Not to mention other places, this is Baiyun City, where a total of six spice shops have been opened. Among them, thousands of such large households account for three of them. Of course, they are the largest and best locations.

It seems that it is really non-my race, and his heart will be punishable.

Qianjiaxianghang still sells first-grade spices, but compared to here, it is obviously too shabby. After so many incense shops have opened, Qianjiaxinghang is still open for business, but there is no one. The guest bought a bottle of spices.

If this continues, even if you don't want to close the door, you may still have to lose your clothes.

After the firecrackers landed, the long lines in front of the shops also began to move forward.

In an instant, it seems that you can smell the fragrance of spring flowers. Of course, it can be estimated from the number of people. How much money can these incense shops and incense shops make?

Especially for thousands of families, other families are earning, and they are earning three. Naturally, this will also earn more than three times more than others.

Until Changqing and the others returned to the house, Qian Zichen and Li Qi had arrived. Even the little fox was lying obediently on the owner's lap, sleeping, and his hair seemed to grow a little longer. , Xiaobai Dumpling is really beautiful and likable, but it looks much more pleasing to the eye than the black one.

"My son, this is Tang Jiaxiang."

Changqing took out some things from her body and placed them on the table. "There are a dozen bottles of incense in total. At present, they only produce these incense. We all bought them without losing them."

And as he said, he couldn't help but cast a long look

Sure enough, the long-term meaning is the old treacherous slippery.

I rolled my eyes for a long time, don't blame others for being stupid.

He randomly finds some people, gives him some money, and asks him to queue up. He drinks and eats meat by himself, so why is he frozen in the wind like a dog, just to buy these spices?

Qian Zichen took a bottle from it and placed it under his nose. With this smell, his complexion also changed. It is no wonder that Tang Chuxin is so confident. Sure enough, these fragrances are not second fragrances.

Li Li also opened a bottle, smelled it, and then opened several bottles in a row.

"There is a pint of incense in it," she put the bottle down.

"Is it, ma'am?"

Chang Qing said with a stern tone, "Is the madam here, the madam was caught by them to make spices?"

Qian Zichen's face changed again, but he still didn't dare to make a move.

"No," Li Li opened the bottle again, "Some of these spices are not the smell of the lady."

"That's..." Evergreen was puzzled.

Yipinxiang is the smell of a lady. In this world, besides the lady, is it possible to have the smell of others?

"it's me."

Li Li opened a bottle again, "You may not know that the first fragrant fragrance is given by the lady, and Hexiang is also given by the lady, but the same spice and the same combination of incense will not be the same everywhere, that is Things used to make incense."

"The whole spice of Changlin Yipin is made by me. Compared with the capital city of Yi'an and other places, it has its uniqueness. You may not smell this, but the lady knows it."

"That is, all the spices from Changlin have been added to the snow on the top of the snow mountain, so there will be a trace of ice and snow enclosed in it, and there will be a bit colder than other ordinary fragrances."

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