However, he feels that his sister will be more mindful in the future, which is also good, at least in the event of an accident, he can think about it in many ways, and it is also a province that was deceived.

And Qiu Fan, who implemented the double standard so thoroughly, did not feel that there was anything wrong.

And after Master Qin returned, he told A Duo Niang about the matter.

A Duo Niang suddenly felt a pain in her fingers, and she quickly grasped her clothes tightly, but she didn't show anything unusual.

"How can she make paper?"

Master Qin didn't know this, did he learn it by himself?

If you say it, you can think about it, it's just papermaking, but nothing else.

"She should have learned it from the book my mother left behind."

A Duoniang picked up the clothes again, and sewed them stitch by stitch.

"Watch out for your eyes."

The Master hurriedly pulled down those things, "I have said that you are not allowed to use needles and threads anymore. It's been a long time, how can I hurt my eyes?"

"It's okay."

A Duoniang smiled at him, "I am fine now. It is good to make some clothes. These fabrics are all you wear and have been washed several times. They are most suitable for children."

Seeing her insistence, Master Qin stopped persuading him. He did not only persuade him once or twice, but he did not persuade her every day.

She now knows why Shen Qingci's temper is so stubborn, it is clear that she has followed Aduoniang.

By the way, Master Qin was thinking, what did A Duoni just say?

"You said just now that A Duo learned papermaking skills from the books left by your mother?"

"pretty close."

Adonian put her hand on her bulging abdomen and gently stroked it.

"My father and mother were only hunters back then. They found some books in a cave. As you know, we are all illiterate, and those books have not been read. Later, I married Ato her. Dad, my mother gave me those books as my dowry? Those books have always been kept in the cabinet, and even A'duo’s father didn’t know it? I thought they were just some fabrics."

"At that time, although A'duo was naughty? He didn't like to read? The writing was not good, but her memory was very good. I happened to see her flipping through those books once? Didn't care too much? I remembered that I still had those books in my home, but I hadn't had time to tell Adu to Dad? As a result, Adu used the books to start the fire? At that time, the kitchen was almost burned."

And speaking of this? A Duo Niang couldn't help but smiled with her mouth covered? "Many people in the village thought that my house was flooded? A bunch of them ran to my house to put out the fire? Finally, they moved my house by a small number of slurs. The girl took it out."

"We haven't cried yet, she cried first."

Master Qin can also imagine the original scene, which is certainly dumbfounding, and it is also uncontrollable. He is also about to be a father? Now it is possible to understand some of Adu's helplessness and annoyance.

Do you fight this? Your own cub? Don't fight? How distressed is this burning book?

"I see..." Adonian picked up those needlework again and continued to do it? "At that time, she memorized the things in the book. Maybe she didn't remember it before, but she experienced it once. It really made her mind a little bit, so now she knows this."

When Master Qin heard what Aduoniang said, he felt a little clear.

"I know, you are afraid of taking things from the Lin family."

How could A Duoniang not know Master Qin's temperament.

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