After a few months, Shen Qingci could not only receive a little brother, but also a bunch of sweet potatoes.

While waiting for the sweet potato seedlings to grow up, people from the Hua family came and sent a lot of things, saying that the last time was purely a mistake, but also saying that they just wanted to invite Shen Qing to visit the house. They just didn’t expect it to be heard badly, so there was some error in the words that were passed out, so that in the end something like that happened, so they came to apologize.

There are also a lot of gifts, including several fragrances from the Hua family. It’s just that Shen Qingci is not interested in these things at all. Of course, even if these fragrances are in her hands, she will not use them, but in the end she still accepts it. It is also out of courtesy that she can't let the flowers. The family came here for nothing. She also gave a few pieces of incense recipes. These incense recipes were not from the Lou family, but from the Huang family. It was inconvenient for Lou Jiaxiang to give them, and even if they did, they It is impossible to do the same thing.

When it comes to the Huang family's things, you can give it whatever you want. Anyway, there is no Huang family in this world. Huang Jiaxiang is in Da Zhou, and now no one remembers it. Only her mind still has some prescriptions.

These are given as long as they are given, and it will not hurt to give as much.

And these prescriptions of the Huang family are much better than those used by the Hua family to give gifts. As long as the Hua family can study well, they may also be able to create some new spices.

Although it is not better than Lou Jiaxiang, it will be much more amazing than the vulgar fragrance they use now.

The Hua family sat together, staring at a few Xiangfang on the table in a daze.

"What else did she say?"

Mrs. Hua asked those who gave gifts in the past.

In fact, he really wanted to give other people’s gifts at the beginning, and of course it hurts to take out a few bad incense recipes at home. As an incense master? Nothing is better than giving incense recipes, and he is giving enough. With sincerity, I think it should be able to calm the opponent.

In short? Or are they at a loss? So no matter how many gifts are given? It's all they deserve.

It's just that he didn't expect that the Lin family actually gave them a gift in return, and there are also a few incense recipes? Although he hasn't made this incense recipe yet? It is obviously more magical than their flower fragrance.

So they said it was an apologize this time, but they returned a better gift.

And now he also wants to know, what exactly does that person think? What did he say? To them Huajia.

"Old lady?" The person who brought the talker also bent down quickly? Zizai didn't dare to hide it? He also told the old lady Hua exactly what Shen Qingci said.

"The Lin family said that they are just to make some silver, and their own incense is extremely difficult to make, so the quantity is extremely scarce and will only be sold in Linjiang City."

"This is the well water, not the river water."

Mrs. Hua sighed.

It seems that he has made a good relationship with the Lin family? Did it right.

If it is true that the water in the well does not interfere with the river water? That is also good.

And he remembered? This so-called Lin Jiaxiang is indeed hard to find, and the price is also very high. The spices of their Huajia family? It is not impossible to sell them. They can only say that they have their own strengths. As long as they sell, they are. Someone buys it.

"Father, I still..."

The boss of the Hua family, a rare sensible person, made another move.


Mrs. Hua cursed and smashed a cup directly, "First, take care of the things in your house. Then, if you don't clean a house, how can you sweep the world?"

A bunch of women quarrel every day, most of the night can be heard, a bunch of women's calls, crying, and cursing.

How could their Hua family give birth to such a stupid person? Fortunately, he, the old immortal, is still fine, otherwise, the Hua family still doesn't know if it will be defeated by the boss this stupid pig.

The lesson from the last time has not been enough, is it necessary to do it again?

An idiot is an idiot. .

The boss of the Hua family was smashed in the head by the cup.

The Hua's second child curled his lips.

At this time, Aniang gave birth to the boss, she must have given the boss less brains, so this is how the boss was born.

He lowered his head and looked at the fragrant recipes on the table. He really wanted to know who was the sacred daughter of the Lin family, and that all these things could be taken out?

This is something that can be given to a small family as the bottom of the box.

That's why they are said to be poorly informed, and of course it is also a barrenness in the world of great cool spices.

Of course, he didn’t even know that the existence at the bottom of the press box he was talking about was nothing but the incense of a declining third-rate family, and this third-rate family had already been photographed to death. It is something no one wants.

When the Lin family lady was squatting in the sandy ground, she was digging those pits and planting sweet potatoes with her hands that are good at perfumery.

At this time, her whole body was covered with soil, even her face, and how she looked like this was different from an ordinary peasant girl. No, she was originally a peasant girl.

There are ten high sandy land here, and now five acres have been planted, and many of these sweet potato seedlings were planted by Shen Qing 0ci alone.

She transplanted these small seedlings into the sand by herself, and it was not Weijiang and the others who were waving the **** in front of them.

Although they didn't use the knife to grab it, they picked up the **** this round, and it really wasn't bad at all.

time to eat.

Yuniang came over with food, followed by Xiaoping, and the two of them brought a bunch of big things.

Upon seeing this, Wei Jiang quickly wiped his hands, and ran over to take the basket in Yu Niang's hand.

"Auntie, you have worked hard, and you have brought us some food yourself."

"What's the hard work?" Yu Niang smiled, "but you are tired if you just cook some food."

"Children, come over for dinner."

Yu Niang waved her hand, also letting other people come over for dinner.

Wei Jiang placed the basket on the ground and opened it. When he saw the food inside, his eyes lit up, and he swallowed.


There are braised pork with white noodles and steamed buns. This is much better than the dry food they used to eat. It only takes a few days. He used to have a shriveled face and a lot of plump, and even his chin was rounded.

He picked up a fragrant and soft white flour steamed bun, a mouthful of steamed buns, a mouthful of meat, and a mouthful of oil.

What kind of fairy life is this? You can eat meat every day. By the way, he has taken a small gourd from his body and still has wine.

Shen Qingci put a small seedling in the sand pit and covered it with the soil on the side.

"Don't be so troublesome."

Yu Niang came over, picked up a small seedling directly, and pressed the seedling to the ground, she didn't even care about it.

"It's not a valuable thing, you can live by just planting it."

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