This is obviously a soft and cute kitten, but what happened to that claw just now?

It really is the cat raised by Lin Aduuo.

Hong Su couldn't help but rubbed the goose bumps on her body.

Like its owner, the face is beautiful for no reason, but the core is black.


Huali made a loud cry again, and ran forward, shocking Hong Su, and even stepped back quickly, fearing that the cat would give her a paw, so what would she do? Do, isn't she going to be disfigured?

Huali rushed to her, Hong Su instinctively covered her face, but after waiting for a long time, it seemed that there was no pain?


She put down a hand in worry.

There are no cats.

She put one out again, and now both hands are put down, but really haven't seen the cat yet?


It's that kind of soft milky cat cry again. It's obviously such a soft voice, it's also a very beautiful kitten, but how can it be so fierce when you grab a dog.


There was another sound.

Hong Su felt as if there was something, and blew a breath of cold air on her neck.

She turned her head slowly, and she saw a tall, but thin man standing behind her, and he was holding the cat in his arms.

"Sorry, does it scare you?"

The man smiled shyly and gently stroked the little head of the kitten in his arms.

The cat also arched his palms, obedient and obedient, so how fierce it was to grab the dog and cry just now.

"you are……"

Why has Hong Su never seen this person? She came to the Lin family quite a few times. When did she come to such a person, Huali was Shen Qingci’s cat, and her temper was exactly the same as that of her master, and she was not close to everyone. ?

"I am A Yue."

The man raised his face. Although his face was not too handsome, he had a very comfortable and refreshing air, especially his smiling eyes? They looked pretty.

It was this smiling Hong Su who couldn't help but slapped Ji Ling. She touched her arm. She always felt that this person was chilly? When she was cold, she got goose bumps all over her body.

She shook her clothes.

This name is quite strange.

A Yue?

What is this name? Strange.

And she is not too entangled with other people's names? She still has to go back to work, but also to clean up the Qicai Building, and now to clean up the Huajia.

What century-old family? In her opinion? It's just a mob.

It seems that it is a century-old family, but there is no progress in the things made? New tricks produced every year? It is also changing the soup without changing the medicine.

In the past, she still felt that what the Hua family sells? Even if it is not good? It is also an identity? But after using the Lin family's things, she knows that identity has something to do with it. Good things are good.

Identity can make you younger?

Can identity make you beautiful?

Identity can be beautiful? Can it be better than those vixen?

Only when oneself becomes beautiful? Is it qualified to say other things? If oneself is ugly and like cow dung? If you want to have an identity, you will be trampled underfoot sooner or later.

She left like this, of course she didn't put a Yue in her eyes? She didn't even remember it in her heart.

Who made it a long and inconspicuous person, he was not as good-looking as that of Chu Chen.

A Yue lowered his head and touched Huali's little head.

I brought you some dried fish and waited for Yu Niang to fry it for you, then you can eat it.


Huali arched his hand again.

Food and clothing parents, naturally they are going to appease.

And that stupid dog, Xiao Hei, got out of his den and looked at people eagerly.

Can it also eat a little dried fish? Since the young master went to the school over there, no one cares about it. Its food is not as good as a cat.

It misses its own little master.

And it was also facing the wall, sitting there and wailing. The result was probably that the cry was too unpleasant. When Shen Qing resigned, he kicked his big **** directly.

"What is your soul, please be quiet for my old lady!"

Like a little wife, Xiao Hei didn't dare to bark anymore. He would only be in front of others, and he would fight against the crowd, but in front of Shen Qingci, he didn't even dare to bark.

Who makes Shen Qingci a devil? She can eat dog meat.

Shen Qingci walked to the sweet potato field, only to find that A Yue was pouring water with a pot.

She walked over and squatted on the ground.

"Is this going to boil water?"

She seems to have not watered the water yet, and forgot to ask Ah Sheng.

"Well, it needs to be poured."

A Yue continued to pour, and he could tell from his movements that he was not a novice. Who in Daliang didn't know sweet potatoes? Excluding those who don't work on their limbs, so if you just pull out one, you will know more than she knows, and plant it better.

So she believes in Ah Yue.

He said that watering is watering, better than her having a black eye and knowing nothing.

A Yue poured some more water, and while pouring it, she also told Shen Qingci how to water and how to water it so that it would not hurt the roots.

But when he raised his sleeves, Shen Qingci smelled a special breath.

In addition to the ink scent on his body, there is also a smell of grass coming out of the mud. This smell is very weak, and it can even be said to be non-existent.

It doesn't look like his own taste, it might be that he caught it elsewhere.

this is……

She took the gourd scoop from A Yue's hand, and also scooped some water and poured it out.

After all, A Duo has also been planted, and his hand strength is also very strong, so when watering, he can hold the whole gourd scoop with one hand, so when he pours the water, it is like A Yue.

It can be considered to have learned about 50%.

"thank you."

Shen Qingci put down the gourd, this sentence is also sincere.

"It's just watering, no thanks?"

A Yue smiled embarrassedly.

"you know what I mean."

Shen Qingci took the gourd scoop again and continued to pour the water, but she didn't say to stop anyway, so she could continue to pour it.

A Yue put his finger on his leg, and couldn't help but squeeze it lightly.

Yes, he did understand the meaning of Shen Qingci.

He knew that after waiting for Wei Jiang and their identities to be revealed, it might not be long before it was him, but he didn't expect her to find out so soon.

"How did you find out?"

The more he became curious, his disguise was so good that no one had ever doubted his identity, and he had always been very careful, and in addition, he had not appeared in front of her several times, and she How can you doubt his identity?

Could it be that he is showing his feet.

"You have the breath of Wei Jiang."

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