Evergreen opened his eyes, and happened to be puzzled by Shen Qingci's face.


Changqing grabbed a handful of snow and bit it.

"We found it, do you know? The golden color is the ground and the white jade is the wall. Take all the wealth of the world in one place, between Guanghua and Baili."

This is the Shang Dynasty.

The mysterious one is still the Shang Dynasty that has been passed down.

Shen Qingci looked down, then squatted on the ground, propping up her face, and suddenly, she laughed.

Her children and grandchildren will be able to enjoy a peaceful and full bloom in the future.

And below, the little fox ran to the pearl, and instantly recognized that this was the one of its owner. It threw the jade pearl on the ground with its small beak, and wanted to bite the night pearl. After biting it for a long time, it was all about breaking its teeth, but it just couldn't come out.

It could only get out again, jump to the owner's side, and grab the owner's clothes from time to time.

"It's okay, just pick it up later."

Brandon patted the little fox's head comfortingly.

Then he walked to the entrance of the cave and touched the stone slab.

Very thick, not very easy to open.

"My son, can we explode this place?"

Chang even asked about branding. In fact, the best way to dig this place is to explode it. If they dig it, it’s really hard to dig. They tried it. It’s harder than iron. I really don't know how long and how long will it be able to dig it out, and they really can't wait so long.

The things in it are too amazing. If anyone knows about this huge amount of wealth, no one will let go of the treasure of the Shang Dynasty, even if it goes to war again.

It is a good way to explode.

In fact, the first thing you think about is to use gunpowder, but what you fear is that it will damage the contents.

"You let the madam come down once."

Brandon said to Chang Geng.

"Yes," Chang Rong responded, and also went up to bring Shen Qing down.

When Shen Qing resigned, she was also curiously staring at the hole.

"I want to see."

"Okay." Beng Hengsi squatted down and spread her sleeves on the ground, so that she would not soil her clothes for a while.

Originally, Shen Qingci wanted to watch, but turned around and pointed at them with a finger.

"Turn around."

They turned around quickly, of course, they absolutely didn't dare to watch more.

When Shen Qingci saw that they had all turned around, this was where he was lying at the small hole.

With the light of Ye Mingzhu, she just glanced at it and felt that her eyes were going to be blinded.

And now she finally knows why Changqing is lying in the snow. She wants to lie there now, she wants to bury her own in the snow.

"Can I ask for that?"

Shen Qingci pointed to the entrance of the cave, "It's the gem on the golden crown."

And Branding is just a little bit dumbfounding.

He stretched out his hand to tidy Shen Qingci's hair.

"That is Mianqi. The emperor's Mianqi of every country is also the national treasure. According to rumors, the emperor's Mianqi of the upper dynasty is the dragon ball.

"But they still destroy the country."

Shen Qingci didn't believe this. The so-called national destiny is one aspect. If an emperor like Taihuang succeeds to the throne, the best national wings will be defeated.

"This, it seems to be too."

I have to say that there is no need to say more about Shen Qingci, just such a sentence is enough to make everyone speechless, is it possible that this is not the case?

There is no eternal dynasty in this world, and there is no eternity that cannot be replaced.

Throughout the dynasties and generations in this world, the upper dynasty, which I call the strongest foreign country, has disappeared. Even Da Zhou himself has never thought of eternal state.

Even if there is a world of nations, there will be so few incompetent descendants, and they will all be defeated.

So Shen Qingci didn’t mention national luck, especially the bead is the national luck. She likes the bead, she wants it, she has to

Bro Hengsi then straightened out Shen Qingci's hair.

"You can also look at the aura of these things."

"More popular."

"Take these."

Branding is not to coax her, if it is not so, he has not helped her get what she wants. Even the Ye Mingzhu in the Wenyuan Imperial Treasury was almost completely wiped out by him. A bead really can't be given to her.

It is recorded in the Records of the History that if you find the treasure of the upper dynasty, you will get a dragon ball. The dragon ball can control the dragon and wealth of the four directions. Otherwise, it is impossible to put this thing in the most conspicuous place.

"You can take any other things inside, except for that, okay?"

Branding discussed with her.

The things of the upper dynasty were originally known for being exquisite and luxurious. They were not ordinary vulgar things, but they were all very lucky.

"Okay," Shen Qingci heard the words of Lao Hengsi, and he never wanted that thing anymore. She kept the Sifanglongqi down. She didn't want to think about it. She didn't even think about being an emperor. I thought about making my son emperor.

What's good about being an emperor? Just look at Emperor Wenyuan. Every day is to have children, have children, and then have children. This is not a pig.

There are also people who have to work hard for the great Zhou dynasty, and have to vomit all their hard work until they are done.

She really owed Da Zhou Tianxia in her previous life and Emperor Wen Yuan. Their royal family did what they did to her. She had to earn a lifetime of silver to subsidize Da Zhou and let her dad be extravagant. The eldest brother, his husband, and the children are all working hard for Da Zhou.

Even so much silver, two treasures must be given away.

What a pale emperor.

What could Shen Qingci say was that he was on the ship, and it seemed that there was no way to get off the ship halfway.

"Don't you open this?"

Shen Qingci knocked on what seemed to be a stone slab. How could they transport the contents out of this small hole? Only the little fox could get in. What if they could get in? What about things?

It can't be broken, and then get it out.

This should not be an ordinary slate.

I've tried it just now. It's really not an ordinary thing. It's not a stone or iron, and I don't know what it is, but if you want to protect it, it must be rare in the world.

"Do you think this can be exploded with gunpowder?"

Luo Hengsi asked Shen Qing Cici, which was the only way he could think of so far.

They don't have much time, nor can they leave room for others. If they say that they blow up the mountain, they will blow up the mountain.

They must all get these things in their hands, and as soon as possible.

"I think about it..."

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