Shen Qingci continued to pour the water, and she was calm at this time, although she was a little surprised, because the person she rescued casually might end up being a remarkable figure.

But she knew that this person had no malicious intent towards her, so that was fine.

Moreover, this person also saved him once, and even helped her solve so many troubles. By focusing on these two points, she can already exchange her kindness.

A Yue pulled his sleeves and sniffed.

Doesn't seem to smell?

No, he just remembered that Shen Qingci's nose is different from ordinary people. Her sense of smell is very good, and she can also use the sense of smell to find those subtle differences.

And he neglected this until today, he was afraid that she would smell something extra on his body, so every time he saw Wei Jiang and the others, he would change into a suit.

But today just right, Wei Jiang came over to report something, but he ignored it.

It is because of such a little negligence that he has exposed, right?

"who are you?"

Shen Qingci turned his face and asked, just asking purely. Of course, he was also a little curious. Who on earth did she save?

"I am A Yue."

A Yue still said that, his name is A Yue.

"your name."

Shen Qingci thought for a while, and it felt like this. He could emphasize this name repeatedly, and he knew that this was his real name.

Sometimes what he was telling was the truth, but the partiality was that no one would believe it.

On the contrary, no matter how much he said, there is not a single truth in his mouth, but everyone is partial to feelings. He is the truth.

Why can't it be simpler and easier to trust.

He is A Yue, which is A Yue.

"Yes," A Yue nodded, "My name is A Yue and my surname is Cheng."

"My mother calls me A Yue, so I am A Yue."

He still smiles shallowly, and his eyes are also very calm, "Look, sometimes it’s better. I tell the truth? You believe it, not yes. You don’t believe what I say? Just like what I say. Lie."

"But I obviously don't like to lie."

"If you want to ask my identity?"

A Yue sat on the ground? His gaze also fell forward.

"I am from that place in the imperial city? But I don't like it there. I like to be simpler, so I like it here? I want to stay? Can I?"

Shen Qingci felt that there was no need to tell her, he wanted to stay, so stay.

And as long as he doesn't leave? No one can drive him away.

"It's great here."

A Yue stretched out his hand? Huali ran to him? Then jumped on his leg? She also lay down on his leg.

"So I will stay here forever? And he will say it again? But don't worry." He put his hand on Huali, and smoothed her hair.

"Although I am not in the imperial city, I can still say a few words, a flower family, I haven't paid attention to it yet."

"Look?" He turned his face? Looking at Shen Qingci again? Those eyes are also unusually warm? "Are you satisfied with the result now?"

"If you're still not satisfied, I'll be the one who helped you clean up the family. Should I find an excuse? It hurts their vitality and can no longer think about other things."

At this time, although his voice was still gentle, but Shen Qingci heard the kind of casualness in his meaning, and it didn't matter.

Shen Qingci understands that for those high-ranking people, even a century-old family like the Hua family, in their eyes, it is nothing more than a wave of hands, which is out of reach in the eyes of others, but in their hands, it is It's easy to get, but it's partial, and I don't want to get it.

Shen Qingci stretched out his hand and gently touched the young seedlings that came out on the ground.

"If they stop shooting at me, I won't make them embarrassed."

She didn't want the Hua family to do anything. They just said that the well water did not offend the river water. She made spices for nothing more than her hukou, that is, for the silver. If it were not for the silver, she actually didn't want to do anything.

There is no need to ruin the family that has been painstakingly experienced for a hundred years. After she leaves, it is also the province to leave them any trouble for Adolescence.

She touched these seedlings again, and some strange feelings also came from them.

This is life.

It is the life of sweet potatoes, but also the lives of many people.

I just don’t know how long it will take for these young seedlings to grow up and grow in those sandy grounds. After a few months, what kind of harvest will there be?

"Where are Wei Jiang and them?"

Shen Qingci asked A Yue.

They never appeared again, and where they were hiding. Sometimes she could feel their breath around her, but she could not find them.

The alertness of those few of them is really very strong.


A Yue was also learning Shen Qingci, and touched these Xiao Miao Miao, "They are around, I call them, and they will come out."

"Why, you have something to find them?"

"It's not a problem."

Shen Qingci held up his face, feeling that they were a little wasted every day.

"I'm pretty short of people here, or else, if you lend them to me, you can make them a lot of money. They are pretty poor, at least they can eat meat for me."

She really felt that letting the few people sway behind her every day, and then they were eating dry food, being bitten by mosquitoes, and all kinds of inconveniences. It's really better to work for her. There is nothing else here. Locally, there is nothing else in the village, and there are a lot of hidden guards. Isn't it a waste?

At this time, on a tree outside, Wei Jiang, with leaves hanging all over his ears, heard Shen Qingci’s words with his ears. He lowered his head and poked the hole in his clothes. Suddenly, he dripped twice. Line noodles with tears.

"it is good."

Ah Yue agreed, "I will lend them to you. I can't afford to support them anymore. He still has to do something to support himself. He really has no money to raise such a group of people who have no ability and eat a lot."

Shen Qing resigned in a good mood. This time, he has a few more strengths, and he is a man of martial arts, so he will not worry about growing sweet potatoes in the future.

And now she was immersed in her own mind, but she had never noticed that A Yue placed on her, that kind of warm eyes, and his more beautiful smile.

Do not add anything else.

Just want to laugh purely, just purely feel good.

And... happy.

The small seedlings grow up day by day, probably because of the water that was poured. So these sweet potato seedlings suddenly grew taller, as if they were being plucked out.

Hearing Aping said that after a few days, it can be planted in sandy soil, and then there is no need to worry about it, just a few months later.

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