Grandpa Guo liked these things the most, his wife always remembered, and Changlin was located at the junction of the three countries, and it was always possible to see those special things.

What do you want these things for?

Li Qiye really didn't know what these things could be used for. People are gone, so what is the use of things?

And madam, where is it?

At this time, a team of carriages also moved forward from time to time.

"Xiaoqing, I'm going home soon."

How many times did Xiao Huang say this sentence?

She is familiar with this place, because when she came out, she had walked this part of the road. Back then, she remembered this road and the few big trees with crooked necks here.

"Xiaoqing, I will be there soon."

Xiao Huang firmly grasped Xiao Qing's clothes, Xiao Qing slowly turned his head, and there seemed to be some changes between her eyebrows, but it changed very slowly.

Because I saw it every day, I didn't feel too much when I arrived. I just wondered if it was because the person was white and not as thin as that, so I felt a lot better.

Xiao Qing lowered her head, looking at Xiao Huang's hand, she could still feel the pain in her flesh.

Sister, you said that you grab the clothes and grab the clothes. There is no need to pull other people's flesh, right?

The convoy traveled for a few miles, and it was already in a town, and at this time, Xiaoqing and the three of them had already got out of the carriage.


March held out her hand from time to time and shook it to the convoy. If it weren't for them, they wouldn't have been able to reach this place safely. The most important thing is that they don't need money.

Not only did they get three hundred taels of silver from the shopkeeper of the first Pinxiang, but there was also a carriage that didn't use silver on the road. Otherwise, the amount of silver used for the carriage was as much as twenty taels.

"Xiaoqing, come back with me."

Xiao Huang knew that the two of them had nowhere to go, so it was better to go to her village, so they could take care of each other.

March moved to Xiaoqing, and also stood next to Xiaoqing, "I listen to Sister Qing."

Xiaoqing carried the burden on her shoulders


Xiao Huang pulled Xiao Qing's sleeve again, and then accidentally pinched another piece of skin.

"Let's go back together," Xiao Huang persuaded again, "I can take more care, and you have a place to live."

"Do you have a place to live there?"

Xiaoqing asked Xiao Huang, she didn't believe it, if there was any, would Xiao Huang be sold?

Xiao Huang smiled embarrassedly, "I may not have it in my house, but don't you have money? You can go wherever you want with money. You can build a new house with ten or two. You alone have two hundred and two. "

Each of them had two hundred taels. One hundred taels were obtained from Baichu, and the other hundred taels were given by the sang shopkeeper. When they came back, they were all fed by the motorcade, and no one asked them to collect them. After a penny, they can get a few taels in addition to their own two hundred taels.

Xiaoqing thought for a while. This seems to be a good idea. Now where they live is not, she was always thinking, first find an inn, and then think about the way out in the future. The worst, she even If you want to leave this place, you must first settle March.

And now it is undoubtedly not a good idea to go to Xiaohuang's village. They all have the money and can build a house. If there is a ready-made one, it would be better.

Always think of a way, and always find a way out.

There is no way to the world, they are all people who have died once, so what are they afraid of?

"Then go."

Xiaoqing lightly put her burden on her shoulders, and then took San Yue and followed Xiao Huang to Xiao Huang's village.

Several people were sitting in an ox cart, swaying to the small village.

Xiao Qing frowned slightly, listening to Xiao Huang and the coachman talking about those things outside, there was also a kind of pride that came out of it.

The silver in this world can really give people a lot of confidence. If you have enough confidence, you will naturally speak with a lot of atmosphere, but now Xiao Huang seems to be a little too strong.

But shouldn't she?

Holding two hundred taels of silver in his hand, he is indeed confident.

Two hundred silver may be nothing to those nobles. In their eyes, these two hundred silvers may have been rewarded by them, but for ordinary people, it may be able to make them eat. Worry-free.

And Xiaoqing did not know why, but she regretted bringing March to this place. They could go anywhere, or rent a small house in the town. It only cost a few taels a month, and then she took three. Doing some small livelihoods every month, you can always live.

But now it seems to be too late.

They are already here, so they are here.

After they got out of the carriage, Xiao Huang took Xiao Qing and San Yue directly to his home.

When Xiao Huang's parents saw Xiao Qing, they still didn't believe it very much. At first they thought Xiao Huang was a fake, but they cried and laughed until they recognized their daughter.

Xiao Huang also took out some of his silver, which was obviously showing off, and there was some pride in it.

Xiaoqing's forehead was tightened at this time, because she had already discovered that there was a flash of greed in Xiao Huangniang's eyes.

By the way, Xiao Huang brought Xiao Qing and San Yue over.

When Xiaohuangniang saw Xiaoqing and Sanyue, she seemed to have some reluctance on her face.

"We don't have much food at home."

Little Huang Niang complained, "You brought them back, what do they eat and drink?"

"They have their own talent."

Xiao Huang put her money away again. She didn't feel anything about these before, but when she came back this way, she knew what it meant to be difficult, and she should save her money.

And when they heard that the two of them had silver, Xiao Huangniang's expression improved.

She wiped her hand on her face, "Xiao Huang, can you keep your money for your mother? You see, our house is going to be up, and your elder sister is going to get married, and so is your elder brother. After getting married, this house in our family is really bad. No one will marry your eldest brother, and they all say our family is poor."

Xiao Huang gritted his teeth.

In fact, she didn't say not to give it up, but she thought it well at the beginning, she only left fifty taels of these silver, and gave her as a dowry.

But now, she was a little bit reluctant to give this silver, but she couldn't give it to the family. She took out one hundred taels, which was also given to her own mother.

"Mother, I have so many here, you built a house, and the others are treated as dowries for me."

"of course."

Xiao Huangniang agreed, of course, she never thought that Xiao Huang had hidden a hundred taels of silver. Xiao Huang's temperament has always been the most straightforward and honest, so she never thought about it, Xiao Huang Hid it privately, and also hid a lot.

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