She pressed the pillow down.

"You two fall asleep, I sleep here."

She did not wait for the two to say anything, she had already opened the quilt and lay down.

They can finally get a good night's sleep, even if they are rescued from the cave, even if they are delicious, drink and sleepy for them, but for them, they are still awake at night and restless.

It was only when they returned to Da Zhou that they felt a sense of belonging, and they were considered home.

Of course, you can have a good sleep.

"Go to sleep."

She murmured again, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

I don’t know how long she slept, she rolled over, her hands also gripped the quilt tightly, as if she had dreamed of something bad, and she hadn’t slept too peacefully until she opened her eyes again. The sky outside was already bright.

But it’s strange, what dream did she have last night, but she forgot

It seems that she has been like this for a long time. When she falls asleep, she will have my dreams, from falling asleep to waking up, doing them one by one, but every time she wakes up, she will be like her before. Those memories are mediocre.

She lost her memories, but in the same way, she also lost her dreams.

Whether it is good or bad.

Whether it is a sweet dream or a nightmare.

She sometimes thinks, if one day, when she remembers those dreams, it might be time for her to know who she is.

Raising her hand, she put her hand on top of her head again. The pain was no longer here, but the memory of her being smashed was still not found.

She stood up, walked to the window, and looked out from here. It happened to see the busy traffic here. It turned out that it had already started at this time, and they could still hear it here. It was clear from the outside. The sound of selling along the street.

Long visit this place, it is really lively.

She turned around, Xiao Huang and San Yue two people were still asleep. She didn't even wait to wake up. She was thinking about these two stupid ones. She didn't know whether they would be eaten by people or by wolves.

She walked over and reached out and pulled the quilt up.

"Wake up, we should go."

Suddenly, Xiao Huang sat up when he lost the quilt, and of course he became sober in an instant.

March also followed up and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh, so it's dawn."

She got up and looked for her own clothes to wear. Although she was still very sleepy, her habit of obedient these days has made her temper better.

"Let's go," Xiaoqing said to the two of them, and then she weighed the money bag in her hand. In fact, if they went back, the money would be enough.

After buying some essential things, Xiaoqing is the place to find a place to rent and sell a carriage.

I just don't know why, but in the end Xiaoqing didn't rent a car.

"Aren't we renting it?"

I don't understand, so many carriages, this means that they are not rented, and they are allowed to walk back.

"You don't understand?"

Xiaoqing is actually hard to say, but it seems that these carriages are not too safe.

The three of them are weak and weak, and they have no ability to defend themselves.

In addition, the mountains are high and the road is far away. If the journey is smooth, if something really happens, it may kill the three of them.

She promised them to send them home

And she did what she said.

She will not only send them home, but also send them home safely, not less than a piece of hair and not less than a piece of meat.

So she still has to think about it.

"By the way!" She suddenly remembered something, and also asked Xiao Huang and San Yue.

"Do you still remember what the coachman who sent us back said?"

"I remember," Sanyue raised her hand. She remembered that she remembered everything and every word, and she still remembered it clearly.

"The eldest coachman said that if we still have difficulties, we can find Yipinxiang here, as long as we report the name of Mo Li, it will be special."

Mo Li, Mo Li?

Xiaoqing always felt that Li's name was very familiar to her, probably because someone would mention it to her from time to time.

And she also believed in this Li Qi inexplicably, and she believed in the person who had this name.

Because when they were most helpless, she left those steamed buns.

She gently stroked her hair behind her ears, and she was also facing this place, which was colder than other places, and the mountains in the distance could already be seen.

This is the snow-capped mountain in Changlin.

I heard that there are treasures everywhere in the snow-capped mountains.

I heard that there is danger everywhere in the snow-capped mountains.

Suddenly, facing the cold wind here, she lifted her red lips slightly.

"Let's go to Yipinxiang."

Yes, they go to Yipinxiang.

They owed more than this time.

If there is a chance, it must be paid back, if not in this life, then it will be paid again in the next life.

As for the location of Yipinxiang, they don’t know, but they don’t know that it doesn’t matter. Everyone in Changlin knows it. As long as you talk about Yipinxiang, it goes to eighty-year-old women and eight-year-old children. Know Yipinxiang.

Yipinxiang is the most famous place in the local area and the first store in Changlin. The spices sold there are also the world's first fragrance. Numerous merchants came to Changlin just to see the world's first fragrance.

And Yipinxiang is so famous in Changlin, not only because of its kindness, but also because of its kindness. It is also the first of Changlin. Wherever disasters or people suffer, Yipinxiang will spare no effort to help, build bridges and pave the way, and then It's also good and good.

The people of Changlin have never been afraid of natural disasters and man-made disasters, because Changlin Yipinxiang will surely prevent them from all disasters before natural and man-made disasters.

There are so many merchants in this world that people may sincerely maintain, but there are not many.

But this Changlin Yipinxiang did it.

So when the people here heard that they were looking for Yipinxiang, don't tell them what direction to point them, but took them all the way, and also sent them all to the door of Yipinxiang.

Soon after, they all sat at a table with snacks and sweets, which they had never seen before.

Xiaoqing doesn't seem to have much interest in these, and she doesn't know whether she has eaten them before, but she doesn't seem to be slanderous about them, and she has a passion for buns.

But Xiao Huang and San Yue had already drooled at these snacks.

"You are welcome, please use it."

The man in front of him pushed Dim Sum in front of them, "I am the shopkeeper of Yipinxiang, my surname is Sang, you can take care of my shopkeeper."

"Treasurer Sang is good."

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