"Heh..." He sneered, "You really think Yipinxiang has taken a fancy to your thousands of families, and only Qianzichen is what people fancy. Without Qianzichen, whoever does business with you, what does Qianzichen have credit for? At all?"

This scolding is not merciless at all, these clans are all old, and perhaps no one has said such heavy words to them.

What's more, they were originally the elders of the clan. Who in this clan would dare to speak to them like this, so far, all their faces in their entire life have been lost here.

"For nothing, let's go, go home and eat fish for you."

King Lu stood up and touched the little white cat’s head lightly. It’s no wonder that Bro Hengsi likes these little things so much, it’s really cute, it’s fun to hold, and it’s not noisy and needless to be guarded. .

He walked out with the kitten in his arms, and also directly sat in his own carriage with golden glazed roof.

"Master, why do you want to help him?"

The guard just didn't understand. The prince of his family is not always cold. When did he like to take care of his business so much, he just kept his cat in the house, but he took the white cat as a child.

Tiantian is just white, white, so unlearning and skillless, it also made the Holy Master not know how many times he rolled his eyes at him.

"Why do you want to help him?" Lu Wang played with the white cat's little paw.

"He has given the king 20% ​​of the proceeds from the incense shop. This king is more than envious if he doesn't take the money for free.

"Hey..." He sighed again.

"The landlord will also run out of food. Of course the prince is the same. In fact, this king is very poor." The five thousand taels of silver given him is very painful now, but there is no way, even if it is a swollen face Is to put on a suit of this fat man.

The guard is a black line again.

"Master, we are already poor, okay?"

But just like what their prince said, don’t don’t use this free silver. Besides, this incense line is going to make a million taels a year. If the business is better, it may be better Ten thousand taels of silver, and those who got them in the hands of their princes are also millions of taels.

"The prince..." The guard rubbed his hands. "Does the monthly silver of his subordinates also want to rise?" The poor man was born and died for the prince. Even the coachman has also been a coachman. silver?


The king of Lu is generous to his subordinates, "When the 20% of the income is available, this king will definitely give you a monthly increase."

When the prince considers this poor, he is also quite helpless.

But there is no way, the supply of the palace is just like that, he is such a silver-burning body, can grow so large, and how high silver is piled for him, he is a real gold swallowing beast.

Most of the things from the mother concubine were stuffed into him, so he could finally have plenty of money.

So whoever dared to stand in his way of making money, he killed his whole family.

A small Qianjia who eats the most and wants to grab food from his mouth is really shameless and desperate.

Besides, the Patriarch of the Thousand Family, as well as the elders of all races, were helpless sitting on the chairs, and then he glared at Qian Zihao. It was all his good idea, and now he really lost his wife and broke down.

What's the use of them holding an unscented Qianjiaxiang?

Even if they don’t have one or two silvers, they still belong to a thousand families. Their reputation belongs to a thousand families, and their business is also linked to a thousand families. It is good now, but now it has become a Chen family firm, and it is a dowry. No matter how courageous, even if Qian Zichen's family is dead in the future, this incense line will not be returned to the hands of the Qian family, and it will all belong to the Chen family.

This time, he really accompanied his wife and broke down again, and also offended King Lu.

Qian Zichen shook his fan, and then walked to Qianjia Xiangxing, smiling until he couldn't see his teeth.

No one can touch his incense line in the future.

"Qian Zihao, this time I will let you lose even if you don't have one pair of pants."

Li Li put the spices she made one by one on the shelf, but suddenly, her movements stopped slightly at this time, just for a moment, and then she returned to nature.

Suddenly, with a bang, he threw the spice bottle in his hand directly.

As a result, I heard a scream.

When Qian Zichen came back, he saw someone on the ground, holding his legs and screaming.

Qian Zichen walked over and squatted down in front of that person.

"Qian Zihao, can you tell me what you are doing here, this is my grandparents' place, but I will take you out to see officials like you."

And now Qian Zihao is still screaming, and the cold sweat on his forehead is also falling down.

This is not shame, but pain.

"Send him back to the Qianjia house. It is said that he broke into the residence of the nobleman privately and was directly interrupted by the nobleman's guard. Fortunately, the nobleman did not convict him. Otherwise, the broken leg would be his head.

After Qian Zichen sent Qian Zihao away, he entered the courtyard and saw that Mo Li was still busy inside.

"What did you do to him?"

He took a chair for himself and sat down, until he wanted to know what happened to Qian Zihao's leg?

"He asked for it."

Mo Li's temper has never been bad. If it weren't for Nian Zhan is Bai Chu, her hands would be heavier.

"Then his legs?"

Qian Zichen remembered the painful appearance of Qian Zihao just now, and he couldn't help but fought a cold war with him. Just by looking at it, he knew how painful it was.


Li Li said lightly.

"Guess it."

When Qian Zichen saw Qian Zihao holding his leg, he knew that the leg was broken continuously.

"When can we have Yurong Ointment?"

Qian Zichen is no longer mentioning Qian Zihao. That thing is dead and alive, and it's all about Qianjia. What does it have to do with him?

Mo Li turned around, if there is no accident, half a year later

"Half a year?"

Qian Zichen's eyes widened, "So long?"

Li Yi twitched the corner of his mouth. If the wife came back, as long as the wife taught her, she would do it. Now the Yurong ointment in the capital is all made by Baimei, so there should be a prescription, but If the wife doesn't come back, don't talk about Yurong Ointment, the first grade incense will be scattered with it, even if it doesn't, it will only go downhill day by day.

Without the first fragrance of Shen Qingci, even if there are more fragrances, these fragrances will always be smelled.

As for Yurong ointment, I don't know if it will be short-lived.

By the way, that team of carriages has been walking for several months now. I don't know how far it is from the capital. If the road is safe, then it should be able to reach the capital soon.

Inside those carriages, there were some special local things, as well as some rare treasures she helped to collect, which were also given by the wife to the grandpa.

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