"Although it is only slight, I can smell it."

She put the bottle in her hand on the table again, these spices with a fragrant flavor in them, this is stealing, this is stealing.


When Chang Yi heard this, I hated the toothache in my heart. I took them a pint of incense and treated them as my own, and even slandered them in all kinds of ways. Are the people of Baichu so shameless?

Qian Zichen was really embarrassed. He felt that he had become the referent of Qian Fu, but these things really had nothing to do with him.

By the way, how could he forget about it.

"I went back and checked. Last month, someone really ordered a lot of incense and spices. If you count them," he touched his chin again and thought carefully, "It seems to be what Li Li said just now. It's fragrant."

It seems like this. Even Qian Zichen himself wanted to understand. He said that the flavor of the first product can be made so easily. It turns out that this inferior method was used. At the end, other spices were made.

"That's easy."

"As long as we don't sell their spices in the future, there won't be Tang Jiaxiang." Qian Zichen spread his hands, "That's it."

Mo Li gave a faint glance, which also caused Qian Zichen to close his mouth quickly. Did he make a mistake?

Branding played with the bottle in his hand, "As long as you want to buy it, you can always buy it."

"Perhaps she only needs to have a bottle of incense," Li Li took out a bottle. "Hundreds of bottles of spices can be made out. There are hundreds of bottles to this day, all of which are enough for your incense business to close down. When will the million taels be returned to me?"

Qian Zichen's mouth twitched. If that is the case, the five million taels would be worth it for the rest of his life. He was afraid that he would only be able to pay it back until the next life and then devote himself to a wealthy family. Cleared.

But there will be no him in the next life, and there will be no Moli.

He has to return it to the ghost.

So he can only repay people's money as much as possible in this life, if he still can't afford it, he can only pay with his flesh.

"My son, what are we going to do now?"

Evergreen asked about his concerns. Not only was it tricky, but it was also quite troublesome. It’s not a big deal to use incense as a fragrance. This is the case with spices in this world. As long as there is a fragrance, no fragrance can be made. Now, it is nothing to reject other people’s spice. It depends only on the individual’s ability.

That Tang Chuxin was so confident, thinking about it, there are some things that people think are better than them, the emperor is far from the sky, let alone between Baichu and Dazhou, Yipinxiang’s hands are long and the backing is hard. , And they are all reaching out to their Baichu.

"Then let them slander us Yipinxiang?" Changqing and the others see this, how can they not feel resentful, Yipinxiang is not only for the wife, but how many military lieutenants and officers Yipinxiang has supported, that is their Dazhou's and all of them. Yes, if you want to grab Yipinxiang's business, it is equivalent to grabbing food from their mouths. How could they be willing to do such a thing?

"There will be guests visiting tomorrow, so prepare for it."

Brandon picked up the little fox, ignored the spices on the table, and then entered the house with the fox in his arms.

Evergreen, they look at me, I look at you, the more they don't understand, whether their son is angry or not, or is he already angry.

However, if they are concerned, they must also obey, and they have to make preparations quickly. No matter which distinguished guest can hear the expensive words from the brand, it will certainly not be too light. people.

Inside the house, Brandon put the little fox on the table, and then he carefully checked its wounds.

This injury grows really fast. It is only a few days, so I can’t see clearly, and Xuehu’s resilience is so good that it doesn’t look like Miaomiao. At that time, the injury caused them to die from anxiety. I'm afraid that the piece of skin won't grow hairy. Obviously, a spirit fox like Xuehu is indeed comparable to ordinary Fangu.

The ability of this wound to heal is also different, it's really far beyond.

The little fox lay on the table, all four feet facing the ground, and it stretched his little body long.

BAO Hengsi touched its little head, it is already well grown, and you can play it by yourself.

The little fox got up from the table, then jumped onto Brandon's shoulder.

It's also screaming non-stop.

‘I can’t go there first. "

Branding warned it, "There is a woman there. Like your mistress, she has a very nice nose. She can smell your body unless you want to take a few more showers."


The hair on the little fox exploded, and a pair of small paws grabbed the owner's clothes.

Biao Hengsi picked up the tea cup on the table and put it on the table, and poured himself a cup of tea. As a result, he hadn't come to drink yet, and the little fox on his shoulder had already jumped onto the table and stared at him eagerly. Watching.

This is obviously asking for water for the owner.

Branding puts the cup in front of it, and also lets it drink water.

Regarding who is most used to it in this world, it is actually branding himself, and Shen Qingci has never been so used to it.

The little fox put his small sharp mouth into the cup to drink, then jumped into the owner's arms and rolled up, but after a while it didn't feel too comfortable to roll, and then jumped onto the porch and grabbed it with his paw. With that cloth bag, I don't know what is fun in having this little cloth bag, but it just likes it, playing with its own tail with glue, but now it has found a new toy.

Another day passed by, just like the dead leaves in this place, nothing was left. On both sides of the depressed street, there are still many pavements with open doors, and some screams can be heard all around. Sound, but still feel some depression.

A carriage was walking in the middle of the street at this time, and then the curtain of the carriage was opened, revealing a hand and a half-face.

I saw a ring with an opal on that hand. The fingers were very beautiful, with slender joints and fair skin. I knew it was the hand of a rich man, and the exposed half of the face had a There are only smiling eyes and slightly upward corners of lips, which are shaped like ingots, and the colors are quite gorgeous.

"Where is the front, how can there be so many people in line?"

In such a bleak weather, if there are bleak people in such a deserted place, how can there be long queues.

Isn't it weird?

"Could it be possible, are you selling panacea?"

The man inside asked curiously, and as long as he thought about the words miracle medicine, he couldn't help but his expression seemed to have improved.

"Master, the subordinates asked people to come over and inquire."

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