Xiao Qing nodded to the shopkeeper Sang, there was no fear, no stage fright, nothing, she just sat there, although her appearance was ordinary and her facial features were average, but her body was very special.

Shopkeeper Sang also smiled politely at them, but he was a little surprised. This one named Xiaoqing didn't seem to be an ordinary peasant girl.

"I know everything about you."

Shopkeeper Sang patted his hands, and then a young woman walked in with something in her hand.

Shopkeeper Sang took it and placed it in front of them.

"There are three hundred taels of silver here," he put the silver on the table, "there are a lot of silver bills in it, but it's as small as a copper plate. I will change it for you."

He took out one more thing, then put it down, "This is a cotton coat."

"The further you go, the colder the sky will be. Take this with you."

"Another..." He smiled again, "I have someone prepare some dry food for you to eat on the road. As for the carriage, his tone of voice stopped for a while, but the smile has never been lost."

"It just so happens that we have a batch of things to be sent to the capital. There will be official escorts along the way. The safest thing is, but I checked the route. I will drop in with the place you said, so I can take you a little bit. ."

"Thank you." Xiaoqing didn't know what to say, and she didn't expect it. They just came to try it out. Can someone from this brand help them find a carriage, or find a good coachman to send them back. .

But I didn't expect that they not only sent clothes and money, but also let them go home with their motorcade.

Shopkeeper Sang shook his head and sighed.

"You don't need to say thank you. Whoever hasn't encountered difficulties, who hasn't drifted away, if someone helped me at the beginning, there would be no me at this time."

"So, it's fate to be able to help you now."

He always believes and God blesses good people.

And when Xiaoqing and the others left, a young man also came over, and then asked the shopkeeper Sang curiously.

"The shopkeeper, we haven't heard from Miss Mo. What if they are a liar?"

"You think too much."

Shopkeeper Sang stretched out his hand on the man's shoulder and patted gently.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether they are liars or not. Whether they say it is true or false, it is all victims. If you can help, please help."

"It's just three hundred cc of silver and a few pieces of clothing. We can save them if we make it easy."

Do you think there is anything more important than human life in this world?

The young man nodded, not too clear, but listening to the shopkeeper, you can't be wrong.

"But the shopkeeper, that's three hundred taels of silver, how can you give it to me?"

The guy is distressed about the silver. In fact, wherever you need three hundred taels, one hundred taels is enough for an ordinary family to live for decades.

The treasurer Sang was a little speechless when he saw the boy's greedy appearance.

"Fortunately, you didn't stay with Madam."


The boy didn't understand, "Does this have anything to do with staying with Madam?"

Shopkeeper Sang put his hand on his back, "You may not know that the lady in our family is the most famous boy who disperses money this week. The treasures in the previous period were all let out."

If you feel so distressed for money like a young man, your wife's heart may be broken.

In this world, there is a sacrifice, and he believes that his wife will be rewarded. Of course, he also believes that he has given up these three hundred taels today and is also benefited.

At the very least, he saved three people.

Of course, this money is his own private money, and he spends it very happily.

I just don't know.

Shopkeeper Sang couldn't help, worrying about Lilai. Girl Mo had been in Baichu for more than a month, and logically speaking, she should have returned. Could something happen?

No, he shook his head again.

Ms. Mo used to be the hidden guard next to his wife, and she was also an extraordinary woman. She couldn't compare that kind of weak and inexperienced woman with her. Now she must be entangled by certain things and cannot get rid of it. Just body.

Of course, the treasurer Sang was indeed right about this, and Li Qi was unable to get out of his body because of the Baichu incident.

She put a bottle of spices on the table, and Qian Zichen on one side also took the spices outside by herself.

No way, now the business of Qianjiaxianghang is too good. He asked Li to come back because of this. The spice shops of other houses have been smashed. Now, if you want to buy incense, you can only buy incense within Qianjiaxiang.

However, there are not many spices left in the incense shop. It was only half a month, and a bottle was not sold. In addition, there were so many things that happened. He and Li Qi had no time. What spices to prepare.

I don’t know who said that the spices of the first line are the fragrance of the sky, which can ward off the evil spirit of Tang Jiaxiang, so those who have bought Tang Jiaxiang before have come to buy incense, but the problem is that there is no fragrance. That's it.

Even if Qian Zichen explained it again, but with just such a mouth, how could he have said thousands of mouths.

This, it's impossible, the money he delivered to the door, he really had to push it outside, there really wasn't so many spices to sell to them.

The scents they sell in Thousand Family Incense Shop are all first-class scents, and every bottle is, absolutely childish, without any falsehood, even if someone secretly gives him an idea, saying that if There are really no spices, but I will sell other fragrances.

Now the people of Baiyun City actually care not about spices, but for the fame of Yipinxiang. All they want is a comfort, a preference.

Don't need to be so serious.

If you don't make good money at this time, where can you make money?

There is only one chance. In terms of the extremely high price of Yipinxiang, this time it is less likely to earn several million taels of silver. So much silver is so easy to earn, why not earn it?

But Qian Zichen did not agree.

The spices sold by his thousand family incense shops will always be first-class spices.

This was also what he had promised when he was doing business with Yipinxiang. If it weren't for his temperament, if he would only be shoddy and unscrupulous for the sake of silver, then Branding would not agree to let him Yipinxiang's spices are sold to Baichu, and they will be replaced by others.

So he never agreed to it.

But if he doesn't agree, then he doesn't have any spices to sell.

That's why he pulled Li Qi back.

They don't have any spices to sell, but don't forget, there is Mo Li.

The perfumer who grew up in Yipinxiang was taught by Shen Qingci himself. How could it be bad?

"I can only do this here."

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