Changqing seemed to have realized something too. He put his hand in front of the little fox, and the little fox jumped forward, also putting the thing held in his mouth into Changqing's hand.

Jade beads.

Evergreen looked towards them.

"We found it."

"It seems so."

Chang Geng raised his head, and for safety's sake, they dug up the surrounding soil. This is how a big pit of several meters wide was dug out.

And now, they seem to have actually dug it.

The snow on the top of the snow mountain is still falling, and Brando Hengsi has brought Shen Qing to resign here, and the bottom of the mountain has been blocked, and they are all the most elite soldiers.

Now there are nine out of ten, and what is buried here is exactly the things of the Shang Dynasty.

If the treasure of the upper dynasty were to be spread out, it would surely lead to an almost inevitable disturbance in the Four Kingdoms.

Fortunately, many people now know that they want to blow up this mountain just to open a spice shop. This is also a good excuse.

The weapon of God's weapon, since everyone needs to know it, it will make others jealous.

But this matter of digging for gold and silver, naturally the less people know the better.

People say that making a fortune by silence.

Although there are not so many treasures of such a large Shang Dynasty, the wealth of a dynasty is certainly not too small, not to mention the rumored Shang Dynasty with gold and silver as the ground and jade as the wall.

"I'll go down and take a look first."

Pao Hengsi puts on Shen Qingci's hat.

"Okay," Shen Qingci agreed. In fact, she really wanted to see what it was like inside.

But in no hurry, she will see it soon.

No, who said she was not in a hurry, obviously, she was in a hurry, okay?

The treasures of the Shang Dynasty, the legendary Shang Dynasty, are not the things of the Huang Family's previous dynasties. The treasures of the previous dynasties are, at most, half the treasures of the Great Zhou Treasury.

However, this Shang Dynasty is different, there may be hundreds of Great Zhou Treasury, which can feed the good things of the entire Great Zhou for a hundred years.

There are so many strange treasures inside. Of course, the most important thing is to witness the exchange of dynasties.

Branding went down.

The little fox ran over happily, followed his legs and climbed onto his shoulders.

"Thanks every year."

Brando Hengsi gently touched its little head.


The little fox licked his master's fingers happily, and it could be heard from the sound, it was very proud.

Brando Hengsi walked over and also stood beside them.

"Is it here?"

He asked.

"should be."

Changqing knocked with his sword. There is a stone slab here, which should be very heavy.

Then he took out two jade beads from his body and placed them in front of the brand. They were brought out from inside every year. If there is no difference, they should be underneath. As for what to do now, this They have never thought of how to open the slab, because they are afraid that if something goes wrong, it will destroy the contents inside.

The things of the upper dynasty are priceless, but they can't afford it.

"Where did it come from?"

Brandon asked Evergreen.

"Here," Changqing pointed to the ground, and saw that there was a very small hole on the ground. This hole was not even the size of an adult's fist, but it allowed the little fox to come and go freely.

I don't know what animal dug this out?

Such a thick stone slab has been dug through, so this is also to say that the world is so big that there is no wonder.

Brando Hengsi walked over and squatted down, then he patted the little fox on the head.


The little fox immediately understood the meaning of Bronze, and he jumped off Bronze's shoulder, and went straight into the hole, as if he had no bones, and easily got into it.

"Let Madam give me the purse."

Luo Hengxu gave an order to Changqing.


Evergreen arched his hands and went up quickly. Not long after, when he came down, he already had two purses in his hands.

In these two purses, one contained sesame beads and the other contained gold and silver beads. These two purses were also worn by Shen Qingci who never left him, no matter where he went.

And her habit, I have to say, it really saved her life too many times.

Lao Hengsi took one out of Changqing's hand, and then opened it. He took out a Ye Ming pearl about the size of a longan.

Changqing couldn't help but smashed the palm of his hand with a fist.

"Why didn't I think about it?"

Branding gave the Ye Mingzhu in his hand to Chang Geng aside.

Chang Geng took Ye Mingzhu, then knelt down, and threw it in along the hole.

Then a beam of light came from the entrance of the cave.

Chang Geng quickly lay on the ground and looked down from the entrance of the cave.

Little foxes come and go freely so many times, there is no mechanism to come here, otherwise there are no little foxes now, they are all dead foxes.

When it was long and finally saw what was inside, his eyes widened uncontrollably. Even if he was as calm as him, he could still see the trembling of his muscles.

It wasn't until a long time later that he stood up, and then slightly bowed his hand towards the brand.

"The son."

"Well, how is it?"

Bro Heng asked, if it is really there, he should have a general understanding now.

"It's the treasure of Shang Dynasty."

With just such a sentence, the corners of the lips have been slightly flattened, meaning that they began to rise little by little.

"I'll take a look."

Changqing quickly looked inward from the hole, but he took a breath directly.

"My goodness!"

He opened his mouth wide, his mouth was too close to close.

Don't underestimate that pearl of the night, it was selected from the national treasury by Branding. He has always used it as a candle, and it is enough to make the whole room light up in daylight.

At this moment, what appeared in the evergreen eyes were almost endless gold and silver beads, rubies, sapphires, yellow sapphires, all kinds of cat's eye stones, beautiful jade, and even dragon chairs. It was like a shrinking palace, beautiful jade. Countless, tens of thousands of gold and silver.

The most conspicuous thing that went away with his eyesight was the white jade table under the light of Ye Mingzhu. A white jade was made into a jade box. The quality was extremely transparent and the water color was also full. On the top of the jade box, there is a diadem of golden flowing glaze, and the round bead on it is almost always a little fox head. It is neither gold, nor jade, nor anything else. What kind of brilliance is compelling, there are countless Huaguang.

Changqing quickly sat up, and patted his chest.

"I can not make it."

He stood up and ran directly to the top. When he came up, he lay down on the snow outside, letting the snow cool to calm himself down.

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