As for where to open?

It should be there.

At this time, another carriage had stopped at the door of a village.

Shen Qing resigned from the carriage and looked up at the entrance of the village. There were also a few prominent characters above the entrance of the village.

Shen Lai Village.

Still this name.

Shen Qingci had long known that this village had been changed to Shenlai Village.

The people in this village remember them.

Inside the village, Niu's wife and her family have been waiting anxiously, and from time to time they look out. Didn't they say that people have come? Why have they still not come now? Are they not coming?

Don't talk about them, even everyone in this village is the same.

They didn't even have the land this day, just waiting for people, but they couldn't help but wait. Every time that person came over, they brought substantial benefits to their village.

The people in the village are also thanks to them, so the days now are getting better every day.

When Niu Xin returned to the village, she also told them that the one would come in person immediately and open a spice shop here. That is the world's first fragrance, and she would also teach people in their village to make spices. They don't have to guard these acres of Susukino every day. They may also be like Niu Xin. Go to the prosperous capital to take a look, and then they will not be in vain and enter this world.

It's been so long, why still no one comes?

Until a young offspring walked into the village, the style of that person was afraid that even the official lords in their town did not have such a good attitude. Could this really be an official lord?

It wasn't until they all ran over that they found out, what kind of official man is this, is it the boy Niu Xin of the Niu family?

When Niu arrived in the village, they all greeted the people in the village as they did before, and they greeted each other with their grandma and uncle.

It’s not in the slightest that because I’m different from the villagers, I underestimate who I am. I have only been with the prince and his wife for a long time before I realize that the road in this world is hard to walk. It is impossible to finish it.

And how could he feel such a shallow sense of accomplishment? On the contrary, shouldn't there be more crises?

And because of his character, Luo Yuxi stayed with him, otherwise if it floats, it won't fall, and it won't go back.

Niu Xin's footsteps were a bit faster, and he also walked towards his home. He had heard San Gongzi talk about it, and he had already sent the letter to his family in advance, which also allowed his family to tidy up.

The wife and the prince are afraid that they will live here for a long time. The wife and the prince are walking outside all year round. They are not unfamiliar to a farm like theirs, and of course they have not lived in them, but they still need a good preparation.

At the same time, he asked people to come back for a while. In addition to the letter, there was also a silver ticket of one thousand taels, which was given to him by the third son, which meant that the wife and son could live more comfortably at this time.

Even if you only live for a day, these thousand taels of silver are all worthwhile. What's more, the son said that if he really decides to open a shop here or make spices in the village, then he may live in It's not as simple as two days a day.

When he arrived at his home, Niu Xin instantly let go of his heart when he saw the three large brick houses next to his home.

And he didn’t bother to say hello to his family, so he hurried over to see how the house was built. The house was built a few months ago. It was very dry and there was no trace of moisture.

This is a yard with three entrances in total. A lot of vegetables are grown on the front and back. The inside is also very clean. Inside, all the bedding is new, and there are also newly made furniture. Very light woody smell.

Although it can’t be said to be luxurious, but living here makes me happy. He heard that in fact, the wife’s favorite place to live in is such a small farmyard. His son also said that he was with his wife when he was young. We planted the land together, so the third son said that she likes letting his wife live in such a small farmyard, as long as there are not too many people disturbing.

Moreover, this place is also the place where the wife has lived before, and it means that there is so much more familiarity, and the villagers in their village at the beginning did not criticize the wife too much, and all the ladies would not be too harsh. Blame them for the death of the old lady. If it is really to blame, then she won't come here, and she will help them.

If you say that you have treated your wife harshly, there is only one family.

But thinking of such a family, Niu Xin's heart feels uncomfortable. Really, this world is blessed by gods and good people. That way, they really get retribution to an unrelated child.

In the whole village, see who is going with them, but even so, you still have to stay in the village.

Niu Xin touched the table. There was no trace of dust on the table. When I wanted to come, my family also swept it frequently, and the yard was also sprinkled with clean water. Even the vegetables grown in the front yard All have been watered, and now the vegetables in it are growing at the time of water spirit.

When Niu came here, she saw her grandmother coming out of the house. Her body was very tough. Now she still has no eyesight and no pain in her legs. Can she still do needlework?


Niu Xin hurried over, and also stood in front of the Niu woman.

Mrs. Niu touched her grandson’s head and saw that he had been out for about a year now. Not only was she white, she was also calm, and nothing was like before, the poor boy running around in the village. .

"Milk, they are coming soon," Niu Xin remembered what, and of course he didn't have time to explain too much to Niu.

Madam, these are all at the entrance of the village, so they can’t be reminiscing about the past, but Madam is waiting outside.


Lady Niu also shook her hand, "Come on, come on..."

Niu Xin couldn't care about anything else, and hurriedly ran out of the village.

Soon after, the plain carriage had entered the new Sanjin house. Although it was a farmhouse, Shen Qingci still remembered the familiar feelings of the hometown.

She came back once, but she was just looking at the flowers, forgetting what it looks like here. In the distance, there is a huge mountain, with the river water she has drunk for several years, or the mountain where she has collected firewood. The land of mother’s life.

It is still vivid and unforgettable.

Daxiang and Baimei hurriedly went inside to clean up. When they saw the contents, they felt that there was no need to clean up. The quilts inside were all new. Although they weren't the silk quilts used by their palaces, they were used in this place. Silk quilts are also not very suitable. The quilts used here are made of cotton thread, which is not as soft as silk quilts, but it absorbs sweat and wicks moisture. Moreover, it is not too hard, or even very hard. soft.

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