Rebirth Of A Noble Daughter: The Marquis Manor’s Abandoned Wife

Chapter 1669: This medicine is difficult to make

Boil the pill into water, take half of it and wipe the body with half.

It's that simple.

As for whether it is useful, it will not be known until the medicine reaches the Canggang.

As Dazhou is a big country, it is absolutely impossible to deceive them with fake drugs.

The lives of tens of thousands of people cannot be killed by Emperor Wen Yuan. He is the Emperor of Ren, and he does not want to let his palms be stained with the blood of innocent people. Even Cang Tao’s people are the same, so he can. convinced.

When the medicine was delivered, the doctors followed the method taught by Luo Yuyi, half boiled water and half used externally. Really, after taking the medicine, you can feel that this medicine is indeed useful. It is not an exaggeration to be said to be a magical medicine. After the medicine is used, it will have an extremely obvious effect. After a day, even if it is a seriously ill person, as long as it is younger and healthy Some of them can recover as soon as possible, and those who are old and weak, although the recovery is slower, they can be seen that they are constantly improving, especially these medicines can also boil water to give those who are not infected. People drink.

After that, those who were seriously ill were getting better and better, and those who were mildly ill had already recovered. When no one is infected anymore, the locust plague here can be said to be cured.

Just one thing made Emperor Cang Tao a very headache.

Even if there are more than a thousand bottles of this medicine, it is not enough for a few small counties, especially those who are more seriously ill, the more they use, even if it’s a medicine for rubbing their bodies. The thicker the better, but this will increase the dosage of a lot of medicine.

Therefore, they have to buy medicine from Da Zhou again.

Although this medicine is not too expensive, it is unbearable. The amount of this medicine is too much, especially if there are many counties and counties in disaster, then it is a huge expenditure for the national treasury.

In fact, as soon as they got the medicine, Cang Tao Tai Hospital and those folk doctors, some of them were called genius doctors in vain, who didn't want to research this medicine.

At that time, not only can I earn money, but also receive commendations from the Holy Spirit. What disappoints them is that no matter what method they use, no matter how many times they experiment, at most they can only take out four or five kinds of medicinal materials, but The medicine was made using more than a hundred Chinese herbal medicines, and they couldn't find out at all. They couldn't solve it even if they used any medicine, so let alone make it again.

And even if it is made, it is still impossible to guarantee whether it is the same as the previous medicine. Therefore, it is impossible for them to make such a pill.

And the person who can make this medicine is really a pharmacological genius.

As for asking whether Luo Yuyi is a pharmacological genius, it is not.

He is not a genius-level pharmacist. His medical skills were taught by Mo Fei himself. Although Mo Fei is known as a genius doctor, there are heaven outside the world, and there are people outside the world. It is impossible for him to teach such a god-defying student.

Luo Yuyi's talent is very good, and he is also a good seedling to study medicine, but after all, he is only a person, and he is also very young. His medical skills are all from Mo, and his mother made a special trip to Fuzhong. The medical books that he found for him, his mother had already sent the medical books there when he was in Sixi. It can be said that those medical books grew up with him.

In fact, the main medicine of the locust plague is only a dozen flavors. The reason why it is difficult to decipher is that it makes others mistakenly believe that there are more than a hundred kinds. In fact, these are all related to his mother.

Shen Qingci doesn’t like to drink medicine very much, and Luo Yuyi really took great pains for his own mother. Later, from his mother, he also applied the Lou’s perfumery technique to medicinal materials. The flavor of the medicine is counterbalanced, and finally a medicine with a very light taste is made.

Later, he also liked to adjust the taste of the medicine to the lightest level, which also avoided the bitterness of the medicine.

Therefore, he used more than a dozen medicines and specially adjusted the smell of those locust plague medicines. The taste was light. But without his prescription, most people want to tell which medicine is used, but it is very easy to do. It's difficult, because many medicines have been combined on the way.

Some medicinal flavors are gone.

So in the end it became this taste. If they didn't have the prescription, it would be impossible to make it, so if they want medicine, they can only find Da Zhou.

Then he came over to buy with the white money, or it was exchanged with things, as for what to exchange, this time is not the time to change the pickled vegetables.

At that time, Xuecha, they exchanged whatever they wanted, saying it was equivalent. In fact, Da Zhou suffered some losses. After all, those countries did not come up with real good things, but Emperor Wen Yuan They changed it. In addition to these things they needed at the beginning, the main reason was that the Great Week was still very weak and could not withstand too many wars.

But in today's Great Zhou, there is no one in Chengran to bully, and the things that need to be changed are also opened by Da Zhou first. If you don't change it, it is real gold and silver.

And when Cang Tao sent envoys again, he came to buy locust plague medicine.

It was still ten thousand taels of silver to buy a batch, and the current formula of medicine, Luo Yuyi, had already been handed over to Emperor Wen Yuan. Such a fortune was enough, he knew.

However, the dividends that Emperor Wen Yuan gave him were so small that he could stay in the mansion without having to make money day and night. Of course, he had hundreds of thousands of taels.

Even Taotao has been fattened by him recently.

"Let's go to Xiangjue Temple once."

Lao Yuyi touched Taotao's head.

Taotao tilted her head. Although she looked fierce, she was inexplicably cute.

If you don't go, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk anymore.

Luo Yuyi didn't want to go, but this peach has eaten too much recently, and he didn't want to move very much. He still took it to the animals at the back mountain of Xiangjue Temple in Huohuo for a few days. I heard that tigers appeared there, too. The people who were scared didn't dare to go out for several nights. This Taotao Jijing hadn't been shocked by the past, and the courage of those things was fattened out.

And he looked up and looked at the pear tree that could be seen no matter where it came from, and the pears on it had grown a lot.

They can eat pears soon.

"We walked."

Lao Yuyi patted the white lion's head again, then stood up and walked towards the carriage, and the white lion followed suit. When it reached the carriage, the white lion jumped directly on it. The carriage, also lying there, groomed itself.

Luo Yuyi also picked up his clothes and sat down, now he is the only one in the palace.

Father and mother left Beijing again. They are going to open another Yipinxiang. When the pears in this courtyard mature, they will definitely come back.

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