard.

Pushing open a door, Li Li already walked in. She put her hand on the table and slid it over. When she raised her hand again, her fingers were clean and there was no dust. With that, the inside of the house was cleaned up, and even the ground was sprinkled with spring water, and the quilts were all replaced with new ones.

"This is our home here, you can play whatever you want."

Li Li put down the black thing in his arms.

The little black fox looked at this place, then looked there, and finally jumped directly to the quilt, and also got his little body in, as if he was playing quite happily.

And Li Qi also let it go.

This is their own territory. No matter how well the Qianjia takes care of it, they will always be the guest, and the guest is not the main one, and they will lose some freedom.

Freedom of action, and freedom to come and go.

When the night came, Li Li had already changed into his night clothes.

"Let's go."

She held out her hand at a black fox.

The black fox ran over quickly and got into her arms.

Li Li opened the door and also walked out.

There is no star or moon tonight, only a ray of breeze is coming slowly.

It's a good time to kill and set fire.

Once again, she has already reached the door of the Tang family. Because of the previous experience, she knew at a glance how to get in here. Of course, she did not take a lot of detours, and it was the last time she was heavily attacked. The guarded place.

She lowered her head and patted the little black fox in her arms. Sure enough, after the black fur was dyed, it became less conspicuous, and even people with good eyesight couldn't find it.

After staying here for a while, she leaned back, jumped onto the roof, and ran forward with light steps.

She put down the little fox in her arms, "Go and find where is it?"

She said to the little fox.

Xuehu is good at hunting treasures, and it is easy for him to find someone. This is why Li Qi brought this little thing.

Even if its white hair is dyed black, it is still necessary to bring it over.

With it, it not only saves a lot of time, but also finds more news.

As soon as the little thing fell on the roof, the little nose moved, and then spread the legs and ran forward. The little black body moved, and the long tail was almost integrated into the night.

So this hair is really dyed sometimes.

The little fox is very sensible now, and he hasn't made a sound at all, and even the chirping it used to be can't be heard now.

It stopped at one place and grabbed the tile on the roof with its own small claws. Li Qiye knew that it had found it.

She herself went over quickly, and then carefully lifted the tiles on the roof.

Looking down from here, this is a woman’s bedroom. The layer after layer of veil is what women like. There are also antique calligraphy and paintings on the face. In the past, I knew that the value was nothing.

Tang Jiaguo really deserves to be a well-known businessman in Baichu. This time, with Tang Jiaxiang, he didn't want to make less money.

How profitable spice is, how could Li Qi not know?

In a day, how much silver passed through her hands, she remembered.

If the Tang family were in the spice business and gnawed half of the world, who would know what kind of existence the Tang family would become in the future?

And I feel like it.

The Tang family's ambitions are not so small. They only want half the world of Yipinxiang. They want everything.

But we have to see if they have this ability.

At this time, there was no one in this room.

But at this moment, the little fox beside Li Li moved, and before Li Li had not reacted, the little fox had already jumped down.

Just like the same gust of wind, he jumped into that room.

This yard is surrounded by guards both inside and outside, and the water kept here is blocked. Even if Li Qi wants to go in, it is impossible for him. But now that he can go in and out freely, it may only be the little one. The fox.

As for it suddenly went down, maybe something was discovered.

Li Li lay on the roof again, keeping his eyes close to him, and saw that little black fox had run in, and then jumped onto a side table.

At this time, one of Li Li's hands had already shaken out cold sweat.

Suddenly, with a creaking sound, the door opened.

But he couldn't help but squeeze his hands together.

"Who?" As soon as the woman who walked in came in, she seemed to find something wrong, and hurriedly walked towards the place where the little fox was just now.

As she approached, a dark shadow ran out along the corner, and she didn't notice it.

Li Li closed his eyes and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The woman in the house searched for most of the day, but found nothing.

Strangely, she muttered to herself, then walked to the table, and then sat down, also looking at the things on the table, a little fascinated.

The little fox jumped on the roof, and also ran towards Li Qi.

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